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  • How do you make amends with your mom after a fight when you know you weren't wrong and she was?

    Here is the background. I am a grown woman (32), my mother and I have had a good relationship for the past few years. It wasn't until 2 years ago or so I started telling her I loved her again, I probably hadn't really said it since I was a young teenager.

    My childhood was a rough one, my mom was married for the 3rd time when I was 8. My dad was not a good man and has never been in the picture, her 2nd husband was abusive to her. Her 3rd husband was great when they first met but shortly after they were married he was emotionally abusive to me. He took control of the punishments, she didn't stand up to him. There were times I would be grounded for a month to my bed, unable to even read a book. I paid for my own braces in high school because my parents didn't have the money, but they had the money to smoke pot all the time. This was my childhood, I think it sucked, I am over it and I can only make my life better. To spite my past, I have never done drugs, but I do have a little trouble when it comes to laying down the law at my house due to the abuse I faced as a child.

    That being said, talking to my mom about my teenage son a few nights ago, she turned the conversation into me trying to, "drive every man in her life away." She and my step father (3rd one) split my freshmen year in HS. Just after he left we discovered that he had been the one who was sending me sexually explicit stalker type notes in the mail.

    She was single for the summer, and met a man in October, by Thanksgiving he was living with us. By Christmas I moved out (at 14). They dated for about 9 years, I never again lived with them, she finally broke up with him after he got arrested for soliciting a prostitute. Ok thats the background, sorry this is a novel...

    So during our fight she told me that I pushed these men away, I am well aware that these relationships did not end because of me, or to spite that it hurt our relationship. How do I get it through to her that I don't care about the past anymore, I just want to focus on the future. I don't think she was the best mom ever and I feel like that is what she wants me to tell her and I can't. I can only forgive her for where I feel she dropped the ball, and move on trying not to do the same in my life. I feel as an adult my life hasn't been all sunshine and roses, but everything is a direct result of a decision I have made, some have sucked, some are great. My mom is not the reason I am who I am today, how can we get past this? I am the only person in the neighborhood I grew up in that never did any drugs to spite that it was available to me from the age of 8. I supported myself in high school. I did most of it by myself. Is it horrible that I don't want her to compare me as a parent to her as a parent when all I want for my kids is to have a life I never did when I was growing up?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I have 2 male cats, both are fixed, and they have "stinky bum's"... What can I do?

    I have been told it is their anal glands, what can I do to take care of it. I love my little boys but when this happens every where they sit ends up smelling like their anus! It is totally gross and makes me want to vomit. I don't have a lot of money to take them to the vet right now, if it won't be expensive I can handle it.

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • When you were in high school and thought you had your life planned...?

    You had your eye on your prize, the life you were destin to live, how far from that is reality now that your all grown up?

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Is it me or do teens look a lot older these days?

    I was at my son's baseball game last night. He is 13 and will be in high school next year. Standing near the fence were girls I would have guessed to be 17 or so. I asked another parent because they seemed to be really friendly with a boy on the team, in a grade younger than my son... these girls were in seventh grade! SO they might not even have been 13!!! They didn't look bad or like tramps, they had on appropriate clothing and their makeup wasn't out of control, but I just couldn't believe how mature they looked! It just made me think to myself... if all the girls look like these girls, I really need to worry about my son more and more!

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Is your teenager eating you out of house and home?

    Ok its not always me that he does this to. My grandmother made meatballs last week knowing my son was going to go there that afternoon. He is 13 and skinny as a rail because he is involved in many sports so weight isn't an issue, he is sort of small for his age according to height and weight as of now. The dang kid ate in 1 sitting 18 meatballs, we aren't talking mini ones, we are talking 2-3 inch meatballs. When we go out to eat with him he doubles our bill! My fiance and my girls and I go out often, due to his busy life he isn't able to come out as often with us, when its the 4 of us our bill is about $40-50, when he is with us its at least $80. Anyone else need to vent about how much their "growing boys" eat? I love him and he obviously needs the food but man I don't know where the heck he puts it! Nor do I know that I can afford this for another 5 years lol! I am very thankful I have 2 bird like eating girls behind him! Tell me about your bit appetite children!

    7 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Butternut squash ravioli sauce?

    I would like a walnut sauce recipe if anyone knows one. I have looked and can get Emeral's recipe so no need to include that I am not a fan of alfredo sauces either. Thanks for your help I have some butternut squash ravioli in my freezer calling my name I need a nice sauce to serve with it!

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • My 6 year old has some planters warts?

    My 6 year old had a large planters wart on her foot for the past few months, I have been treating it with the drops of acid you buy at the drug store, and it hasn't gotten any better over the last 2-3 weeks she has developed more on her feet and 2 on her hand totaling about 9. So I called her Dr. who recommended a dermatologist, we got a quick appointment for next thursday, what are they going to do to my daughter? I am afraid for her she is so sensitive if you even put a band aid on the big one, the poor little thing, how bad is any treatment they give going to hurt her?

    4 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite kind of candy? Do you prefer chocolate or sweet/tart things?

    My favorite candy is gobstoppers, or nerds I also like watermelon jolly ranchers and butterscotch candy. I hardly ever have candy but what is your favorite? And if you have a why tell us!

    14 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • When getting a tattoo what would be a proper tip?

    I waitress so I believe 20% is great. But on the other hand, giving an owner of a tattoo palor $200+ for my tattoo and then handing him $40 on top seems a bit excessive. I don't want to give the impression that I am not greatful, but if he works for 1 hour and made $200 would 20 be cheap, whats your oppinion on what I should give a tattoo artist, I don't want to leave having him think I am a cheapskate, but would like not to break my bank either.

