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sarah jane

Favorite Answers29%
  • Looking for women who had appendectomy during pregnancy?

    I am 16 weeks, had an emergency appendectomy on Wednesday with the traditional incision. I'm worried about how my labor will be and if this scar is going to interfere. Looking for input from anyone who has gone through this, while I wait for my follow up with the surgeon next week.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Dating ultrasound at 7 weeks?

    I am currently 6w5d based on date of LMP, but I have very irregular cycles so I am being sent for a dating ultrasound.

    Will the technician be able to give me the results when he/she does the scan, or will I have to wait to hear from my doctor? I don't have my next appt until Dec 9, and I would hate to have to wait that long!

    Also, for anyone who has gone through this- is it external or internal? Do I have to arrive with a full bladder?

    Thanks ladies!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Question for those in AA/previously in AA?

    I have a friend who started attending AA a few months ago. I was thrilled that she was ready to get sober, as I have known many people in the past who have had great success with the program.

    She is not sticking with the program like she should, and I think part of the reason it is not working for her is that there seems to be a lot of drama in her meeting. People dating, spreading rumors about each other, talking behind one another's backs- it just doesn't seem like it is an environment that is conducive to getting and staying sober- at least it has not been for her.

    Is this typical? Should she find a new meeting? I know that her recovery is her responsiblity, but I think she is getting pulled into the soap-opera atmosphere too much and it is distracting her from the work she needs to do.

    Thanks for your input.

    5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Cramps at 12 DPIUI?

    Looking for inspirational stories about period-like cramps at 12 DPO/DPIUI with a BFP that followed. Feeling very discouraged right now!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • TTC, and wishing my life away?

    This isn't a question, really, but I was talking to a friend of mine who is also TTC, and it occured to us that we are wishing our lives away!

    First, you're waiting to start your period, so that you can take Clomid. When the pills are done, you're waiting to see if you ovulated. If you did, then you're waiting to test. If the tests are negative, you're waiting to see if AF comes. If you didn't ovulate, you're waiting for AF to come again so that you can start back on the Clomid.

    Time really flies when you're TTC!

    7 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Why does everyone want twins?

    I have to say, I am really shocked by the number of questions that I see posed here by women who are "trying" to have twins. I'm not referring to IVF patients, but women who have no fertility problems and say "we've always wanted twins" or "we think it would be cool to have twins."

    Can someone please explain the fascination? I am personally nervous about getting pregnant with twins, because of the added cost and stress to my body. I will be thrilled to get pregnant in any case, but I am really hoping for just one baby. I know people who have twins, and it is hard, especially in the first two years.

    Can someone clarify why twins are viewed as "cool"?

    16 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Highest dose of Clomid you have been on?

    I just got off the phone with my doctor- today is CD 1 so I was now have my "schedule" for this month. I am to take 250 mg of Clomid CD 3-11. This is my last month on Clomid, so I guess they want to throw as much at me as they can and see what happens.

    HSG CD 8

    U/S CD 13

    What a fun month it is going to be!


    How high did your doctor take Clomid for you?

    9 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Progesterone supplements during the 2WW?

    Has anyone been on progesterone supplements while they were in the 2WW? I know I ovulated this month, and we did timed BD, and my doc put me on 200 mg Prometrium for CD 18-30 in order to help any possible pregnancy "stick."

    I am coming to the end of the pills (tomorrow is the last day) and I am having some cramps that feel pretty much like period cramps. But I didn't think I would get my period while on progesterone, only after I stopped taking it? So I am confused as to why I feel so PMS-y.

    Anyone have any experience with this?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Prometrium and HPTs?

    I finally ovulated! Woo hoo! I went for an ultrasound to confirm this morning. Because my doctor "doesn't trust my hormones" he wants me to start Prometrium for twelve days to try to help support any possible pregnancy.

    Does anyone know if this will interfere with an HPT? Of course, I am dying to start testing, and I'd like to start before the 12 days is up. (I do Dollar Store tests, at least one per day, it's my hobby for the moment!)

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Clomid Failure (first round)?

    Curious to see if anyone has had a first round of Clomid that did not cause ovulation, but then went on to have a sucessful second or third round. I don't mean that pregnancy resulted, necessarily, just that ovulation occured.

    I had blood work and internal ultrasound so I am certain that it did not work for me this time. I just finished Provera and am waiting for AF to come so I can start a higher dose of Clomid. First round:

    CD 4-5 100mg

    CD 6-8 50mg

    Looking for hope- I really don't want to have to do injectibles if I don't have to. Hoping that the second round might work!

    Thanks ladies.

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Clomid experiences?

    Found out this morning that my first cycle of clomid did not work. Curious to see what everyone else took with regard to dosage, and how well it worked/didn't work for you. Here's what I took this time around:

    Started CD 4 with 100 mg

    CD 5 100 mg

    CD 6-8 50 mg

    Next month I would double the dose, so it will be 200mg/100mg.

    Also on 1500 mg metformin taken as 500 mg before each meal.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Metformin, hot flashes and timing?

    I am currently on 1500 mg which I take in one dose with dinner. Lately I have been noticing that my sleep is very restless, and I get very hot through the night- I throw all of the covers off about halfway through the night. Now that I am on Clomid, too, it is getting worse.

    Other than that, I haven't had any of the typical Met side effects. Curious about how you take your Met dose, what time of the day and how often? I am considering switching to the morning, because I need to get some sleep!

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Provera before Clomid, short period?

    I recently finished a ten day course of Provera. I had my period, but it was extremely light and short- even more so than usual. I am afraid that it wasn't a "true" period. Today is my second day on clomid, and I am afraid that it won't be successful because of the short period. I know that I may still ovulate, but I am worried that I won't be able to implant.

    Has anyone had this experience?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Met + Clomid, how many months?

    For those who were/are on a met and clomind combination- how many months before you got pregnant, or how many months have you been trying with this combo if you're still waiting for BFP?

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Middle name for Gwen?

    For a friend- they are firm on the first name, but having a hard time coming up with a middle name that sounds nice. There are no family names that they want to choose. Open to suggestions.

    23 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • How long did it take for your fertility doctor appt?

    After nine months of trying, I called to schedule an appointment with a fertility specialist (I am over 35). My appointment was booked for Feb 18, but I just got a call that the doctor isn't available that day, and the next available appointment is Feb 26. I know it's only a week, but right now it feels like an eternity to me!

    How hard was it for you to get an appointment for an initial conuslt with a fertility doc? Should I quit whining about three weeks?

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Job as Finance/Insurance manager in an auto dealership?

    Looking for input from people who hold this position or have in the past. What's good about it, what's bad about, is it very lucrative or is it a struggle to make good money?

    3 AnswersFinancial Services1 decade ago
  • Why the obsession with middle names?

    People really seemed to bend over backwards to pick a first and middle name combo that "sounds nice" or "flows well." Personally, I never use my middle name- it's an initial on all of my legal documents. Few people know what it is. Do you anticipate that your child will use their middle name often?

    14 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • How long before positive HPT?

    To the pregnant ladies- when did you test positive on an HPT? Did anyone have to wait longer than one week past their missed period?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • OPK frustration?

    I've used Clearblue OPK for the past two months. I test once per day. I start on day seven and test for seven days (I am on a 24 day cycle). There has only been one time that there has been any hint of an LH line, and it was very faint. On every other test there is no line at all, just the control line. Shouldn't I be getting some sort of line, even if it's not my surge?

    Has anyone else had this experience? I am going to see the fertility doc in two months, so I suppose I'll know for sure then, just frustrated in the meantime. I am considering not using them anymore, the experience only depresses me.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago