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Lv 610,322 points

Kristal E

Favorite Answers5%

Married 10 years with 2 kids. I go to school full time and run our business from home. When I get free time I like to hang out with my friends and family. I love to watch the UFC

  • Does anyone know........?

    what kind of tools I would need to stretch my carpet? I have to pull up a small area because of pet urine and replace the padding, but I do not have the $$$ to replace the carpet so I am going to replace the padding. I need to know what tools I need and where I could get them. Any help would be appreciated

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Please Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    I have a huge problem with a dog urine smell. I had to go out of town for a 8 days and had someone to check in on my dogs like I always do and somehow she left the puppy to pee all over my upstairs carpet. The smell is atrocious, it makes me want to throw up. I have already goten the rug doctor carpet machine and done the carpet where she peed 3 times and it is still horriable. I have tried the Simple Soultion and I swear it just made it worse. We have family coming from all over the US in 2 weeks and not only can i not have them all be here when the smell is like that - I can't take it anymore. Please any suggestions would be appreciated

    17 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Please Help!!!!!!!?

    I need help finding a pet fish for my 6 year old daughter. We have never had fish before so we need something that is not going to die easily. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Like the names of the different kinds of fish and all that.

    16 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Hey everyone guess what?!?!?!!?

    I just got my first violation notice, aren't you proud of me?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is it a good idea to stay ??????????

    together for the kids or is it better to go now so there's not so much tension??

    22 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • someone please help me!!!?

    I have a bullmastiff/pitbull puppy mix and she is tearing EVERYTHING apart, how do I train her not to? I have a sherpei/pittbull mix and she is 5 yrs old and she never had any problems with this kind of stuff. We just told her no adn all the regular stuff, bit I am at a loss with this puppy. It's not like I have never had or trained a puppy before but this one is not responding to the things I did with my other dog. Anyone have any advice or suggestions I would really love to hear from you, before she eats my other couch.

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • how do you know??

    that some random person didn't write the bible? What is your proof that it is real? Now don't get all mad and give angry answers, I am just asking.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is the best way .....?

    to describe the privitazation of corrections?? I know what it is but am at a loss to find a good way to describe it that doesn't sound like I just copied it from the book.

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Do you ever?

    dream about P & S in your sleep?? If so is it a good dream or a bad one?

    19 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you people not?

    have anything better to do on a Friday night?? Give me your best excuse...

    29 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • who wants to help me??

    with my corrections class homework?? or you could voulnteer to do my report writing homework, whichever one you want to do is fine with me.

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • mon chi chi's?

    Does any one else remember the kids show the mon chi chi's ? I used to watch it as a kid in California, but no one out here in Coloorado has ever heard of it. I would love to be able to show it to my kids

    3 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • compatiable signs???

    I am an Aries and my husband is a Taurus, do these signs naturally have a lot of conflict together? Could someone tell me a little @ both signs, the good and the bad traits ?

    8 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • small business grants?

    Could anyone tell me how to start the process of getting a small business grant?

    5 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago