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  • Songs like "La vuelta al Mundo" !?

    i really like this song, the meaning behind it and the beat !

    the beat is just cute =)

    i want similar spanish songs please =) ..

    1 AnswerLyrics9 years ago
  • recommend me books please?

    im 19 and just started reading books and i don't know what to start with, i'm currently reading "Aleph" by paulo coelho, i love the book! im looking for something similar..

    about life, forgiveness, something what would inspire me !

    im not into Sci-fiction! so please do not recommend me twilight or anything like that!

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • What does this quote mean ?

    "I might hate you more, but I'll never love you less" - from War Horse

    2 AnswersQuotations9 years ago
  • can you stop loving someone?

    can you force yourself to stop loving someone? like if you were in a relationship can you just leave and force yourself to stop loving or caring about the other person? even if they haven't done anything? like they didn't cheat on you or lie or anything like that..

    does the love really go away?

    is it possible to forget that person? or you just can't force yourself to love someone

    my boyfriend left me and said he loves me but i know he's lying and he just wants to force himself on that. even though he knows i love him so much..

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • is he ever coming back?

    2 weeks ago me and my boyfriend of 3 years broke up, we've been on and off for the past 3 years he was always the one leaving and his excuse was that i'm too dramatic and needy but he likes everything else about me, when he used to leave he would never answer any of my texts or calls he just ignores me and just when i stop texting a week later he comes back and tells me he misses me and ofcourse i take him back everytime, now this time its different he said its over for real and that i should move on but i really dont want to i guess i was just too available for him and he got bored i really miss him and im not sure if he's ever coming back to me, he says he's not..n im really hurting now because i've been really nice to him and stuck around through all of his BS, i just want him to come back and i don't know what i should do? i know its mostly my fault i've been so needy n caused him lots of drama because he doesn't make time for me and all that. i really miss him n don't know what to do to make him talk to me again, I'm his first love btw n we're both 20. He blocked me on twitter and deleted me off of BBM and won't answer my texts or phone calls.. i know i really sound desperate but i just love him n im hurting so much.. i remember after we broke up i called once and he answered n said it was over i asked him if he was happy and he said that he was but i don't really believe this because he say's that every time he leaves, he's not one of those people who show their feelings he usually hides them ..

    would he come back if i ignore him? and can a person forget his first love?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • im hurt i want him back?

    i broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years and a half last week and im still hurt and trying to figure out what i should do to get him back! we were friends first really close friends then we became a couple and now he say's he just wants to be friends with me.. we're been on and off for the past 2 years n half (it was always him who left, i never broke up with him) .. he always left because he said i was needy and that i was smothering him .. so we don't contact each other for a week or 2 then he comes back n tells me he misses me and i always took him back .. sometimes when he used to tell me he doesn't want me anymore i start crying n beg him not to leave but he leaves anyway and comes back later n tells me it was a mistake and he loves me and all that crap .. now last week he told me that our relationship should've been over a long time ago and that there's nothing that we can do to fix it, i'm pissed because we were fine and i really wanna try and make this work and its really bothering me that he doesn't even want to try .. i really love him and was willing to do almost anything to be with him.. he say's that he needs me in his life and that i'm the only person he trusts which i know for sure is true because he doesn't usually open up to anyone, i felt really hurt when he said that.. because he needs me just not as his GF and it hurts so much because he knows im always available for him like im always there when he calls or texts.. i dont take a long time to answer and i never ignore him i was just too available for him i guess that was the problem .. i really want him back.. he's acting like everything is okay n that hes happy and i honestly can't tell now if thats really how he feels the only thing im sure of is that i want him back..

    should i like stay friends with him n see what happens ? or should i just tell him we can't be friends n see if he misses me .. i really want him back .. n please don't tell me to move on i don't think i'm ready for that yet, i just need to know what should i do to get him back ..

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Christians only! a Question about Jesus?

    i was wondering since you think Jesus is the son of you think god has a mother and a father ?

    if god has a son called Jesus then he must also have a father and a mother, a grandfather and a grandmother .. do you ever think of that ?

    what makes you so sure that Jesus is the son of GOD and not just a prophet .. we all know that jesus used to pray, eat, do everything like every normal human being, if he really was the son of god wouldn't he different ?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Bible in Turkey - Mohammed peace be upon him?

    so you guys have probably heard about the Bible that was found in turkey recently which is like 1500 years old and that it is said in the book that there is going to be a prophet called Mohammed (peace be upon him) ..

    what do you guys think about that ? would this change your mind about islam and that the other prophets knew about it ..

    im talking about the real islam not the islam Shi'aa or Rawafid are following ! coz its not the real islam :) ..

    please dont write useless comments .. every bad thing you say is a sin :) not only in islam ! in all religions ..

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • opening an accessories boutique!?

    okay so im thinking of opening a small accessories boutique ..

    like nail polish, necklaces n all these girly stuff !

    n i wanted to know how i can contact a company and ask to sell their product at my boutique .. like O.P.I nail polish .. what should be done ?!

    1 AnswerOther - Local Businesses9 years ago
  • broccoli & cheese soup !?

    what can i serve with broccoli and cheese soup ? and please don't say grilled ham and cheese sandwich coz i'm muslim i don't eat ham ..

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • Grilled tomato benefits !?

    does the tomato lose its nutrients if its grilled ? or cooked on a pan?

    i like to eat it that way then when its done i add a little bit of olive oil and olives !

    thats the only way i would eat a tomato ..

    i was wondering if it loses its nutrients because its rich in vitamin A, B .. Minerals and fiber !

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • Macbook Pro Wont connect to wireless !?

    my macbook pro wont connect to the wireless !!

    it just happened when i was surfing the web, it disconnected and i can't connect again .. !

    i restarted + formated my router and it is still not working !!

    what should i do !!!?

    i can see the wireless network but i can't connect to it ! i get an error message that say's it failed to connect !!

    2 AnswersComputer Networking9 years ago
  • what is the name of this art?

    im interested in this kind of art .. i just dont know what it is called ..

    its the same kind of art they use in movies to make scars, burns and all these things ..

    what is it called?!

    1 AnswerOther - Arts & Humanities9 years ago
  • sweet almond oil or coconut oil for hair ?!?

    i've been using Parachute coconut oil on my hair every other day for a week now .. i used it 3 times till now .. i put it at night and leave it till the next morning ..i noticed when i wash my hair its conditioned and really soft .. and i was wondering does this help make my hair grow? by grow i mean healthy hair that wont fall, because we all know if we grow hair and its not strong enough it falls?

    should i continue doing this and adding a few drops of sweet almond oil to my leave in conditioner ? or should i use almond oil on my hair and leave it and when i wash my hair i add drops of coconut oil to my leave in conditioner .. ? which one helps the hair more .. ?

    2 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • Muslims and Christians please? help?

    so i have a project that i have to do for my Islamic thought course in uni. !

    i should compare islam with another religion, so i chose christianity ..

    while doing my research i found lots of things common in BOTH religions

    for example:

    both religions ask women to cover up !

    both religions ask us not to have sex before marriage!

    both religions ask us to feed the hungry and help the less unfortunate!

    both religions ask us not to murder someone, commit adultery, steal or give false testimony against our neighbors.

    Both religions have the same story's in their holy books (bible and Quran) the details are a bit different.

    now lets see the differences

    Christians say Jesus is the son of God while Muslims think of him as a highly respected prophet.

    Christians believe that they are going to heaven no matter what they do and that god is going to forgive all their sins without punishment ( please correct me if i am wrong, i am not sure about this piece of information but i know all christians believe they are going to heaven, not sure about the punishment part.)

    Muslims believe they are going to heaven BUT before that they are going to be punished for all the sins they have committed !

    -so my question here is why do Muslims and Christians fight so much when their religions have so many similar things ! shouldn't that make us get along better?

    - why are muslim women said to be like "ninjas" because they are covered up while both religions ask us to cover up? i mean its like you're making fun of your own religion.

    - why is a sin called a sin if you are not going to be punished for it ? i mean i can be a christian and do anything i want and still go to heaven without a punishment ?

    - why do muslims memorize so many scripts from the Quran and Most christians don't know whats written in the Bible ?

    - why do muslims pray 5 times a day and christians only go to church when they need help?

    - why are there so many Christians making fun of muslims and islam BUT there is no Muslims that are making fun of Christianity ?!

    Muslims are not saints, Christians aren't either !

    we're just human beings ! we all have mistakes and we all have sins ..

    what would it take for muslims and christians to get along ?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide for acne !?

    i went to a dermatologist and he gave me Clindamycin (solution) and Benzoyl Peroxide gel 2.5% ..

    i was just wondering when will i start seeing results ? now i only have maybe 3 pimples and the rest are just scars ..

    has anyone tried this ? and did it work ..?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • which face products are better ?

    okay, so my greatest concern now is my face, i dont know why im breaking out .. im turning 19 on january and i never used to breakout ! i have moderate acne :) i guess? its not too much .. but its really effecting my self-esteem ..

    anyway i just wanted to know which products are the best to treat my acne !!

    i have an oily T-zone ..

    i currently use neutrogena daily scrub from their visibly clear collection, i scrub my face twice a week with St.ives or Scrub your nose in it by Soap and Glory , then i use Neutrogena Visibly clear Triple action lotion which is like a toner, and i use a moisturizer Vatika Dermoviva skin serum .. or sebamed moisturizer ..

    is this good regimen ?! i do this in the morning and at night ..

    are these good products ?! plz help me ..

    should i be using products with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide ?! which is more effective :)

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • Argan Oil for Hair !!?

    so i've heard great reviews about Argan oil for hair .. and i was looking for it on Amazon and found lots n lots of different brands ! i know about MoroccanOil which every1 say's smells really good !

    i had their shampoo and conditioner and i really loved them ! but they're really expensive so i thought i would just look for another brand .. a less expensive one that does the same job !

    i never tried Argan oil though !!!!

    which brand of Argan oil do you guys recommend :

    1.MoroccanOil hair treatment

    2.Agadir Argan Oil treatment

    3. One'n Only Argan Oil Leave-In Treatment

    4. Slice of Nature Virgin Argan Oil

    i heard if you use argan oil on your scalp that it would make hair grow in the places where you dont have hair .. like if you're bald and start massaging the oil on your scalp hair would actually start growing ..

    please help me choose the right products ! i really want to grow thick long, shiny hair !

    3 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • Visibly clear - Neutrogina?

    has anyone tried the visibly clear triple action lotion by neutrogina ?

    when do i use it, before or after i wash my face ? i tried it today when i got it, i had makeup in the morning and i made sure i cleaned my face really well with the makeup remover and i washed my face then i used the neutrogina lotion and i saw a little bit of dirt on the cotton pad .. ! and my sis got out of the shower and used it and her cotton pad had a little bit of dirt to !

    can someone please tell me whats the proper way to use it ?

    im going to tell you my routine

    i wash my face in the morning

    use a toner and apply a moisturizer

    i scrub my face 2 or 3 times a week ..

    where should i add this to my routine ? before i wash my face or after ..? and do i use a toner after it or it is also used as a toner?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • best green tea brand ! 10 points?

    which green tea brand is the best from these 5 .. and please dont say twinings or lipton ! i want to know about the brands i mentioned here only ...


    2.Tazo Green tea

    3.Harney & Sons

    4.Maeda-en Tea


    3 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks10 years ago