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chunky munky

Favorite Answers18%
  • training a rescue dog to come back.?

    my friend has just got a collie cross rescue dog,she is bad on the lead and we let her off today for the first time across the fields,but my friend wants the dog to return when he blows the whistle,he blew it constantly and called her name constantly and she ignored him completely.I tried to tell him he should ignore her a bit more and change direction,so she looks for him and learns to follow him, maybe train her to just come back when you call her before trying the whistle.Iam quite sure she had no idea what the continuous whistle was for..Does my advice sound like good advice or do you think he is doing this right? i have two dogs who are very well behaved(generally!!).

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • why do i keep getting cracks in the corners of my mouth?

    for weeks now i cant seem to heal these cracks,they are so sore and when i open my mouth to eat,they crack open again..what could it be? your opinions would be appreciated x

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • how can i prove iam not a fraudster?

    i have been accused of living as man and wife while claiming single ex and i have been seperated for years and had very little contact for some time due to a domestic violence incident.just lately he has wanted to make amends(to the children really)and has wanted to be a father to them,this is where it gets tricky,he is homeless,sleeps on mates sofas etc,i let him stay a couple of nights on my sofa and he visits most days.he does odd jobs but nothing permanent,he gives me my maintenance money(when he has it)but does not help me out financially.He has no bank account and does not claim benefits himself..Can these people really tell me when i can allow my kids to see their dad,how can i prove he is not giving me money,how will i live if they stop all my benefits.Surely if he cant support me(i dont want him to) iam not doing anything wrong.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • how can i potty train my 2+half year old?

    now iam not a novice at this,i have four children but this little one refuses to do anything on the potty or toilet,i don't pressure him about it but ive got to get him started,he wont even leave his nappy off,i would appreciate any tips that may have worked for you,or you have heard of..many thanks x

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • how can i clean my electric oven?

    apparently you should not use chemical cleaners,i do wipe it out after use but it still smokes.

    7 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago