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Lv 56,435 points

Beach Bum

Favorite Answers31%

I believe in God, ghosts and ESP. I believe in taking personal responsibility for yourself, your family and your actions. I love all that nature has to offer and believe it is our responsibility to protect it. I hate whining! Get over it &/or do something to make it better. I believe we all need to play by the rules. If you don't like the rules, work to change them. In the mean time, let the game of life continue. I believe in the kindness of strangers and the love in each of us. Be well!

  • What would you say were the best and worst parts of 2012?

    The best part is that I lived through it :-)

    Second best was seeing the way people pulled together to help others.

    The worst part is our ever increasing appetite for the dirt in other people's lives.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • How did you/your parents respond to "I didn't ask to be born"?

    Just about every kid throughout time has thrown the old "I didn't ask to be born" line at their parents. Did you or your parents have an effective or clever response?

    Me: I didn't ask to be born, you know!!!

    My mom: You're right, Sweetie. And I didn't ask for a fresh-mouthed little brat. And yet, here we are - bound together for all of eternity by our great disappoints. Very sad indeed. But I believe a hug would make me feel better.

    Mom then chased me through the house until she managed to tackle, hug and lay a bunch of kisses on me. I, of course just told her she was weird (while I secretly appreciated the fact that she really did love me)

    9 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Atheists: Do you believe in prophetic dreams?

    Serious question. Not looking for obnoxious answers.

    Do you believe that dreams can actually tell you what you need to do and guide you in a certain direction, or give you answer? If so, where does this "information" come from?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What am I seeing in the WSW sky?

    The last couple of nights I've seen what I'm guessing is a satellite sitting kind of low in the WSW sky around 11:30pm EDT. It caught my eye because of the green, red, yellow, white sparkling. Would love to know exactly what I'm looking at. Can anyone help me out?

    1 AnswerAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • OOo Can I maintain a visual of my column headings when working at the bottom?

    I'm on a Mac working in Open Office and have finally managed to create a spreadsheet :-) Is it possible to keep my column headings on screen when I'm working in rows farther down the page? I keep making bad entries. I've been through a bunch of tutorials but can't seem to find any reference to this.

    Please be gentle - I'm very new to all this. Thanks for the help.

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • What was the best thing BEFORE sliced bread?

    Just wondering.

    Anyone remember? :-)

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • can you help me identify a tiny green sea creature?

    While searching for shells yesterday, I found this little creature swimming in the water held by a clam shell after the tide went out. First, this was on Fire Island (the barrier beach for the southern shore of Long Island in New York). My little creature was about 1/2 inch long and bright emerald green. It was about the size of dry spaghetti and uniform in width from head to tail. The tail had three lobes and the head was blunt. The eyes seemed to be on stalks set back a bit from the "nose". It did not appear to be segmented or to bend in any direction but I could see several busy little "legs" moving him around.

    I've tried Googling a description but had no luck. I'd appreciate any help I can get. This is driving me nuts - I need to know what this is.

    1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology10 years ago
  • Anyone try 1% N-acetylcarnosine eye drops for their dog's cataracts?

    My vet says my young-acting, 12 year old mixed breed has cataracts. I was looking for alternatives to surgery and came across all kinds of sites hawking 1% N-acetylcarnosine eye drops as "Can-C" or Nu-Eyes". Wondering if someone has any first-hand experience with either of these. Seems a bit "too good to be true". Also saw "Nu-Vet Plus" wafers for same.

    1 AnswerDogs10 years ago
  • What is a polite greeting for someone you truly dislike?

    I don't want to be rude when I run into people I truly dislike and don't care about. Generally, I simply try to avoid such people. However, there are social situations where contact is unavoidable and I need to say something to them before I excuse myself from the conversation circle. "Good to see you." or "How have you been?" are lines I would really rather not use. I do not wish anyone ill, but I have no interest in pretending to like or care about certain people. Any suggestions?

    7 AnswersEtiquette10 years ago
  • What's a strong, clear glue to use for glass to painted/polyurethaned wood?

    I'm working on an art project and need to glue clear glass to a painted piece that has several coats of matte polyurethane on it. I need to be able to clearly see what is behind the glass. It also needs to be a strong bond that could stand up to weather. I tried 527 glue but it caused the paint to bleed and spider. It looks awful!

    Anyone have any suggestions? I'm desperate!!! Thanks :-)

    3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Why do or don't you want your child believing in Santa?

    Aside from getting kids to behave for a couple of weeks, what do you see as a benefit of believing in Santa? Does believing serve any positive purpose?

    If you don't/didn't want your child believing in Santa, would you please explain your reasoning? What do you see as the harm? Do you forbid other "fantasy games"?

    This is not a judgmental question. I am truly curious.

    12 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Where can I hear/see Obama's post-election speech given today?

    Wasn't able to listen today but want to know what he had to say - in it's entirety. Couldn't seem to find anything but bits a pieces.

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • Can you suggest a good comedy series I can watch online?

    Looking for a good, smart comedy series, or movie, I can watch online. The list of titles is overwhelming and I'm tired of the trial and error hunt. Thought someone might have a suggestion. Thanks!

    BTW: I'm over 50 :-) so it would be nice to have a couple of characters that aren't 20.

    6 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • How long after a death is a sympathy card appropriate?

    At what point would it be more appropriate to send a more general card, such as "Thinking of You" in which one could mention the person's passing and offer condolences?

    5 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Can you help me identify a bird call?

    There's a bird that's driven me nuts for two years now. I hear him beginning at dusk and throughout the night (though less frequently later on) He goes deep within the linden trees so I can't get a good look. I did see a small gray bird with white wing bars but didn't witness him calling. The sound is a bit like the blue jay's squeaky clothesline sound but it's just a single note.

    I've tried many websites but no luck. Is there a site that would allow me to search ONLY nocturnal bird calls? While I'm determined to ID this guy, I'm not a real birder and get overwhelmed with most of the sites. I'm in NY (Long Island) if that helps.

    Thanks to all who take up this challenge.

    1 AnswerBirds1 decade ago
  • What would be the best paint to use?

    I am painting plywood sheds that will be sitting in the sun all day. They will be near the water where the air is damp/humid. What would be the best primer and paint to use? Latex, oil base or something else? Solid stains are out of the question. I'm also painting the roof which will take the brunt of the sun. I really need this to hold up.

    I appreciate any and all recommendations. Thanks

    5 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Can I view 2 hotmail accounts at the same time?

    Is it possible to "bounce" back and forth between 2 different Hotmail email accounts without having to sign out and sign back in? I'd like to leave a window open for each as I can with my yahoo and hotmail accounts

    Please explain simply - I'm over 50 :-)

    And, if it matters - I'm on a Mac

    8 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • I'm begging for help - Why can't I email a hot link?

    I've asked before but didn't get a working answer.

    Someone PLEASE help !

    I'm on a Mac with hotmail (if that matters)

    I've tried copy/paste from an address line

    I've tried typing in addresses both with and without http:/

    Nothing ever comes up hot!

    I NEED to be able to do this for work.

    There must be at least one brilliant mind out there who can help me :-)

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • why can't I send a hot link in my emails?

    First, I'm on a Mac.

    Second, I'm not particularly computer savvy.

    I've tried copying and pasting address lines.

    I've typed: and and

    Nothing ever comes up hot and people whine.

    Please help. Thanks for taking the time!

    I noticed that the first two typed examples here show up hot. Why wouldn't that work in my emails. My husband just sent me an email from his pc with a hot link for - but that's NOT hot here. Oh, I'm so confused!!!!!

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • How can I make foul smelling water for a joke?

    I need to make or buy a rotten smelling, clear water that's perfectly safe. The rotten egg smell of hydrogen sulfide would be ok but I'd prefer it to smell like low tide. It needs to last quite a while in a closed vial and not go "bad".

    Any ideas where I could find something like that would be appreciated.

    Please, not looking for explosions &/or brain damage :-)

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago