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Favorite Answers60%
  • What date would you choose for NO HATE DATE?

    A day each year when we choose to BE KIND. A yearly event. A date against hate.

    There is so much hate. It takes over at times on Horoscopes. Hate perpetuates hate?

    I think 12-12 would be a good date. Easy to remember.

    Thank you and good luck and bless you too.

    Prayers for all in Sandy Hook.

    6 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • Capricorn Mars/Pluto conjunction affecting you at present? Acts of God, Rockets, Explosions?

    A guest of a friend shot a hole through the roof on Thanksgiving with a gun that was ignorantly loaded. Are you having any anger and/or issues of control that are manifesting around you?

    Please share if you will. Everything just seems to be so intense and scary even.

    3 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • What about that asteroid coming between Earth and Moon on Friday?

    Asteroid 2012 TC4 is coming close to earth and it is as big as a house.

    Any Asteroid Lover have an interpretation? It isn't a well-known asteroid but you can watch it happen online at:

    And you can read about it here.

    Everyone I've talked to today has said they have felt tired. In the Midwest anyway. It's as good an excuse as any to have a "chill" day. Just thought it was interesting.

    And what is your Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Rising Sign,? Thank you.

    12 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Occupy Wall Street Transiting Mars in Scorpio fueling the anger?

    Or is the current protest is a reaction to Transiting Uranus in Aries square Transiting Pluto in Capricorn?

    Pluto is now in The Sign of Big Business which is Capricorn.

    Uranus loves any type of change whether it is peaceful or "not" so peaceful.

    Your thoughts please? And your Sun, Moon, and Mars?

    3 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Does anyone have "Saggi Boobs The Teacher" question about the best racks here on horoscopes?

    I have a friend that was mentioned in one of the answers and now I can't find Saggi Boobs questions. Could someone send me a link to that question please? My friend wants to see it.

    He has his shirt off and he is a big dude with manboobs. Help please?

    6 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Have you seen the beautiful conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in the sky tonight?

    They are only 2-3 degrees apart and in Taurus. Step outside and enjoy the Free Show in the Sky Tonight. Planets do not "twinkle" like stars do so you shouldn't have any trouble finding these lovely planets "holding hands." Good night for a party I imagine! Enjoy!!!

    8 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Sorry back again. 15 yr terrier given elavil 5 mg and now worse than before.?

    Her head is drooping to the side, has no sense of direction, being fed by hand. Is elavil appropriate for her? It just sedates her and vet said to let her sleep. Our THIRD vet. Supposedly the best in our area. We know she is "going down" but want her to have some quality of life if possible. She was much better before the elavil was prescribed and we only gave her minute dose, very little. 1 mg maybe?

    Sorry to bother you fine people again but we are clueless what is best way to help may suggest euthanasia but that is not a comfortable answer at this point as she still goes outside and even runs though slowly.

    Thank you in advance. I appreciate your knowledge and thank you for sharing what you know to someone that knows nothing. Bless you.

    2 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • My 2 yr old cat vomiting her food. Vet said allergic to chicken and beef by-products. Help please?

    He is a stray we adopted and didn't get good nutrition as a kitten. Flea-infested (had roundworms, all gone now) but started vomiting about two weeks ago and is losing weight. Vet said we have to find a food with no by'products, tough to do!

    He received steroid shot at vets and on antibiotic for 3 weeks as his body was losing hair and these scabs began appearing and got severe. Anyone can help me please? I would be so grateful. Thank you in advance.

    6 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • My blind 15 yr fox terrier's eye totally blood red and then "sunk in?" Stroke?

    She has gone blind from glaucoma several years ago and thought she ran into a branch. Been to two vets and they both said that the glaucoma was a progressive disease and gave antibiotic drops every 4 hrs plus artificial tears to follow drops to keep eye moist.

    She was going around in circles and has "lost" her memory of the home but am working with her saying "stay straight" and "right" and "left" and "stop" too and she is doing much better. But for days her eye went from big red ball to concave small tiny eye with no "feeling" it appears anyway.

    What does the future hold if anyone has an idea I will be so grateful. She is precious to our family. Thank you in advance.

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Have you noticed that people are arguing more since Transiting Mars entered Virgo?

    I have heard several loud arguments from the neighbors and the police were even called. I think Virgos in particular are having issues with this, but it also squares and opposes natal planets like Sag, Pisces, and Gemini too. I have much Virgo in my family and they all seem rather crabby and critical. Have you noticed this too?

    18 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • When someone has Venus conjunct Pluto in Libra?

    Does this aspect make love relationships difficult? Does Pluto take over and shove Venus out of the way? Just wondering...

    7 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • Can my 82 year-young mother take Trazadone for insomnia as she has glaucoma?

    Can Trazadone be safely used for insomnia in one that has glaucoma? I can't find any information about this on the internet. Help please? Will be so grateful for any advice or information. My mother is so sleep deprived and all homeopathic remedies have been tried with no success. Can she safely take a small dose of Trazadone as she takes no prescribed medication and is in wonderful health. But we have got to find something to help her get some sleep. Thank you so much for any advice.

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases10 years ago
  • What is/was the hardest part of learning astrology for you?

    I had a tough time learning about the degrees of the zodiac. It took me years to understand how aspects work in a natal chart. I had to learn the hard way that you have to understand the degrees in order to understand the aspects! Very confusing!

    7 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • Prob with double amputee getting to potty chair?

    She is using a "sliding board" and has fallen three times. Please help? Her legs were amputated below her knee. Is healing from 2nd amputation as 1st was in 2008. Anything will be appreciated. Thank you.

    6 AnswersDiabetes10 years ago
  • Please help Mom still suffering with insomnia!?

    She has tried tons of homeopathic herbs and massage and can't take most prescriptions as she has glaucoma which increases the pressure in her eyes. Anything would be helpful as she only slept 3 hours last night. She is 82 years young and is in excellent health, other than this sleep issue. Thank you so much.

    1 AnswerAlternative Medicine10 years ago

    What do you think will happen? I believe it will be a lovely beautiful Moon as Taurus is known for Their Beauty. But I also think there will be some Raging Bulls too. Watch your Taurus Loved Ones at High Frequency. I have learned more from the Full Moon than any other way.

    So have you got a Crazy Full Moon Story? We all probably due but it was so emotionally painful we repressed the details...

    Chiron goes Direct at 0 Pisces at 5:14 PM CST the SAME DAY as the Full Moon.

    And Transiting Mars moves into Virgo on at 10:15 PM CST the SAME DAY as the Full Moon.

    Oh Neptune goes into Direct Motion the day before all of this craziness. The DAY BEFORE the Full Moon. (the 9th, Wednesday)

    That's alot of energy right there. Weird stuff going on. Full Moon. Mars entering Virgo, Chiron goes Direct at 0 degrees Pisces. So Mars and Chiron will be in opposition. That should be interesting!

    OH the Full Moon works equally well on people that have either the Sun or the Moon in Taurus. There is illumination on the Emotions and/or anyone that has Taurus in their chart. My daughter has a Taurus Mars. Wonder what will happen when the Full Moon illuminates all of our Taurus placements in our natal chart. There is always something for everyone during a Full Moon.

    The Full Moon gives us a knowledge about astrology better than any astrology book I've read and I have read tons. Ok That is an exaggeration. I have read many.

    So where are your Taurus placements that are going to be our "entertainment" on Thursday? Got any clues?

    5 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • 82 Year-Young Mom needs help with insomnia?

    My Mom is in good health but she just cannot sleep through the night. She usually wakes up about 2-3 AM and then cannot get back to sleep. She takes alot of vitamins/minerals/herbs and is trying to take magnesium at present. She has tried melatonin, chamomile tea, yoga, magnesium/calcium, and so many other types of nutrients/herbs but still nothing works for more than one night and she is back on the insomnia train again the next night. She yawns all the time as she is sleep deprived. She can't take pharmaceutical drugs as she has glaucoma and most increase the pressure in her eyes. Can anyone share a consistent way to sleep through the night? She slept 6 hours night before last by using some magnesium spray that she rubs on her legs. We are both at wits end as I do the research and then she tries something new and then the next night it doesn't work at all. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases10 years ago
  • My brown recluse bite is still painful. Is that normal?

    Got bit about 2 weeks ago and freaking out due to the pain of the bite area and weakness when moving about. Have been to my doctor several times and he "cleaned" it out but read some articles about necrosis and I didn't like what I read. Can someone plz explain what to expect next? Been on two antibiotics and still on one at this time.

    Why does it make me hurt all over! My joints especially. I had no idea a brown recluse spider bite could be so cruel. Thank you for any info you can because I have anxiety big time and this sure isn't helpful for an anxious soul! Thank you so much.

    4 AnswersFirst Aid10 years ago
  • Have you noticed Jupiter conjunct the Moon tonight?

    Just wanted to pass on that Jupiter is conjunct the Moon tonight. Just make a fist from the right side of the moon and there is Jupiter. Shining brightly. No twinkling and movement though like a star. It is so bright I hope that the skies are clear for you all to see this beautiful dance.

    7 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • Can someone explain how I can be a "FAN" of other Horoscope user?

    And how does being a FAN work? I don't get it. And why only 200 CONTACTS? I dislike having to "drop" a contact to "add" another. That's just not fun for me. Any suggestions?

    And what is your Mercury sign and placement, as this is the Horoscope Category? LOL

    5 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago