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  • Can anyone identify what my problem is?

    I've been having these really terrible swings in my behavior. Neither parts of the swing are good.

    Part of the time, I feel overly ambitious, but my ambitions have nothing to do with what I should be doing. I eat a lot, and waste a lot of time doing stuff that gets me absolutely nowhere, and at the same time, somewhat depressed. The other part of the time, I feel lethargic and severely depressed. I get angry really easily, and I hardly eat. I sometimes like and sometimes hate school. A lot of the time, I just want to be homeschooled and work at my own pace, but then I'd miss my friends. But, then sometimes I don't like my friends. My friends find it kind of hard to deal with me. Sometimes I have so much energy it's unbelievable, and then sometimes I really don't want to talk to them. I love dance, I dance 6 days a week. It's school that gets me down. The school expects you to be 100% dedicated to the school. They don't realize some of us actually have lives, we want to have some fun or do something else besides sports! AHHH!

    4 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • I need help naming my character?

    She is tan, tall, pretty, quiet, and born on Christmas eve. She is 14-15 years old. Her siblings are Stella Jospehine, Audrey Charlotte, and Kellan Stone.

    Can you mix and match these names? Noelle, Grace, Jane, Ivy, Holly, Angel, Lucy (lucia or lucille) Eva.

    2 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Last name for my characters?

    I have to find a last name for my characters they are siblings.





    Last names: Sinclair, Heckler, Nyhan, LaCosta, O'Connor

    3 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Help me with my character's names?

    they are siblings

    Oldest girl: tan, light brown hair & eyes, tall, beautiful, insecure, shy, depressed, but is good at everything, but doesn't acknowledge that. Born in November. Names: Grace, Jane, Eva, Katherine, Julia.

    2nd girl: fair, blonde, blue eyed, tall & beautiful, polite, sincere, sensitive, funny, works really hard and is kind to everyone. Names: Mary, Taylor, Stella, Amy, Carrie, Beatrice.

    3rd girl: fair & freckled, brunette, green-eyed, short, cute, spunky, stubborn, ruthless, adventurous, over-the-top. Names: Erin, Audrey, Charlotte, Eloise, Josephine, Annamarie.

    Boy: fair, blonde, blue-eyed, normal-sized, adorable, intellectual, thoughtful, perfectionist, creative. Names: Cameron, Freddie, Kellan, David, Christian, Seth, Robbie.

    6 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • My characters names for kids that are 7-15?

    My main character is Harper Caroline Finney. She is tall for her age (11), skinny, blonde, brown eyed and sweet.

    Her older sister (a big part of the story) is Samantha Autumn Finney, she is looks like her sister, practical and funny (25)

    The characters I need names for are the kids who live next door.

    The oldest is 14 or 15 year old girl. She is tan, tall, skinny, brown-haired, brown-eyed, very beautiful. She is usually quiet serious, and is comforting.

    The second is a 11 or 12 year old girl. She is also tall, fair-skinned, super skinny, blonde, blue-eyed, and also beautiful. She is positive, sensitive, and Harper's best friend.

    The third is an 8 or 9 year old girl. She is short, fair-skinned, skinny, brunette, green-eyed, lots of freckles, super cute. She is spunky, stubborn, sensitive, and care-free.

    The fourth is a 7 0r 8 year old boy. He is normal size, fair-skinned, sandy blonde, blue-eyed, adorable. He is very much like his 2 eldest sisters, but super intellectual as well. He likes being a spy.

    Another character is a 12-13 year old girl. She is normal-sized, brunette, brown-eyed. She is really nice and smiling all the time.

    9 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Name for Harper's older sister?

    Which name is best for my character Harper's older sister? Harper is ten and her sister is 24-25.

    Samantha (Sam)





    4 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Names for my characters, what do you think?

    I'm deciding between- Olivia, Hailey, Charlotte, Mia and Eloise for the main character. She is spunky, goes against the tide, and charming. She is 10, never met her parents and was raised by her sister and grandma.

    For the older sister- Megan, Samantha, Molly, Candice, Emily. She is sophisticated, smart, but has a wacky side she brings out once in a while. She is 24.

    For the friend of the main girl- Jake, Steven, Kieran, Patrick, Elliot. He is short, freckle-faced, funny and clever, but very sweet.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Homecoming help for girls?

    It's my first homecoming dance. I don't have any older siblings who have been to homecoming and know what to do. My friend and I aren't really sure where to shop for dresses, shoes, etc. How much prep do we need to do. Can someone (a girl) suggest where to shop for dresses? We want something cute, it can be strapless, just not really tight and slutty. Thanks!

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • I dream about my crush. Is this weird?

    I've liked this boy for 9-10 months now, but every now and then I dream about him. Is that weird at all? I'm not like obsessed or anything.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • A problem with high schools?

    I recently started high school. I've been doing pretty well, but I just feel like I'm wasting my time in some of the classes. For instance, in Biology, you take 5 min of notes, the teacher assigns the homework, then has you work on it for the rest of the period. It's the same story in a couple other classes. I only have 4 years left at home, and I really want to go to college. But I also want to make the most of my minor years, since I will have to get a job, house, etc. when I move out. This is what I was thinking, what if I only took 3-4 periods of school each day, then did the rest at home? I am going way too fast for some of my teachers, I could probably ace math today if they gave me the final. What do you think? Should I do something? I want to enjoy myself rather than be stuck in a classroom with nothing to do. Don't tell me high school gets harder, please. It's only as hard as YOU make it. Plus, at my high school, they all think teens are annoying and all do drugs, and they expected so much before, now they don't expect anything at all. I like the half school half home idea. my cousin is a sophmore and she really enjoys it. My school is corrupt. The principal FORCES you to apply to USC! That's like a waste of hundreds of $$$! I don't want to go to a CA school, but they make you take CA test and classes and all that. What should I do???

  • Does this sound like an interesting story? 1940s odyssey!?

    My story is kind of like a kids version of Homer's Odyssey, except in the 1940's. A gang of young New York street urchins hop onto a ship after being chased for stealing food. The ship crashes, and the kids hop onto a lifeboat, but it's blown many different places, they have all sorts of adventures, but they want to get back to NYC, because it's familiar and they feel safer there. The characters are:

    Carrie-Age 13, very clever, stubborn, and a leader. She can see through liars. She is bow-legged, has interesting facial expressions and dimples. She wears her long brown hair in two long braids and is kind of a tomboy.

    Shannon-Age 13, a follower, not a leader, and is VERY smart. She offers Carrie guidance when her emotions get the best of her. She has blonde hair she puts in a ponytail and a newsboy hat that was her late brothers'.

    Fish-Age 12, quiet, and mysterious. He is Japanese. They call him Fish because he is a fantastic swimmer. He doesn't like to wear shoes at all. He is really skinny so he has suspenders.

    Penny-Age 10, smart-alec, stubborn, controlling. She is so much like Carrie that they kind of clash. She is a girly-girl, so street life is not the life for her.

    Beth and Chris- Carrie's 8year old twin siblings. Beth is the dominant one, Chris is quiet, but brave. Beth is known for her abundance of freckles and Chris has a Brooklyn Dodgers hat he never takes off.

    Eleanor "Ellie"-6 years old, with red hair in little pigtails. She tricks people because she is so cute and is a little spitfire, that's what everyone calls her.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • My eating habits are not so good?

    I'm almost 14, practically 5'4'' and 117 lbs. I am a dancer, and I have problems with my eating. Over the summer, I stopped eating as much as before. I felt guilty for not eating, but now that I'm eating more again, I feel really fat, and unhealthy. The food I eat isn't so healthy. I try to tell my mom that I want her to buy fruits and vegetables and good stuff, but she doesn't. I feel like I'm the only one in my family that's fat, because my mom is on some Nutrisystem crap and it makes me mad. I love my mom, but I feel like she's subconsciously trying to fatten me up. She always tells me don't be anorexic like your cousin, don't make yourself throw up, (because I do occasionally) I just want to be skinny, but still healthy. I have a lot of fat on my upper thighs and stomach. I feel like honey boo boo child. I am sometimes afraid to eat certain things. And I skip meals a lot. Advice? PS my cousin was/is anorexic. After that incident, not eating seemed scary, but tempting, too. She looked really skinny and I am still jealous. She got sooo much attention. I don't want to go overboard anorexic, but I want to cut down on food now.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • I'm sort of lonely and I want a little sister?

    I'm nearly 14, I have a brother who's 11. But I've always wanted a little sister so bad, to talk to and play with. I asked my mom a year or so ago, to adopt a kid from China, because I have a friend adopted from there and a lot of kids are orphaned there, but my mom said no and I started to cry because I was embarrassed and angry at myself. My brother and I have a good relationship, and I have friends, but I feel really lonely. I just wish I had a sister, from anywhere in the world. Am I being immature and irrational?

    5 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Can someone help me? I am having ADHD problems!?

    I am pretty sure I have ADHD. It's getting in the way of my schoolwork, and life in general. My mind seems like a jumbled mess. I've always been getting good grades, but since I was about twelve, everything just kind of fell apart. My grades (especially in Math and Science which used to be my best) have been just okay. I am angry at myself, and also somewhat depressed. I don't feel like I'm good enough for anyone, so I use humor to make myself feel better. Also, my mom tells me that I'm just using my inattentiveness to make up for my poor grades. I feel that if something's not done about this problem, it will get wildly out of control. Please help!



    1 AnswerMental Health9 years ago