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Favorite Answers51%
  • Do I need a Tetanus shot for this?

    I play around with BB guns and I accidentally got one in my foot. After cleaning the wound, this is what it looks like (Warning: Blood):

    I've heard that you should get a Tetanus shot if you hurt yourself with anything metal. Is this true?


    1 AnswerOther - Diseases8 years ago
  • Can drinking alcohol on a very full stomach make you feel sick?

    I had a couple of drinks around 15 minutes after a pretty large meal. Normally, I feel just fine after a couple of drinks. But this time I feel nauseous, and had to take medication to stop the nausea. So can drinking on a very full stomach cause you to feel sick? And has anybody experienced this?

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Can drinking alcohol on a very full stomach make you feel sick?

    I had a couple of drinks after quite a large meal. Normally, I feel just fine after a couple of drinks. But this time I feel nauseous, and had to take medication to stop the nausea. So can drinking on a very full stomach cause you to feel sick? And has anybody experienced this?

    Thank you.

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • Can codeine cause headaches?

    I've been taking a codeine prescription for the last 2 days now. It's 10 mg of Codeine/ 5 ml, mixed with an expectorant for my throat. The codeine is supposed to calm my cough and help me sleep. Since I started taking it, I had a headache throughout yesterday, and when I woke up this morning, I have a headache again. My dosage says "Take 10 ml, up to 4 times daily as needed." I'm only taking 10 ml once daily, so it's not even like I'm overusing it. I checked the side effects, and there's no headache listed here. I've been keeping hydrated so I don't know why it's doing this. So can codeine cause headaches?

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • How can I fix these sleep issues?

    For the past 4 or 5 nights, I have been lacking sleep. I spend 45 minutes trying to fall asleep. When I finally do so, I wake up an hour or two later, again trying to fall asleep which takes another 30 minutes or so. This happens 2-4 times a night, sometimes even more. If I fall asleep at 1 AM, I'll get out of bed at 10 AM. But instead of that 9 hours of sleep I usually get, I'll get a grand total of like 4-6 hours.

    I don't see why this is happening. I have no sources of stress in my life at the moment, it's summer break. I don't consume sugar before bed, I don't consume caffeine at all, I don't drink alcohol very often. When I try to sleep my stomach is neither empty nor full. No current health issues to speak of. I don't want to try sleeping pills.

    Is there anything natural I can try to help me fall asleep? This is excluding warm milk, because warm milk upsets my stomach.

    Thank you.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Where can I view my apps on Facebook?

    I clicked a possibly malicious link which accessed my Facebook apps. I'd like to know where I can see a list of my Facebook apps, so I can disable the app.

    Thank you.

    1 AnswerFacebook8 years ago
  • Driving Test: Reverse technique (Ontario)?

    I have an Ontario G2 test tomorrow. During parallel parking, when I'm reversing, should both of my hands be on the wheel, or should one of my hands be grasping onto the opposing seat?


    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation8 years ago
  • Vomiting after alcohol?

    I like to enjoy a glass of ginger ale with vodka every now and then, I have been doing so for a while now so this is not a new habit. So I drank it quite quickly today, I have no idea why. And after I finished half of the cup, I felt nauseous. 3 minutes later, I vomited. This amazes me because I rarely ever vomit, and this is the first time I've vomited after alcohol. The thing is, I had a large meal of McDonalds a couple hours earlier.

    My question: Was vomiting most likely caused be: a) The alcohol itself b) Drinking too quickly c) The combination of McDonalds (which tends to upset my stomach anyway) with the alcohol

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Can I shoot pest animals in Ontario?

    I live in a Toronto neighborhood. For 5 years now, sparrows and starlings have been destroying our backyard cherry tree. We tried many different methods to deter them, the most recent of these being putting up CDs on the tree (which is apparently supposed to work, but doesn't at all). These animals are not afraid of humans. I was in my backyard no more than 15 ft. from my tree when 3 or 4 sparrows showed up and started chewing at the growing fruit. Due to this, our tree never yields cherries like it used to. We see pecked up little pieces of what would have been cherries scattered around the tree.

    I own a 495 FPS pellet gun. Would it be legal for me to dispatch pest birds humanely in my own backyard? If not, what are some other cheap methods I could use to deter pest animals from taking out my fruit every year?

    Thank you.

    1 AnswerHunting8 years ago
  • Does this need stitches?

    I cut my knuckle on a piece of sheet metal about 15 minutes ago, tried to stop the blood using as many methods as I have available to me. The cut went down to my knuckle, I can sorta see the bone. But then again, there isn't much meat between the skin and the knuckle. Do you think that this will heal on its own if it just stop moving it for a while, or should I go and get it stitched?


    2 AnswersFirst Aid8 years ago
  • Samsung Galaxy S4 lockscreen widget issue?

    I have a rather unusual issue here. When I got my S4, the personal message on the homescreen said "Life companion" or something. I changed this to whatever I wanted. Now, instead of my personal message, the music widget appears on my lockscreen. Sometimes, this widget will disappear and be replaced with my personal message, which is the way I want it. I don't want this widget, but I can't seem to remove it from my pattern lock screen.

    Believe me when I say I've gone through every one of the settings, played with every possible option for two hours. I even tried formatting it, but nothing. If anybody can help me get rid of this widget from my lock screen, I would really really appreciate it. If you need any more information, just ask and I'll edit this.

    Thank you.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Calculating my exam mark using all of the other grades, weights, and the final course mark?

    Well, my professor would not give me my final exam grade for some reason. I have every other mark, the weight for all of the marks, and my final course grade. I just need to know what my final exam grade is, and I'm terrible at math. So I'll provide all of the values here, and if anybody could help me with this, I'd appreciate it.

    Mid-term exam weight: 35%

    Mid-term exam mark: 62%

    Course paper weight: 20%

    Course paper mark: 80%

    Essay weight: 10%

    Essay Mark: 100%

    Final-exam weight: 35%

    Final exam mark: ----

    Course mark: 75%

    2 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • Is it common to see vultures in crowded cities?

    I just saw a couple of turkey vultures wandering around my Toronto neighborhood. I'm just curious, is it common/normal for them to be around neighborhoods?


    1 AnswerZoology8 years ago
  • How long will hay fever last?

    I've never had seasonal allergies before, this is the first time I've noticed it. Just 4 or 5 days ago, I started having an itchy, sore throat, itchy and watery eyes, an itchy and runny nose, etc. I was pretty sure this was hay fever, so I went to my doctor who said the symptoms matched, and gave me 20mg Reactine tablets for them, a prescription anti-histamine, once a day.

    I've been taking the medication for a couple of days, and they have just started to work properly. But I don't want to be on these things forever, I'd actually like to enjoy my summer break without having to take this stuff. Anyway, I have a couple of questions.

    How long will hay fever usually last?

    What can I do to further ease the symptoms? Even with the medication, sometimes I'll have a really bad throat itch, and the only thing that will help it is peppermint tea. Anything else I can do for it?


    1 AnswerOther - Diseases8 years ago
  • How long will hay fever last?

    I've never had seasonal allergies before, this is the first time I've noticed it. Just 4 or 5 days ago, I started having an itchy, sore throat, itchy and watery eyes, an itchy and runny nose, etc. I was pretty sure this was hay fever, so I went to my doctor who said the symptoms matched, and gave me 20mg Reactine tablets for them, a prescription anti-histamine, once a day.

    I've been taking the medication for a couple of days, and they have just started to work properly. But I don't want to be on these things forever, I'd actually like to enjoy my summer break without having to take this stuff. Anyway, I have a couple of questions.

    How long will hay fever usually last?

    What can I do to further ease the symptoms? Even with the medication, sometimes I'll have a really bad throat itch, and the only thing that will help it is peppermint tea. Anything else I can do for it?


    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • How long will hay fever last?

    I've never had seasonal allergies before, this is the first time I've noticed it. Just 4 or 5 days ago, I started having an itchy, sore throat, itchy and watery eyes, an itchy and runny nose, etc. I was pretty sure this was hay fever, so I went to my doctor who said the symptoms matched, and gave me 20mg Reactine tablets for them, a prescription anti-histamine, once a day.

    I've been taking the medication for a couple of days, and they have just started to work properly. But I don't want to be on these things forever, I'd actually like to enjoy my summer break without having to take this stuff. Anyway, I have a couple of questions.

    How long will hay fever usually last?

    What can I do to further ease the symptoms? Even with the medication, sometimes I'll have a really bad throat itch, and the only thing that will help it is peppermint tea. Anything else I can do for it?


    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases8 years ago
  • How long will hay fever last?

    I've never had seasonal allergies before, this is the first time I've noticed it. Just 4 or 5 days ago, I started having an itchy, sore throat, itchy and watery eyes, an itchy and runny nose, etc. I was pretty sure this was hay fever, so I went to my doctor who said the symptoms matched, and gave me 20mg Reactine tablets for them, a prescription anti-histamine, once a day.

    I've been taking the medication for a couple of days, and they have just started to work properly. But I don't want to be on these things forever, I'd actually like to enjoy my summer break without having to take this stuff. Anyway, I have a couple of questions.

    How long will hay fever usually last?

    What can I do to further ease the symptoms? Even with the medication, sometimes I'll have a really bad throat itch, and the only thing that will help it is peppermint tea. Anything else I can do for it?


    2 AnswersAllergies8 years ago
  • Stomach issues after having spicy food?

    I have not had anything spicy for a long time before today. Just a couple hours ago though, I had some pizza with really thick cheese and it was buffalo chicken flavored, so it was mildly spicy. I did not think it would do anything, but I am having stomach cramps and loose motions a couple hours after the pizza. I'm wondering if it could even happen this fast, or is this more of a coincidence? I used the washroom 6 hours ago and everything was normal, but now I'm in a lot of pain. Could this be because of the spicy food? And if it is, how could I treat it/ prevent it from reoccuring?

    Thank you.

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • My budgie will not let the other one eat?

    I had 2 budgies, both around 3 years old. One of them died, so we had to get a new one, and we bought a 6 month old.

    This is 3 months later, so now we have one that's a bit over 3 years old, and a 9 month old. Everything was fine for the first 3 months, but now, the younger one will actually not let the older one eat. I find this weird, because usually the older one dominates the younger one. But my older one is very calm and gentle, where as the younger one is hyper and rough, always bothering the other one. It got to the point where the older one was so scared of the younger one, that he sat on the ground all day because that's the only place that the younger one could not bother him.

    What do I do?


    6 AnswersBirds8 years ago
  • Loose stool during normal flu?

    I have had the flu for about a week now. Symptoms such as cough, light fever, headache, just the normal flu. Today I am having loose stools/diarrhea as well, so I'm wondering if this could be part of the flu or might it be something else?

    Thank you.

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases8 years ago