    12 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • When in church when I was a child, when drinking from the goblet, they would just wipe it clean with a cloth..

    How many germs do you think are festering on that goblet? How many people have gotten diseases from sipping from the goblet? At our church now, they only allow you to dip the host but, YUCK to what we didn't know in the past! How much do you think this trend of the pass affected the fact that the percentage of people in the world that have herpies is about 1 in 4? (this was not ment to be an std question but it make sense that this trend of the past probably helped this statistic along)

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • In regards to seafood...?

    I waitress and I have been to culinary school, so I do know a bit about the industry, but I don't eat fish. I have been asked several times if our fish at our restrant is farm raised or fresh. I am guessing they would prefer fresh. Like I said I don't eat it, but I wouldn't mind if they were raised on a fish farm, rather than fished for, does anyone else share my thoughts? If it was freshly caught, then you would probably pay quite a bit more everywhere for it.

    7 AnswersOther - US Dining Out1 decade ago
  • About Don Imus...?

    I agree that his comments were racial remarks, and he was VERY wrong. BUT, if he were a black man on a sindicated radio show, would anyone have batted an eyelash about this? If it were white women sitting on the bench and he called them a bunch of crackers or something racial about white women, would it have been discussed further? What do you think. Again, I do feel he was wrong, he is a jerk period, I never liked his show, but its ok for some people to say racial things on the air, like black rappers, but an old white guy says the same thing, or something not even as harsh as they do and the man loses his job... it is a bit crazy

    10 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Could he really care if this is how he reacts?

    After a very rough visit with my fiancee's family this weekend, I have decided that along with all the other problems in our relationship, it isn't worth the effort anymore. We don't fight that much, we just don't talk anymore. We carry on basic conversations that you would have with any friend. Our sex life has been non existant for a long time, he isn't cheating because when he is home, he is with the children. I have 2 children from a previous relationship, we have a 10 month old together. When I told him tonight that I think we need to go our seperate ways, he showed no emotion, and asked if I wanted him to sleep in the living room? Obviously it doesn't matter what room he sleeps in because nothing happens anyways. His mother yelled at me in with her finger swinging in my face with our baby in my arms and my 4 year old watching. He wasn't there at the time, but that happened Sun. and he has said nothing to her about the matter, that was the last straw.

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Looking for a famous Cheesecake Factory Recipe...?

    I am not sure the name of the dish but it has chicken over pasta with pine nuts and sun dried tomatoes. Does anyone have the recipe for this dish? Its my favorite meal and my husband hates the place so we never get there... If I could cook it myself life would be wonderful!

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Is my 11 year old too young to start lifting light weights with Nautilus?

    At school we talked to a gym teacher at open house and he said that 11 is too young to start. He has a gym class that taught them weight lifting, including free weights. I took him to the YMCA and they show him how to use a few of the Nautilus machines, ones that he was tall enough to use, and he also learned the cardio equipment. Is he too young to lift? Are sets of 12 at a very low weight ok for him to start doing at this age?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Have you been to see Blue Man Group more than once?

    Last Sunday I went to see Blue Man Group in Boston with my mom and son and one of our family friends. I had seen them about 10 years ago and remembered some really great things in the show. Although I had a great time, I was a little upset that the same things I remembered as being the best parts of the show were still the best parts of the show. Has anyone else experienced this? I would have figured after 10 years and the expanding they have done, that their show would still be great but everything would be different. It was still a great show, just a little repetitive.

    2 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • In regards to tail gating...?

    Does anyone know if a box truck would be allowed to park in Gillette Stadium parking? For $35 I should be able to park what I want, but I know they probably have security rules, but I couldn't find anything in their website that banned this. Noone we know owns a pickup truck, this way we can get all our tailgating needs to the stadium for Buffett.

    2 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • I have gained 25 lbs since the birth of my 3rd child...?

    I am very knowelegeable in nutrition and diet and exercise. I know what I must do and must eat to lose the pounds. What I don't know is how do I get the will power and the get up and go to get myself up and at the gym every day? How do I get this motivation? I work 40+ hours a week and I have 3 children, I need to make time for myself, but time for myself I often want to be a nap!!!

    About 6 years ago I lost a drastic amount of weight in 30 days due to emotional stress. I lost 40 pounds in 30 days, the wrong way, but after this I realized I looked good and had my buns at the gym 3 hours a day 5 days a week. Once I get going and see results I'll be a gym addict, how do I get myself back to that gym addict that I once was? I am tired of being fat!

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Is it illegal to sell event tickets for more than face value on eBay?

    We have extra Jimmy Buffett tickets and if my friend can't go I was planning on putting them on ebay, but a woman that I know told me I can get into trouble if they sell for more than face value... But if you look at ebay, you can buy tickets for Red Sox and Yankee games for sometimes 500 a ticket, when the face value is less than 100. Is this really illeagal or am I misinformed, and if it is how can so many people do it? Do they get into trouble later? Would like any input you can provide thanks

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is it illeagal to sell event tickets for more than face value on ebay?

    We have extra Jimmy Buffett tickets and if my friend can't go I was planning on putting them on ebay, but a woman that I know told me I can get into trouble if they sell for more than face value... But if you look at ebay, you can buy tickets for Red Sox and Yankee games for sometimes 500 a ticket, when the face value is less than 100. Is this really illeagal or am I misinformed, and if it is how can so many people do it? Do they get into trouble later? Would like any input you can provide thanks!

    5 AnswersInternet1 decade ago