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what's going on? please answer?
I've developed a group of little red itchy/stinging bumps next to my arm pit. They aren't in my arm pit, they're just next to it. It's just a group of about 17 of them (not all of them are fully sticking out of my skin) in a 1 inch circumference.
Does anyone have any idea? Kind of worrying me because I've had them for a week and they aren't going away.
1 AnswerOther - Diseases8 years agoGroup of red itchy/stinging bumps?
I've developed a group of little red itchy/stinging bumps next to my arm pit. They aren't in my arm pit, they're just next to it. It's just a group of about 17 of them (not all of them are fully sticking out of my skin) in a 1 inch circumference.
Does anyone have any idea? Kind of worrying me because I've had them for a week and they aren't going away.
1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years agoGetting a coolonscopy tomorrow morning. worried and need advice?
Let me start off by saying I am 20 years old. I don't notice blood in my poop visually, but after a while, bottom of the touilet bowl becomes a rusty/red color. Bowel movements look weird and I'm barely hungry. Plus I'm tired all day.
I'm getting my colonscopy tomorrow morning and I'm very worried. I am prepping today (it really sucks..) and I get it at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow. I'm worried about the outcome. What if they screw up scoping me? I'm just worried about the littlest things. I really don't want to get it done but I have to. Please, I need some advice cause I'm really worried about them putting the scope in me
3 AnswersCancer8 years agoquestion about abdominal mri?
does an abdominal mri just take pictures of the surrounding organs or does it also involve take pictures of the intestines? Like could they see a bowel obstruction in the picture or a tumor growing?
Sorry for a asking here, no one answers anywhere else
2 AnswersCancer8 years agoDoes abdominal MRI check for tumors in the intestines or blockages. Could someone please answer for once.?
Does abdominal MRi check for tumors in the intestines or blockages? please answer very worried?
I've been noticing black spots in my poop and a lot of them are narrower than usual and my eyes have felt heavy. I had an abdominal MRI done back in June and they said it came back normal. I asked for the results a few weeks ago just out of curiosity, and to my surprise, I didn't see anything about intestines on it at all. Just liver, spleen, pancreas, etc. My main concern for getting one was to see if I had anything in my intestines too.. which really irks me. Did it check for blockages in my intestines/ colon?
3 AnswersCancer8 years agodoes abdominal MRi check for tumors in the intestines or blockages? please answer very worried?
I've been noticing black spots in my poop and a lot of them are narrower than usual and my eyes have felt heavy. I had an abdominal MRI done back in june and they said it came back normal. I asked for the results a few weeks ago just out of curiosity, and to my suprise, I didn't see anything about intestines on it at all. Just liver, spleen, pancreas, etc. My main concern for getting one was to see if I had anything in my intestines too.. which really irks me. Did it check for blockages in my intestines/ colon?
1 AnswerCancer8 years agochances the black specs are blood and i have a tumor? please respond?
I've been noticing little specs of black in my stool daily. I have been dealing with a lot of bowel/appetite issues, but little to no pain. I decided to actually take a spec out and it crumbled. I've read that blood can dry up and I'm wondering if this is the case? I had an abdominal MRI done back in june and to my suprise it came back normal. I recently asked for my results because I wanted a second opinion, and I received a disc which I gave to another doctor and received a paper with everything checked. I saw liver, pancreas, kidneys, etc, but I didn't see anything about intestines on it which was my main concern? Does it check colon/small intestines for tumors? I'm worried about that now.
1 AnswerCancer9 years agochances it's a tumor causing this or blood in my stool?
I've been noticing little specs of black in my stool daily. I have been dealing with a lot of bowel/appetite issues, but little to no pain. I decided to actually take a spec out and it crumbled. I've read that blood can dry up and I'm wondering if this is the case? I had an abdominal MRI done back in june and to my suprise it came back normal. I recently asked for my results because I wanted a second opinion, and I received a disc which I gave to another doctor and received a paper with everything checked. I saw liver, pancreas, kidneys, etc, but I didn't see anything about intestines on it which was my main concern? Does it check colon/small intestines for tumors? I'm worried about that now.
1 AnswerOther - Diseases9 years agochances it's blood in my stool.. tumor causing it?
I've been noticing little specs of black in my stool daily. I have been dealing with a lot of bowel/appetite issues, but little to no pain. I decided to actually take a spec out and it crumbled. I've read that blood can dry up and I'm wondering if this is the case? I had an abdominal MRI done back in june and to my suprise it came back normal. I recently asked for my results because I wanted a second opinion, and I received a disc which I gave to another doctor and received a paper with everything checked. I saw liver, pancreas, kidneys, etc, but I didn't see anything about intestines on it which was my main concern? Does it check colon/small intestines for tumors? I'm worried about that now.
1 AnswerOther - Diseases9 years agoChances it's blood in my stool?
I've been noticing little specs of black in my stool daily. I have been dealing with a lot of bowel/appetite issues, but little to no pain. I decided to actually take a spec out and it crumbled. I've read that blood can dry up and I'm wondering if this is the case? I had an abdominal MRI done back in june and to my suprise it came back normal. I recently asked for my results because I wanted a second opinion, and I received a disc which I gave to another doctor and received a paper with everything checked. I saw liver, pancreas, kidneys, etc, but I didn't see anything about intestines on it which was my main concern? Does it check colon/small intestines for tumors? I'm worried about that now.
1 AnswerCancer9 years agoWhat's wrong with me really scared?
I been dealing with lack of appetite, intestinal gurgling, weird bowel movements and lots of gas for almost 9 months now. I got Abdominal x-ray done (does that check intestines too?) Upper Gi series (Small Bowel and stomach) done and came back negative. This was 5-6 months ago, though. I've been having black specs in my poop for about a month now. Every day I see them along with other undigested food. I'm taking mirilax right now, too. Just started taking it 2 weeks ago. Could these black specs be blood? I'm extremely worried. Nothing I am eating is black.
I have not lost any weight. Just in case that's a big deal? But I feel tired-ish.. well sort of. My eyes just feel off but I know I'm not anemic.
2 AnswersCancer9 years agochances of cancer? Anemia?
OK, so I've been batting with intestinal and digestive issues for a while now. No noticeable blood in stool, but I'm never really that hungry and I get really bad gas and gas pains sometimes. I feel like a long tube-like thing in my left side abdomen but I'm assuming that's my sigmond colon filled with stools. Since it shrinks sometimes and when I press it sometimes I can feel gas start to move. Stools come out in an odd texture.
As of recently, I've started feeling really tired no matter how much sleep I get. My eyes just feel heavy/tired and I feel a little bit of pressure around the front portion of my head. I am wondering if there's the possibility I am anemic since there's no other explanation for me feeling tired all the time. I have two pictures, if anyone is good with detecting anemia through the eye-lid test.
1 AnswerCancer9 years agowhat's wrong with me worried. respond please.?
OK, so I've been batting with intestinal and digestive issues for a while now. No noticeable blood in stool, but I'm never really that hungry and I get really bad gas and gas pains sometimes. I feel like a long tube-like thing in my left side abdomen but I'm assuming that's my sigmond colon filled with stools. Since it shrinks sometimes and when I press it sometimes I can feel gas start to move. Stools come out in an odd texture.
As of recently, I've started feeling really tired no matter how much sleep I get. My eyes just feel heavy/tired and I feel a little bit of pressure around the front portion of my head. I am wondering if there's the possibility I am anemic since there's no other explanation for me feeling tired all the time. I have two pictures, if anyone is good with detecting anemia through the eye-lid test.
1 AnswerAllergies9 years agowhat is causing me to be so tired?! so worried?
OK, so I've been batting with intestinal and digestive issues for a while now. No noticeable blood in stool, but I'm never really that hungry and I get really bad gas and gas pains sometimes. I feel like a long tube-like thing in my left side abdomen but I'm assuming that's my sigmond colon filled with stools. Since it shrinks sometimes and when I press it sometimes I can feel gas start to move. Stools come out in an odd texture.
As of recently, I've started feeling really tired no matter how much sleep I get. My eyes just feel heavy/tired and I feel a little bit of pressure around the front portion of my head. I am wondering if there's the possibility I am anemic since there's no other explanation for me feeling tired all the time. I have two pictures, if anyone is good with detecting anemia through the eye-lid test.
1 AnswerOther - General Health Care9 years agowhy am i always so i anemic from something bad?
OK, so I've been batting with intestinal and digestive issues for a while now. No noticeable blood in stool, but I'm never really that hungry and I get really bad gas and gas pains sometimes. I feel like a long tube-like thing in my left side abdomen but I'm assuming that's my sigmond colon filled with stools. Since it shrinks sometimes and when I press it sometimes I can feel gas start to move. Stools come out in an odd texture.
As of recently, I've started feeling really tired no matter how much sleep I get. My eyes just feel heavy/tired and I feel a little bit of pressure around the front portion of my head. I am wondering if there's the possibility I am anemic since there's no other explanation for me feeling tired all the time. I have two pictures, if anyone is good with detecting anemia through the eye-lid test.
1 AnswerCancer9 years agoWhat do I have I'm really starting to worry?
Let me just start by saying this has been going on for 7 months. I've had such a lack of appetite almost constantly. Nothing appeals to me and I feel 'weird and weak' but When I take a bite of something it taste good? Lot's of belching. Hard to explain. I've been dealing with constant intestinal gurgling. It's accompnied by really bad pains sometimes, I'm guessing from gas. I've also seen like a spot or two of red in my poop, which I'm assuming is blood. My poops always smell fowl and give off a yellowish pigment in the bottom of the toilet bowl. I fear the worst, As I've tried a month without dairy and wheat and nothing changed. Sometimes it gets really bad after I eat. I can feel my intestines expand with tons of gas and it stings like crazy to suck in. My blood test and Upper GI barium x-ray (Both 7 months ago) came back normal. I'm fearing the worst now, such as colon cancer,as I can't seem to find anything similar.
4 AnswersCancer9 years agono appeite and more. please help.?
I've had no appetite for 6 months.I am not losing weight which is a good thing I guess. My stomach/intestines constantly gurgles/bubbles and I have bad gas sometimes. It really flares up after I eat; no pain, just lots and lots of noises. I've had CBC, abdominal mri done and other test and all came back negative. I've tried going off wheat/gluten and diary for 2 weeks and nothing has changed. Also, I'm on probiotics for a week now and still no changes. I'm getting hopeless and I'm extremely scared :(. I'm only 20 and I exercise daily.
3 AnswersCancer9 years agoleading causes of no appetite?
I've had no appetite for 6 months.I am not losing weight which is a good thing I guess. My stomach/intestines constantly gurgles/bubbles and I have bad gas sometimes. It really flares up after I eat; no pain, just lots and lots of noises. I've had CBC, abdominal mri done and other test and all came back negative. I've tried going off wheat/gluten and diary for 2 weeks and nothing has changed. Also, I'm on probiotics for a week now and still no changes. I'm getting hopeless and I'm extremely scared :(. I'm only 20 and I exercise daily.
1 AnswerOther - Diseases9 years agowhat do i have please answer?
Well for months now I've constantly had no appetite. I'm not losing weight, but that's because I force myself to eat. MY intestine are CONSTANTLY gurgling after I eat and my poop is always loose. I think it could possibly be wheat, but I read all these sytomps and I don't have them all. All I have is no appetite, constant gurgling, lot's of gas, and a little bit off bloatedness without the pain. I just want to find out. I can't keep dealing with this. I see so many more sytomps of something as a food intolerance, like vommitting and pain, etc. What they heck could it possibly be? I've had CBC, upper Gi x-ray, Abdominal MRI done, gluten blood test and all came back negative. HELP
1 AnswerCancer9 years agoThink I might have food allergy but not sure.?
Well for months now I've constantly had no appetite. I'm not losing weight, but that's because I force myself to eat. MY intestine are CONSTANTLY gurgling after I eat and my poop is always loose. I think it could possibly be wheat, but I read all these sytomps and I don't have them all. All I have is no appetite, constant gurgling, lot's of gas, and a little bit off bloatedness without the pain. I just want to find out. I can't keep dealing with this. I see so many more sytomps of something as a food intolerance, like vommitting and pain, etc. What they heck could it possibly be? I've had CBC, upper Gi x-ray, Abdominal MRI done, gluten blood test and all came back negative. HELP
1 AnswerAllergies9 years ago