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Love my 1st love God. Love truth and seeking it. Exposing the lie and confronting it with truth. Speaking the truth in love. Encouraging, mentoring, edifying, inspiring myself and others. Thinking, pondering, meditating on and solving; life, and the mystery of the gospel. And the mystery of marriage. (-.0)

  • If God were to duplicate Himself, would anything change?

    Hehe. Ponder that then answer before reading the following.





    God never changes. God is spirit. God is 1. He is all-powerful, yet He is spirit. He is still He. He is love. He is Faithful and True. He could'nt duplicate Hisself cuz... He IS. The Great I AM. Can water become water? Wind become wind? Fire become fire? 1 of us is only a drop of water. He is many rushing waters. Selah.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can you 'own' someone?

    The real question I ask is: What is the pschological term, condition, that refers to when someone says "But you don't know how much I love you!" when you don't give them something they want from you?

    Because they did'nt get a certain desired response/action from you. If you are in a relationship, engaged, and you spend a lot of time together, but then you want some time to yourself to occupy your hobby, read, think and pray, and/or etc., but they rebel and pout, and then say that you don't know how much they love you as they waited all day to see you, (no exact plans made), (you did'nt say you would), and because you won't offer your cam or view theirs because you are concentrating on something that it would interfere with. Let's say you are a writer. And can't write when always distracted, your time demanded, every day. But they love you so much, that you should.... ? Should what? Let them possess you? Attempt to own you? "Individual" and "freewill" no longer have meaning?

    15 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • What is true love?

    Who was Immanuel?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you believe smoking is a sin?

    And if so, in what case, and what biblical references do you base your answer on?


    When it's addiction/bondage?

    Wherein it is in "excess"?


    I'm mostly only seeking Christian/biblical principals, point of views, but all are welcome.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is there any 1 thing in life that you've always wondered about but never really figured out?

    I know this question may attract a lot of silly & onry replies, and probably especially opposite sex related. But, I love pondering everything about life, such as human nature, truth, good/evil, psychology, prophecy, dreams, and etc. And I'm mostly just seeking more food for thought. More substance to chew on, solve, resolve. Something I have'nt thought of hopefully. Or maybe an aspect of something I forgot about. It can be onry if ya like, though ya may not get 'best answer' unless it really cracks me up. I'm only asking, not answering, so if ya want my best guess you'll have to say so. Thanks.

    17 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • I have bad credit. Where can I get a loan ?

    Either a loan for $5000, or a consolidation loan for about $20,000. I have no assets, no security. Need a monthly payment I can afford.

    I always gave in to my ex-wife's whims. Got in debt. Tore up credit cards 4 years ago. Now just pay as I go. And live simple. I don't want any more debt, but I need to get to the Philippines someday soon, to marry and bring home my fiance. I have a good job. Been there since 2000. Don't have enough 401K yet to borrow from. Pay child support. I'm trapped. Hopeless. Arg!

    I'm thinking bout giving up my apt and etc and finding the cheapest place I can to live. I'm out of choices. I refuse to do bankruptcy. Tempted to 3 times. But could'nt. Have to be faithful to my word. And will. Am.

    Sometimes it's so agonizing. Feel like giving up. But, love will make a way. Please help. Waaa.

    If I get a loan, she will help me pay it once here and gets a work permit. But time is ticking. I agreed to give her a child. She's all I desire.

    4 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Is love a 1-feeling/emotion, 2-desire, 3-spirit, 4-fantasy/myth, 5-charity/giving, 6-devotion, or 7-choice?

    And if it's a combination of two or more of the ablove, which combination, and which preceeds which if it does and in which order?

    What is the origin of love?

    It's essence?

    Do you feel any love from the "big bang"?

    Is love any evidence of something?

    And of what?

    Is God love?

    Did He create us in love?

    Did He choose us?

    Why did Jesus come?

    What does "I DO" mean?

    And just what is "true love"?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What would result if all law enforcement (in.the United States) were not in operation (force) for just 1 day?

    No not our national security, nor EMT's, etc. Just local law enforcement. What if not in force for 1 whole week? Oh, and given that everyone in the streets were aware of the fact.

    How much do we trust or feel secure with our society?

    Would it seem like the beginning of total anarchy? Or just a lot of looting, rapes and murders?

    What do you think would result?

    I could have asked in regard to any country, society, etc. But , I'm curious to as what would occur on my own doorstep. I already hear sirens frequently, read about female abductions, carjackings and etc, and see how people get along on the highway (arg), etc. Answer in regard to your own local govenment around the globe if ya like.

    What do you think would occur?

    A - 1 day?

    B - 1 week?

    C - What region/country/providence?

    And how do you feel about it?

    Are we feelin da love?


    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What is the powerful delusion that God sends?

    2 Thesalonians 2

    9The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, 10and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

    Something to make the church (Christianity) look even more bad? False prophet? ?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Which version of the pentagram has (channels) any power?

    I don't have 1, don't desire 1, they have no power over me, I seek no power from one, but, just for the sake of knowing, I'm curious to whether the design and position are crucial, and if the points must touch the circle, or etc. Nothing I need to know, but do you know? And why did you want to know before you knew? Lol. Maybe I should'nt seek to "know" too much about "that other tree". Arg. Something bout... "knowing". Knowledge. Something bout "what killed the cat"? Lol.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Did Judas inherit the kingdom of God?

    I've been lazy to search for that scripture when Jesus tells the disciples that they would be with Him in Heaven. And to see whather or not Judas was present at that moment.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago