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  • Should I participate in an activity that is a trigger for my anxiety?

    I was diagnosed with anxiety when I was 13 and am now a college student at 19. My anxiety hasn't always been bad but when it first started, I was a red belt in Tae Kwon Do and I had my first really bad panic attack during one of my classes and I was never able to go back. Now, I have the opportunity to continue Tae Kwon Do through a club/class at my college. I began participating last semester in the spring but stopped going again due to stress and anxiety. I'm debating whether or not I should go back this coming semester. This is something that I'd really like to pursue but I'm so anxious each time I have to go to the class or even think about going. I'm mostly anxious about how hard some of the activities can be physically since I'm not in great shape and how they can make me feel somewhat nauseous and vomiting is my main phobia.

    So anyways, my main question is whether or not doing something like this and trying to conquer my anxiety will be helpful or just traumatic and detrimental. Should I avoid things that trigger my anxiety? If scary movies triggered my anxiety I'd avoid them and not try to keep watching them so I'm wondering if you think this is any different. I'm not looking for an excuse not to do it, I just want an opinion. Also, last semester when I was participating, I'd have to take medication each time i went in order to cope with the anxiety and even after the good sessions, my anxiety didn't really subside and I was still anxious about going to the next class.


    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • What should I do/get for his birthday?

    One of my close guy friends that I like has a birthday coming up. We are both freshman in college but we went to high school together and just became good friends last april (senior year) The thing is, I'm not really sure where we stand. A couple weeks ago we were talking online and sort of established the fact that we like each other but I don't know how serious he was since we were both joking a little bit. A lot of the time he sends signals that he likes me but hes a cadet at our school and he always tells he doesn't have time for a relationship now (not specifically a relationship with me, just in general). So anyways, I want to do something nice and creative for his birthday but I don't want to send the wrong message. I want him to know that I care about him a lot, possible more than friends, but at the same time I don't want it to seem like I put too much effort into a gift that was just for a friend. So far I'm going to make and write him a card but I feel like I should do more. Ideas?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Will I have a hard time speaking French in Quebec?

    Next Friday I am going on a small vacation with my parents to visit Quebec. I'm currently taking AP french at my high school and this is my fifth year of learning it. I can definitely carry on a conversation but my main concern is the difference between Quebecois and standard French which is what I'm learning. My french teacher (fluent) said that it was even difficult for her to understand Quebecois and so I'm a little worried that I won't understand anything there.

    If there is anyone who resides in Quebec or knows anything about it, is there any advice to give about the language there?

    4 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • college related anxiety?

    when i was in 7th grade i was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and was put on medication. i stayed off meds for a few years and then all of a sudden it became a huge problem again this summer. this main problem for me is that i tend to get really anxious when i feel nauseous or dizzy and i have somewhat of a phobia of throwing up. BUT, when i get anxious, i get very physically uncomfortable with an upset stomach which definitely does not help, its a vicious cycle.

    i'll be going to college soon and i'm really nervous and scared as i don't really know what to expect with how i'll react to such a transition.

    right now i'm a senior in high school. I've already been accepted to my 2nd choice school which is about 4 hours away from home and i'm still waiting on my 1st choice which is about 2.5 hours away (its a big reach so its probable that i go to the one 4 hours away). i'm really really really nervous about leaving home and actually taking the role of an adult and being on my own. I understand its not quite like leaving the nest since i'll be able to come home and i won't be completely on my own in college but it still really freaks me out that my parents won't be with me everyday, especially if i get sick or something which causes me to have a lot of anxiety (diagnosed).

    i do have options closer to home but they aren't as prestigious and i want to do whats best for my career in the long run.

    so my question is, for those of you who are in college or who have already gone through it, what was it like making the transition? did you find yourself wanting to come home a lot? (thats my main worry since i'll most likely be 4 hours away, not a particularly convenient commute)

    i really don't want my anxiety to take over my life, it already has caused me to miss out on things and i don't want it to ruin anything more. i do have medicine to take occasionally (xanax) but i'm worried that i'll feel like i have to take it all the time which i definitely don't want to do with something so addictive. i really just want to put my mind at ease and hope that i can have an excellent experience. i know i still have a lot of time before i'll have to leave but the fall semester is getting closer and closer and i'm not sure what i can do to put my anxiety at rest.

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • Anxious about going to college...?

    right now i'm a senior in high school. I've already been accepted to my 2nd choice school which is about 4 hours away from home and i'm still waiting on my 1st choice which is about 2.5 hours away (its a big reach so its probable that i go to the one 4 hours away). i'm really really really nervous about leaving home and actually taking the role of an adult and being on my own. I understand its not quite like leaving the nest since i'll be able to come home and i won't be completely on my own in college but it still really freaks me out that my parents won't be with me everyday, especially if i get sick or something which causes me to have a lot of anxiety (diagnosed).

    i do have options closer to home but they aren't as prestigious and i want to do whats best for my career in the long run.

    so my question is, for those of you who are in college or who have already gone through it, what was it like making the transition? did you find yourself wanting to come home a lot? (thats my main worry since i'll most likely be 4 hours away, not a particularly convenient commute)

    i really don't want my anxiety to take over my life, it already has caused me to miss out on things and i don't want it to ruin anything more. i do have medicine to take occasionally (xanax) but i'm worried that i'll feel like i have to take it all the time which i definitely don't want to do with something so addictive. i really just want to put my mind at ease and hope that i can have an excellent experience. i know i still have a lot of time before i'll have to leave but the fall semester is getting closer and closer and i'm not sure what i can do to put my anxiety at rest.

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • I want to lose weight but I have a lot of trouble exercising?

    I want to lose about 20-40 pounds for health reasons and also so I can look better and feel better about myself. I do need to work on my eating habits but I'm pretty knowledgeable about what to do when it comes to diet, I just need the motivation. But even if I am able to lose weight by diet alone, I'm sure I won't be nice and toned which is what I want. The problem is that every time I try to do cardio (running, going on the elliptical etc) my heart races, I get dizzy/lightheaded, and sometimes nauseous. I think this is somewhat because I'm so out of shape but I also have some anxiety problems that contribute to this as well.

    So my question is, will I be able to get toned and lose weight by walking alone? (i'd really like to get over this problem I have with other cardio exercises but i need to take baby steps) How long should I do it for and are there any other exercises that would be doable for me? I'd like to achieve my goal within the next 3-6 months if at all possible.


    9 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • question about beethoven's moonlight sonata?

    okay so i'm currently working on the moonlight sonata. I just printed the sheet music off of a link someone on here gave so i'm not sure how legit it is but i'm pretty sure its not arranged and i have all three movements.

    anyways i was wondering if it is supposed to be played with the pedal. to me, it sounds better that way but its not written on the music and i have been told that when i use it, it sounds all jumbled together. however, when i don't use it, it sounds too choppy.

    also, can anyone translate

    "si deve suonare tutto questo pezzo delicatissimamente e senza sordini"

    "sempre pianossimo e senza sordini"

    and the three movement titles

    "adagio sostenuto"

    "allegretto" i thought this mean fast or something with the tempo..?

    "presto agitato"

    I don't have a piano teacher to ask. I haven't taken lessons in three years and I'm just trying to get back into it myself.

    4 AnswersClassical1 decade ago
  • i feel kinda sick.. is it my period?

    okay so,

    this friday i went down to a lake church retreat a little under two hours away from my house. so going there, i was fine. the long ride didnt bother me or anything but i took dramamine for it. during the weekend i was pretty much fine, i got a little nauseous after eating too much or being in the water too long but thats normal. then on sunday, i overate a little bit during lunch and we left soon after. i was a little tiny bit motion sick from the ride but when i got home it was better. for that night, i was a little dizzy but i guessed it would be good by the next morning. so yesterday at school, i felt fine in the morning but i noticed that sometimes when i walked, i felt like i had just run 92374 miles. my heart would race, i'd feel sick and a little unstable. then, in the afternoon, i was fine but the next minute, i felt so sick and dizzy like i was going to faint or something. and again, i had to walk really slowly to prevent feeling like i had just run alot. when i got home, i ate and felt a little better but at night i was just a tad sick feeling. and then i got my period. today, i felt sick all day. not alot, but just a little nausea and dizzyness. i ate and that helped (i wasn't not eating before) but now i still feel a little sick. its a really weird nausea that i havent really had before. im thinking it might be because of my period but i usually just get cramps.. ive never felt sick before on my period.

    so do u think that could have been the reason?

    sry it was so long but i really do need to know.

    as for seeing a doctor, i will wait it out a couple more days and see if it gets better. if not, i will see a doctor.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • How does this outfit look?

    orange jacket

    pink ruffle shirt

    dark blue jean shorts

    (ignore the belt hanging off my shorts in the second pic)

    how do the colors go together in your opinion? i think the pink and orange together might be too much but im not sure. i guess it could work but i still need extra thoughts :)

    btw. how much do i look like i weigh or my size? im 5'8"

    16 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • please helppp'!?!!?!?!!! i feel like crapppppp?

    okay well.. this all started friday around 2 ish. i started to feel kinda weird like nauseous but not really. i got home from school and then ate and i felt a little better. then i was fine until saturday night around 10. i started to feel a little dizzy and i went to bed feeling that way.

    then yesterday (sunday) i woke up fine. i got up and went to church but then around 1pm i started to feel dizzy again. and i've been feeling that way all day yesterday and pretty much all day today ( i didnt go to school). its pretty slight, i mean its not to the point where i cant stand up or walk or anything. i've also had some sinus headaches once in a while. so i think i have a sinus infection becuz i get them alot.

    im also hypothyroid and am on medication but for the last month or so i havent been on it

    could that be why im not feeling well? i took it today but have seen no difference yet.

    also i lost some weight, usually 185-186 in the day, 184 in the morning. now im 181-182. weird....

    8 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • i want the name of this song..??

    okay well it played a couple times (not very many) on the station hot 99.5 if u live in the DC area.

    uhh its a guy singing and it has like a steady slow drum the whole song and thats pretty much it kind of and hes like...and the sunnnnnnn, it sets for you! and the sunnnn , it sets for you

    4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • how many calories would i burn doing....?

    tennis for an hour? not really a game but just hitting and doing lots of drills and sprinting around the court.

    would this help me lose weight? my goal is to lose 40 pounds by august

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • question about dying hair with color pulse?

    okay so my hair is very dark brown, black from far away and a little more than a year ago, i died my hair with funky cherry color pulse and it did sort of work. it was noticable that i did something but it wasnt really all that bright. now im interested in doing it again cuz i liked the color on me. i was going thru some of the questions about color pulse on here and one person said to use two bottles instead of one becuz it gives better results on dark haired people. does that mean to use two bottles at the same time and just use more dye? or to dye it with one bottle and dye it with the next right after?

    thanks! and also can u answer quick lol im doing it today =D

    6 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • savory french foods? help?

    in my french class we are having a holiday party on the 20th.

    we all have to bring something and i signed up for something salty or savory. wut kinds of savory french foods are easy to make? i have french first in the morning so it being cold when its supposed to be hot and stuff like that should be a problem but it needs to be pretty easy to carry and eat as well

    8 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • to women with hypothyroidism or if you know about?!?! help???

    okay so im 14 years old and a freshman in highschool. ive been on medication for hypo for almost three years but im not sure how long i've had it as thats when my doctor discovered it. well im taking 25mcg and that seems very small to me as my level used to need 75 mcg and thats wut i took about a year and a half ago. im planning on making an appointment with my doctor to have my blood tested again btw but i tend to be very forgetfull with my medicine and i havent taken it pretty much for the last year i guess =/ yeah...and also my mother being a korean doesnt like me taking artificial meds ..anyways

    so im gonna start taking it again today but i've gained 50 pounds in that year i didnt take it..would i slim down a bit taking the medicine? i want to lose about ..30-40 pounds as i like not being a size 1 or 2. i want to get down to at least a 4-6..( im a 9-12 now depending on the brand of pants) so other than taking the meds how can i do this? when can i reach my goal by?

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • for guys? pretty much?

    what do u prefer in a girl just in looks assuming her personality and everything is what you like and crap like that?

    no makeup at all?

    a little bit?

    or like EVERYTHING

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what part time jobs can i have?????

    im 15 and i'd like to have a part time job after school to make some extra money. does anyone know like which chain stores i could work at?? i asked about caribou coffee and FYE already and you have to be 16 but i dont want to wait another year. btw i live in northern virginia

    also, can i work at a bank this young? my aunt did when she was 13 but that was when there were less regulations and security things

    1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade ago
  • homecoming dress help?!?

    ok so tonight is my homecoming and i bought this really pretty dress. its a halter and its like bright pink with polka dots. so the problem is would it look okay if i wore a cami under it? its backless and very low in the front and i dont like that so would wearing a cami be ok? the only part thats really noticeable is the straps

    4 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • soft body or heavy body acrylics? or oils?

    ok well i did alot of painting in my art class in middle school and i really enjoy it. im going to go to the art supplies store near my house tomorrow to pick up some paint cuz i want to start doing it again. i looked at the different paints they had on their website ( and there are soft body and heavy body acrylics, oils, and water color in a tube. i know that u mix the water color with water but how does that compare to the water color in the 'box" palet thing.

    also, the kind of painting i want to do is acrylic but wut is the difference between heavy and soft? also, how does oil painting differ from acrylic? i used acrylic before and water color but not oil. which one would u recommend for someone who isnt exactly a novice but no picasso either?

    7 AnswersPainting1 decade ago
  • how can i lose weight effectively and keep it off? and in a healthy way?

    ok well i have a really hard time losing weight becuz my metabolism is really slow and im pretty much always tired even when i sleep (im hypothyroidism)

    i know that i prolly dont get enough sleep but im taking all honors classes in highschool and i dont have enough time to sleep well because of the homework and how early school starts.

    my goal is to lose at least like...30-40 pounds by winter. do you think its possible? in the past month, i lost about 7 pounds without even trying and then i gained two pounds back. right now im 14, 5'8" and about 180 pounds.

    what exercises will help me lose it, most of it is on my stomach, and if anyone here is korean or know wut misukaru is (rice drink) will that help me lose weight? i put the pine tree powder in it if u know about it.

    14 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago