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Lv 31,889 points

alice d

Favorite Answers8%
  • Theodore Dreiser Views?....Similar Artist?

    I had to read a Theodore Dreiser reading called True Art speaks Plainly. Now i need to find a modern day artist( could be any type) that may be the same as Dreiser and his views. I honestly can't think of who to pick , i have no idea . If someone could at least give me one suggestion , i would really appreciate it.

    Please take this seriously and please be nice. Thank you so much for your time.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • what is a reference volume?

    Hello Everyone

    I have a paper to write and one of the sources it needs to have is a reference volume. What is a reference volume?

    3 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago

    1.The influence of Hellenistic culture on Judaism is obvious from the

    A) appearance of biblical books

    B) order of worship in the temple

    C) additional ritualistic prescriptions

    D) assimilation of Greek philosophy

    2.At the heart of Paul's teaching is the concept of

    A) the precepts of the Torah

    B) the Lordship of Christ

    C) Abraham's obedience

    D) Adam's disobedience

    3.Byzantine Christianity penetrated various parts of Russia around the

    A) tenth century

    B) fifth century

    C) seventh century

    D) first century

    4.Protestants maintain that the only source of authority is

    A) the Holy Spirit

    B) God

    C) the Church

    D) the Bible

    5.A major threat to developing Christitanity was

    A) Judaism

    B) mystery religions

    C) Mithraism

    D) Manichaeism

    6.The date generally regarded as marking the beginning of the Enlightenment is

    A) after the French revolution (1789)

    B) 1296

    C) the mid-seventeenth century

    D) 1519

    7.An ecumenical council was convened in Constantinople in 381 to

    A) consider the writings of the Gospels

    B) review the establishment of monasticism

    C) establish patriarchates

    D) dispute heresies

    8.Christian performances of religious acts are often considered

    A) holy rites

    B) sacraments

    C) observances and festivals

    D) communion

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Deployment question..please help? brother is leaving into the army, and he is kind off a closed person when it comes to sharing details. So i want to know, does anyone know how long before he gets deployed will he know, that he is getting deployed. Like do they let them know a day in advance or like 1 month, how long.Please help.

  • what to get my brother for Christmas.....?

    Hello everyone...

    OK so my brother is joining the army...he is leaving march 18,2013....he is not allowed to take anything with what could we get him for Christmas...that could be usefull until family doesn't like gift please help...thank you

    4 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • what the does it mean when the arrow stays in the first gear?

    OK so my mother in law has a van and she is telling me that the arrow on the dashboard is not going past first gear and that the car is making a funny noise???...what could that be..i don't know about cars or anything..please help

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • solve this..please...i got answer E...but apparently that is not the correct answer?

    10. A student receives his grade report from a local community college, but the GPA is smudged. He took the following classes: a 2 hour credit art, a 3 hour credit history, a 4 hour credit science course, a 3 hour credit mathematics course, and a 1 hour science lab. He received a “B” in the art class, an “A” in the history class, a “C” in the science class, a “B” in the mathematics class, and an “A” in the science lab. What was his GPA if the letter grades are based on a 4 point scale? (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0)

    A. 2.7

    B. 2.8

    C. 3.0

    D. 3.1

    E. 3.2

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • where can i find a website where i can sell my stuff for free...?

    ok so i make hair bows...and i need a website...where i can seel them for free...most websites charge when you make a where can i go to do that for me...only serious answers please...

    3 AnswersSmall Business10 years ago
  • i am nervous....xbox360.....?

    ok so i left my husbands xbox360 on for like 1 and a half hour...and it was covered with a really scared....what will it broken....will it me

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • how do i find out someones record?...really important?

    OK so my 17 year old brother got arrested for being under the influence of a drug,but he never went to jail,the police just took his information and my parents just picked him up and took him now i want to know,will his record get erased when he turns 18 or will it carry on for a few years...also i wish i knew how to look at his record...they live in oregon...please help me....

    thank you

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Math Question?????????????????

    Adrianna walked three tenths of a mile.which of the following is the best estimate for the fraction of a mile she walked?

    and please explain....thank you :)

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Mother in law has a fever?

    ok so my mother in law is 66 years old and shes had a cold since Wednesday....ok so she has a fever....her temperature is my question is...should i take her to the hospital tonight? very me please...

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • chemistry problem......this sucks...HELP?

    if body fat has a density of 0.94g/mL, and 3.0 liter of fat are removed, how many pounds of fat were removed from the patient?...assume that 1 pound=454 grams

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • 1.95g/L to mg/ me please?

    can someone help me convert that me how....please

    1.95g/L to mg/dL

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • i need help with my homework?

    i have a problem that i got in my chemistry class and i have no idea how to do it....hope its understandable

    ok its

    1.018g over mL and i need to convert it to kg over m cubed

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • what does this mean?????.....really important..please help me...?

    I'm from Miami, husband got arrested last year for grant theft 3rd degree....well he has done everything he had to do he has completed his community service and everything...he has finished doing the program that he was supposed to do....the case is he filled for an now we are checking the status and this is what it said...

    47 06/07/2010


    46 06/07/2010


    45 06/07/2010


    42 06/03/2010

    MOTION TO EXPUNGE RECORD FILED 00/00/0000 SET FOR 06/17/2010 AT 08:30

    so what does that mean....please help us out...thank you

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • give me advice....on marriage and parents?

    so i got married threw the court,and my parents do not know....been married for like a there anyway that i can do something later to like renew our marriage or make it seem like its the first that my parents feel involved cause i dont want to upset them.....anyone know.......i don't know...

    7 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • i won a prize and now i have to fill out a w-9 form?

    ok so i won like a valentines day prize and im being told that i have to fill out a form ...W-9..... what is that for and why is that i have to fill it out...can someone please help and clarify this for me..thank you

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • ok so my nephew has to do a homowork packet for the winter holiday and we need help...ok here it is...?

    the school board is deciding to add a new school holiday...

    think of a day you would choose as a new school holiday

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago