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Can I utilize a FlexElect account if I don't claim my son as a dependant on my taxed?
My ex and I alternate years that we claim our son on our taxes. In years when she claims him can I still utilize a Flexible spending account for child care expenses when I don't claim him to take advantage of tax benefits?
2 AnswersUnited States6 years agoWhat are the odds of four players playing poker all being dealt Royal Flushes in the same hand?
I was playing a little video game poker today and this question popped into my head. There are only 4 possible royal flushes in a deck. So if 4 players are playing a normal game of poker (no wilds), what are the odds that four people can be dealt a Royal flush in the same hand?
2 AnswersCard Games9 years agoHow can a player....? a 7 time All Pro Selection and a 7 Time Pro Bowl Selection (when it actually counted for something) and not be in the Pro Football Hall of Fame? Steve Tasker revolutionized the Special Teams position. Numerous times he swung the game for the Bills with his Special Teams play in the late 80's and early 90's. If Special Teams is truely 1/3 of the game then he was the positions best player ever.
2 AnswersFootball (American)9 years agoWhat percenter are you?
So the Occupy protests have really died down recently, but it was funny to see how many people have no clue where their income places them in percentage of earners. So my question is do you think you are a 1%er, a 5%er, a 25%er, etc? If you could post what you make, you might be shocked at what you perceive you make and what you actually make.
My wife and I are in the 25% until she graduates college. At that point we'll be in the 10-15% range when she gets a job.
4 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years agoHave fans always been allowed to keep a foul ball?
It is certain that during a MLB game a several balls will be hit into the stands and a group of fans will all try and grab it. My question is, have the fans always been allowed to keep a ball hit into the stands whether it be a Home Run or foul ball? At anytime where they required to throw it back so that the game could continue due to the limited number of balls on hand?
3 AnswersBaseball9 years agoWhat percentage of D-I college basketball players win their final game?
With all the tournaments during March Madness, what percentage of D-I college Basketball players win their final game, whether they turn pro, get injured or, simply become in-eligible to play due to being a senior?
2 AnswersBasketball9 years agoWhat is the best thing to do with a $5000 401K distribution?
My wife recently left her job so that she could concentrate on school full time. She has just over $5000 in a 401K that has to be moved out of her former company's plan. I figured a Roth IRA is the best option, but wanted to see what other ideas there may be.
2 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years agoOn my computer I kept getting the same blue screen errors....?
such as Bad_Pool_header and the works. I replaced my hard drive and reinstalled windows vista that came with my computer, however I keep gettting the same errors. I did all the updates and such and haven't installed anything else on it like iTunes. What else could be causing the errors?
3 AnswersDesktops10 years agoWhat is the best way to store fireworks?
So I bought some fireworks over the 4th of July weekend, to entertain my 1-1/2 year old son. Well lets just say he wasn't a big fan and ran for the house. So my question is what is the best way to store them so that they last till next year?
2 AnswersIndependence Day10 years agoMy original hard drive died and I am trying to install a new one...?
I removed the one that is no longer working and replaced it with a Seagate Barracuda. I load the my operating CD into the drive and on start up I get a series of beeps and nothing boots up.
I cannot get into the BIOS settings either to change to boot sequence.
3 AnswersDesktops10 years agoNeed help thinking of a team name?
I umpire part time and a bunch of us umpires are putting together a bar league softball team. The problem is we can't think of a catchy team name that puts a slant on umpires. So I am asking for your help. What team names can you come up with? They need to be mostly clean.
3 AnswersBaseball1 decade agoIn Dante Alighieri's 14th Century poem Divine Comedy Dante, described the nine circles of hell...?
During his journey into the depths of hell Dante describes each circle of hell and the people who he see's there. However his references are to historical figures who were alive prior to his writing of the poem. So lets have some literary fun and update the poem with recent historical figures and in which what circle each person would be found. Provide why you put a person in a certain circle and if you disagree with someone say why and what circle you'd put them. I'll start:
Adolf Hitler - Second Circle (Lust) While Hitler was a cruel man, his greatest sin was his lust for power and domination.
Henry VIII - Third Circle (gluttony) Henry easily had the sin of gluttony. Having a waist of 55 inches is proof enough.
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIs self sacrifice considered suicide in the eyes of God?
I was taught that if you committed suicide, it means you lost faith in God and earned you a one way ticket to hell. My question is though if you sacrifice yourself to save a group a people, is this still considered suicide?
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoPrivate Party Price for a 2005 Honda Civic w/ minor frame Damage?
My fiance and I are looking to sell her 2005 Honda Civic LX Special Edition private party. The car has about 48,000 miles on it however it was in one accident. When we had the car fixed the repair shop took the easy route in fixing the car and ending up cutting the frame to remove the drive side rear panel to replace it.
Due to this the car technically has frame damage cause they welded the new piece into place.
According to KBB her car would be worth about $9K in fair condition and about $10.5 in good. It is between those two. However with the frame damage what do you think it is worth?
3 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade agoDuring a force out in Baseball/Softball what is/isn't considered an extension of the body?
Lets say bases are loaded and the ball is hit. The fielder makes a play to the plate but over throws home. The catch recovers the ball and dives towards the plate and tags it with his free hand (hand without the ball). Is the runner coming home out on the force? References would be greatly appreciated.
4 AnswersBaseball1 decade agoNeed help with the following computer issues?
Windows did an automatic update and I updated to the latest version of iTunes and now I am unable to get my internet to work. When I restart/reboot my computer I get the following two errors:
1. TCP/IP protocol is not installed properly.
2. MSS Menu MFC Application had stopped working.
I tried a system restore to a point before both updates, however it fails restore my computer every time. I tried it 5 times. Then I tried the boot disk to reinstall windows and that fails to run. So now I am above my knowledge of how to fix my computer.
When I connect the cord between the modem and the computer the green indicator light does show connection to internet.
1 AnswerDesktops1 decade agoIf a person admits to a crime during confession does the priest have to report it?
Lets say a person kills a person and want to repent to a priest through confession, does that priest have to report the person to a law enforcing agency or is their confession confidential?
9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoHow far can a human see before the curvature of the earth creates the horizon line?
Lets say you are sitting in an open field with no obstructions around. Its a clear and sunny day. How far could a human see before the curvature of the earth creates the horizon line?
Earth Sciences & Geology1 decade agoWould you like/dislike a change to the US Constitution requiring that at least one parent be a US citizen?
In the heated illegal immigration debate the argument over anchor babies is a major topic. Parents entering the USA illegally and giving birth to their child here. Under the laws and articles of the US Constitution this child is given birthright citizenship and the parents are allowed to remain in the USA illegally yet are able to receive numerous benefits for this child.
The birthright clause of the constitution is greatly outdated. It was done to help slaves and immigrants back in the 1800's become US citizens and prevent prosecution and deportation. However as we know the days of slavery and boats of immigrants entering the USA are long over. Now potential immigrants have to jump through numerous hoops at a high cost to become legal resident of this great nation.
So my question is, is it time that the US Constitution be revised that requires that one parent must be a full fledged American citizen in order for their children to automatically attain birthright citizenship?
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoIf you could find out the day you were going to die would you?
Lets say you were given the opportunity to find out the exact date you were going to die would you take it?
No other information about your death would be available to you, like how and where, only the month, day and year.
Think about it, with this information you could plan your life better however you may discover you only have months to live or decades.
So the question is would you take this opportunity?
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago