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What were the names of the 12 disciples of Jesus?
And what actually happened to one of them named Judas Iscariot? The story about this man is highly clouded in mystery, but I'd love to hear any version of it anyway. And lately I hear of the emergence of a Gospel by Judas Iscariot, anyone knows about this?
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHas anyone used the Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 mobile phone?
If so, how do you find it and what are its pros and cons? Thank you for your additional input. I would like to get one if it is any good or better.
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoCould anyone please recommend...?
... a suitable PDA-***-organiser mobile phone set (either using touch screen or with a key pad) with Windows Mobile 6.0 installed plus WiFi, GPRS, Bluetooth, calendar and pocket office with Word, Excel,Powerpoint and Outlook. The price tag should be say between US$400~500? Please include Make and Model Reference No.s as well. Thanks for your help!
1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds1 decade agoWhat do you see in him?
Tiger Woods has been said to be one of the greatest golfers (if not the greatest) of all time.
Some even say he is a genius or maestro in golf, despite his display of minor hiccups from time to time. What are his special strengths that you could lay down as being contributory to his phenomenal success thus far?
11 AnswersGolf1 decade agoWhat would you do with such a character?
He is very fond of interrupting people who are in the middle of a conversation or a talk, and more often than not he tries to divert attention to his very funny ideas and askewed suggestions. What can you do to stop this sort of misdemeanour?
10 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoWhy can't askers check their spelling first before submitting their questions?
There is a 'check spelling' tab on top of the question box, and yet askers failed to make use of it. Properly spelt words definitely will give better understanding of what is being asked.
14 AnswersLanguages1 decade agoHow can I do it?
I'm interested to download to my PC (or my external hard drive) some of YouTube's interesting & educational video clips but I do not know how. Can anyone help me how, and provide further details as to what specific software needed for this and provide the site from which I can download such a software FOC? Thanks for your help!
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoIs it true the Bible was written some 300 years after Jesus' lifetime?
I'm made to understand that translation of the present Bible was made from the Greek version of the Bible which claimed to have been derived from a translation of the original Aramaic language (used during Jesus' time).
28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhere can I get a 'hit counter' from? I need one to be installed on my group site?
I need to know if members of my group have been active or not, plus to find out if there are any unauthorised visits to my group site.
3 AnswersYahoo Groups1 decade ago