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  • Could I be diabetic or hypoglycemic?

    I've just been feeling a little "off color" lately and was wondering if anything i'm feeling is a hint that I have diabetes or hypoglycemia :/

    Diabetes runs in my family...out of my 4 uncles, 2 of them have Type 1 diabetes

    I'm not overweight, but I have gained a few pounds out of nowhere

    I feel really thirsty all the time, like I can't get enough water

    If I don't eat something (like something with protein in it) over a longish period of time, I start to feel dizzy and nauseous

    I've had a few days where I feel exhausted, even though i've slept over 8 hours

    Just to sum things up, I don't eat a ton of sugary food or pop, and I haven't really changed my eating habits..other than drinking a ton of water.

    Am I just imagining things? Could I have diabetes? :/

    3 AnswersDiabetes9 years ago
  • Going on a police ride along, help?

    I'm currently a criminal justice student, and my professors this semester have been really encouraging us to go on ride-alongs with officers to get a feel for police work and see if it's really something we want to make a career out of.

    So I called up my local sheriff's department, and I now have a ride-along scheduled for this coming Saturday.

    My real question (or questions) is...should I wear anything in particular? Like, casual or more professional? Are there any questions that officers hate being asked? Are there any they love being asked?

    Any answers to those questions, and any more advice you have to offer would be great, especially from anybody who is/was an officer :) thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police10 years ago
  • Need help with a newer country song?

    I recently heard a song on the radio, and I really liked it, but I have no idea what it's called or who it's by. The song goes something like "where I come from, if a couple boys get in a fight nobody's gonna call the cops.." or something like that.

    I know it's not much to go on, but if anyone knows you would be my hero :) thanks!

    2 AnswersCountry10 years ago
  • Marine Gift Ideas? (Bonus if you're Catholic, but not necessary)?

    My boyfriend is a Marine and he'll be deploying next January, but he activates this September, and will be training around Camp Pendleton.

    I'd like to get him a nice birthday/deployment gift that he can take overseas with him, but I don't really know what.

    I'd like it to be useful, since I know they have limited space to pack things, but i'd also like it to be something that will remind him of home. I was thinking of a prayer book or something pertaining to the Catholic Church (we're both Catholic), but I can't find anything that really seems "right" if that makes sense.

    It doesn't necessarily have to be a religious gift, he's also into guns (but what Marine isn't? lol) and any suggestions would be really helpful! Thank you! Sorry if this was long and seemed like a ramble!

    4 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • Is this a good way to become a CSI agent?

    I just finished my freshmen year in college, and I really want to become a CSI investigator. My major is going to be in Biology (with an emphasis on forensics), with a minor in criminal justice.

    I've also been told that I need to start out as a police officer and sort-of "work my way up" the ranks, so after I get my bachelors in biology, I plan on going into a police academy.

    Is this a good plan to become a CSI? Or should I change something?

    (please, no stupid answers, thank you).

    6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Appropriate dress for USMC Birthday Ball?

    Hey all, i'll be attending a USMC birthday ball with my boyfriend this Saturday, and I just wanted to ask if a "brighter" dress color is appropriate?

    The link below has the rough color of the dress (no it's not my dress, just the color) it alright? From what i've heard a lot of women wear more dark-toned dresses, but I unfortunately don't have the time or money to invest in a new dress. :(

    thank you!

    2 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Is it painful to get your upper ear cartilage pierced?

    Hey all, I know i'm probably the 80 millionth person to ask the question, but i'm getting my upper ear pierced next Thursday (with a needle! I've heard all the bad things about a gun so i'm not even considering getting it done with a gun!) and all I really want to know it painful? and if long will it hurt/be sore? and is there anything I can do for pain? Like, will ibuprofen or any other pain medication help at all?

    When I had my earlobes done I thought it was nothing, just a little burning afterwards and then I was cartilage worse than burning?

    thank you in advance!

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Strange knee pain, can anyone help?

    Ok, so back at the start of April I sprained my ankle during track practice (I lost my footing after landing a hurdle and my ankle rolled over case that helps) so I was put on crutches and had my ankle wrapped in an Ace Bandage.

    Well the first night I slept with my sprain, I had my knee lying straight (not bent in any way) and the next day I was in massive pain so bad that I couldn't bend it if I wanted to.

    I went to the trainer's for physical therapy every day so she told me some tips on sleeping better, and it didn't hurt after that.

    So about 3 weeks later I was walking on my ankle (which is good, it healed properly!) and soon after I started the recovery towards running again.

    Things were going great until my knee "popped" (I guess, for lack of a better term) and I was on the ground in pain. The trainer diagnosed it later as too much stress on my IT Band from the crutches and such, and so she had me relaxing it with heat and stretching before I ran.

    When school got out things were going good, no more knee pain, but just yesterday it popped again while I was running around with some friends, and I wanted to cry from so much pain.

    I apologize for the long background story, but i'm wondering if anybody on here could possibly tell me why this is reoccurring (like...did sleeping weird on it the first night screw it up)? Or what I could do to get rid of it? Like....should I see a doctor and get x-rays or anything?

    Thanks! Once again, sorry for this being insanely long!!

    3 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Need advice on going into Forensics?

    I'm going to be a senior in high school this year, and i've pretty much figured out what I want to build a career in...forensic science, but i'm just not sure what specific branch i'm interested in.

    I was just wondering if anybody here is a forensic scientist or knows about forensics, and if so, if you could give me some insight on what to expect or some information on different specialties? thank you!!

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • I feel ridiculous because I can't get rid of this

    Lately i've been feeling like i'm never going to find "the one," even though i'm only 16.

    The reason i'm feeling like this is because last Friday my boyfriend of two years suddenly decided that he didn't feel the same way I did about him, so we split. Well now on Wednesday he admitted that he already has a crush on some girl he met at a party...and it's just been making me feel like maybe i'll end up single for the rest of my life.

    All of my close friends (and family of course) have told me that I did nothing wrong in this past relationship, and that it's his fault he was too stupid to see what he had, but I still can't get over the this pathetic feeling that i'm never going to find somebody!

    I guess what i'm asking is how to get rid of this feeling? I know that i'll meet plenty of other guys and all that stuff...but I need this feeling to go away. Any advice would be appreciated! I apologize for the length!

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does anybody know any good songs for this situation?

    My boyfriend of 2 years just broke up with me, and I was wondering if anybody knew any good songs that deal with breakups? I like any music, and if it's a sappy song I don't really care. thanks

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Protestants, can I have your insight?

    Ok....I know this is going to sound crewd...but here goes:

    If you all know darn well that Martin Luther created your branch of Christianity, and The Catholic Church is the one true church....then why do you hate Catholics and say that they're not christian??

    Sorry for being rude...i'm just Catholic and I want to know why there's so much hate between Catholics and all other denominations.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Girls only please!! I'm having a "chest" problem?

    Any help would be appreciated!

    I'm a bit freaked out because for the past 2 days my breasts have been painfully sore on the sides to the point that wearing a bra today hurt like He*l, and I can't figure out what's going on.

    I'm 16 years old, a virgin, and my period's not due for another 2 weeks (if that helps). Is it just normal growth pains? Or could it be something else?

    Sorry if i'm freaking out for no reason.

    6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Should I have to make the first move?

    **Note** I apologize for the length and lack of detail....i'm trying to make this as simple as possible!

    Well.....I have this "friend" lets call her...who recently tried to help me convince my best friend that he "sold his soul to the devil" for liking someone besides her..

    (don't ask where she came up with this conclusion....she's been obsessed with this guy for a year now..and she's been sneaking around her parents to try to get with him...even though he doesn't like her at all).

    All I said was that if he likes another girl, there's nothing wrong with that and he should be which she replied "thanks for your help!" and stalked off.

    Well...two weeks later (now) I find out that she's been exaggerating the story to make me sound like the bad guy, and she wants me to apologize for "being mean to her." Most of my other friends gave her the same answer when she told them about this guy..and she didn't get angry at them!

    I don't see why she wants me to make the first move when i've done nothing wrong but spoil her fake view of reality.

    So..what i'm asking is simple: Do I swallow my pride and apologize and try to make amends...or do I continue to let this crap go on?

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Any good ideas for senior quotes?

    I'd like to use something original..that maybe adds humor to life. Either that or some really good (like deep) song lyrics. What did you use for a senior quote? Any quotes would be helpful! thanks!!

    12 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade ago
  • Girls, what's the best way to get over a guy?

    I have a really bad feeling that my boyfriend of two years is going to breakup with me soon...but he still wants to be "best friends" because he says i'm his only real friend at the time.

    How is that possible if you're still in love with the guy? I mean, what i'm asking is how do you let go and make things eaiser if you know the end's comming?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Any ideas why i'm getting frequent headaches?

    Well i've been getting major sinus headaches for the past 2 weeks in a row. i think it's because i'm stressed about the last week of school, (i'm only getting maybe 6 hours of sleep a night) but lack of sleep's never bothered me before (I used to have insomnia). I've also had a weird pain in the right side of my jaw lately. Is that (or the headaches) anything to worry about? What's your opinion?

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • My best friend's had a crush on me for 3 years, help?

    Ok, so I have this guy who's been my best friend since the start of high school. Well he had a crush on me at one point (as did I) but we were both dating people at the time so nothing ever happened. Well i thought he got over his crush on me (I did) but apparently not. Last week it finally slipped that he's still liked me since then. He knows I don't like him like that anymore, and I have an incredible boyfriend now, but he says that if I ever do like him, he'll be there.

    The only problem now that things are out in the open is that it's turning into an awkward relationship. We used to chat almost every day and hang out just to keep in touch...but I haven't heard much from him in 4 days now. That, and the last time we talked he flat out told me that he doesn't see my boyfriend having a bright future!

    I really want to stay friends with this guy, because he's helped me through so much...but I don't know what to do if it's going to be irritable and awkward when we talk. Any advice or help please?

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend smokes and drinks...what do I do?

    Ok, here's my situation: My boyfriend and I have been together for almost two years now...he's the love of my life, and he's a really cool guy to just be around.

    Well recently (within the past 3 months) he told me that he did pot on the weekends at his buddies house (basically a whole group got together to hang and get high). When I found out, I told him I wasn't happy with it..but it was his life, not mine. Well month ago he tells me he quit smoking pot because he's enlisting into the Navy soon. Good right? That's what I thought......until last week it "slipped" that he still occasionally smokes cigars and drinks "a little bit." He thought he told me way back that he still did this, but he never did.

    It's come to a point where I don't want to deal with all the stuff he and his buddies do, but I don't want to break up with him either. He doesn't see any harm in doing it, but I hate it, and I don't want to tell him because I know he won't quit anytime soon. What do I do?? I can't stand going either way!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago