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  • GH: Is this marathon of older shows making anyone else miss the golden days of GH?

    I am really enjoying watching these old GH episodes from '96 and '97. I love seeing some of the older characters who have moved on and I love watching the old credits and hearing the "Faces of the Heart" theme song. But the downside to watching these older episodes is that it's reminding just how much better the show was back then. GH used to be a real high-quality show. Back in the 90s when Claire Labine ran the show it was different. The characters were so much deeper than they are today. Once Guza took over then everything changed and started to go downhill. Many of the characters who are still on the show are mere shadows of who they used to be. So as much as I'm loving watching these old shows from the 90s it's making me kind of sad because I wish that GH could be this good again. Is anyone else having this same reaction?

    10 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH fans, could you help catch me up?

    Okay, I've been a GH fan off-and-on for about 17 years. For various reasons I have missed watching the show for the last two months. I want to start watching again but obviously I've missed a lot. Could someone fill me in on the major stuff that has gone down lately. The last time I watched Micheal had just been sentenced to prison but Jason hadn't gone after him yet. If someone could fill me in on what happens after that leading up to now I'd be so grateful.

    And I just found out that my absolute favorite character, Brenda Barrett, is coming back! Time for a Sonny and Brenda reunion FINALLY! They are my all-time favorite soap couple and if Guza messes them up then he's going to be dead to me. Lol.

    Anyway, thanks in advance for your help. :)

    2 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH: Who else is loving Coleman right now?

    I absolutely love Coleman being on Sonny's jury. On the one hand it is completely unrealistic because in real life he NEVER would have been chosen for the jury. He's made it abundantly clear that he supports Sonny and will continue to proclaim Sonny's innocence, and he is also under Sonny's protection and if anyone took a minute to investigate further they would see that he is obviously never going to turn his back on Sonny. But despite how ridiculous it is that he's even on the jury in the first place I am loving every single scene that he is in.

    I loved it on Monday when he told Lisa "gasoline...match...kaboom!" in reference to Johnny and Sonny. It was hilarious! And then on Tuesday's show when he was trying to get out of the jury sequester so he stood up and told everyone that he had a virus...and that it was contagious! I laughed so hard at that part, especially when Alice sort of moved away from him. Honestly every single scene that he is in is priceless. I really hope that the writers continue to utilize him more because he always provides some much needed comic relief in an otherwise dark show.

    9 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH: New opening credits! Who else is excited?

    FINALLY after way too long General Hospital is going to be getting so new opening credits. The ones that they have now have been the same for years and many of the characters have actually moved on and many new characters have joined so there should be a big difference. Right now that shot of all of the men that's shown at the end of the credits still features Justus, Ric, Alan, and the old Lucky played by Greg Vaughn. Clearly this opening is very dated and it's about time for it to be replaced. New characters that have joined the show but that are not in the current opening credits are Olivia, Dante (yay!), all of the kids: Michael, Morgan, Molly and Kristina, Ethan, Steve Webber (who has signed a contract and is now considered a full-time cast member), and Jonathan Jackson's Lucky. I assume that all of these people will be in the new credits with the only possible exceptions being Molly and Morgan since they don't always choose to put the kids in the opening credits although I think they should.

    There's also a rumor that the music is going to be different as well. The new credits are going to first air on Tuesday, February 23rd which is the 12,000th episode of GH. I'm really excited to see them but I can't guarantee that I will be pleased when I do. I actually hate the current opening and think that it could be done so much better so I really hope that this new opening with be an improvement over the last one.

    What are your thoughts? Are you looking forward to seeing your new favorite characters in the credits finally and do you like that they are changing the song or not? Also if you've watched for a long time what version of the opening credits was your favorite? My favorite has always been the old "Faces of the Heart" opening that first appeared around 1993. This one is from 1995 when I first got really into the show and watching it really brings back happy memories.

    6 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH: Liz is pregnant...again. Who's the daddy?

    I know that Becky Herbst is pregnant in real life but I was REALLY hoping that they wouldn't write it into the storyline this time around. They could find a lot of different ways to work around it without making Elizabeth pregnant too, but instead the writers have decided to make Liz pregnant and now we're going to have another "who's the daddy" storyline. I have to say that I'm very disappointed about this. They've already done this *exact* same story with Liz before and now they're doing it again but with Nikolas instead of Jason. I don't think that Liz needs to have three young children when things are so crazy right now trying to raise the two that she already has. And we're going to have to endure months of wondering if the father is Lucky or if it's Nikolas.

    I'm so over the whole Liz/Nik affair and I was hoping that we could move on from it and leave it in the past, but this pregnancy means that's not going to happen anytime soon. Even though I'm very against the storyline since it's happening anyway I really hope that the baby is Lucky's this time. He's such a great guy and he deserves to have a child of his own. Nik already has a kid who he barely pays any attention to at all so he definitely doesn't need another one. Not to mention that if the kid is Nik's then Lucky may never be able to get past it.

    So what do you guys think? Are you as disappointed as I am or does this make you happy? And who do you want to be the baby daddy?

    12 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH: New promo about the Sonny/Dante showdown. What are your thoughts?

    I've recently seen the promo for next week's big confrontation between Sonny and Dante when Sonny finally confronts Dante about being a cop and then makes a drastic (but very Sonny-like) decision to get rid of Dante for good. If you haven't seen it yet here's a link:

    I'm so excited to watch this unfold next week. It looks like it's going to be incredibly intense. Sonny will find out that Dante is his son before Dante finds out that Sonny is his father. So what do you think will happen when Sonny first realizes that he's shot and nearly killed his own son? And how do you think Dante will react when he wakes up and finds out that not only has he been trying to take down his own father for months, but that his father tried to kill him? I think it's going to be an incredible story and I also think that both men are going to be really pissed at Olivia for not telling them sooner.

    14 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH: Who else is glad that the Franco storyline is finally over?

    Franco had his last appearance on Monday's show and I have to say that I am relieved that he's finally gone. It felt to me like the whole storyline drug on for far too long and I was just ready to see it end. I think that this storyline is going to go down in GH history as one of the most over-hyped ever. They spent so much time and energy building it up and making it seem like it was going to be the greatest daytime story ever...and then it just kind of fell flat. I had really looked forward to the whole Franco story but honestly I ended up being pretty disappointed by it. I really hope that GH can put it in the past and move on to better and more interesting stories.

    Were you all as disappointed as I was with the Franco story, or did you feel like it lived up to the hype?

    15 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH: Is Jax getting on anyone else's last nerve?

    I have never liked Jax. From the first minute he set foot in PC back in the 90s I've thought that he was too arrogant and haughty. He's always bugged me but I've been able to mostly tolerate his character for years. But lately he is just annoying me to death every time I see him. All he does is lie to people that he claims to love and try to manipulate everyone just so that he can get his way. His hatred of Sonny has gotten out of control and the lengths that he is going to to bring Sonny down are outrageous. It makes me furious to see him boss Dominic around as if he has any right to interfere in his investigation.

    I think that Ingo is a fine actor but his character is just a joke at this point. I can't ever see Jax on the screen without having the urge to change the channel or at the very least mute the TV so I won't have to listen to him boss people around or whine about Sonny. Is anyone else ready for Jax to take a hike permanently?

    16 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH: New Franco spoilers!...What are your thoughts?

    Today is Franco's first official appearance on GH and I know most of us have really been looking forward to it. In the past there's been speculation that Franco was someone who wanted revenge against Jason and Sonny and that he was a childhood friend of Dante, but these new spoilers make it seem like the writers went in a different direction. Now they claim that Franco is out for revenge...but not for the reasons that we first thought. Supposedly he is obsessed with death and thinks that because Jason kills people that Jason is sort of a kindred spirit and that Jason is just as fascinated with death as he is. When Jason lets him know that they are not the same and that Jason really doesn't like killing people Franco will be furious and his obsession with Jason may take a deadly turn.

    There's also a new spoiler about how Dante ties into Franco's past. According to the GHH spoiler site "There is someone in town who nearly put a stop to Franco's criminal activities years ago." Franco finds out that someone in Port Charles was responsible for trying to take him down several years ago and he vows to get revenge on that person by going after everyone that they love. So chances are that Dante and Franco were not friends as we first thought, but enemies on opposite sides of the law. It will be interesting to see just how Franco tries to get revenge on both Dante and Jason and exactly which of their loved ones will get caught in the crossfire.

    I'm very excited for this storyline and hope that it will be as good as it looks like it will be. I've noticed that there has been a lot of media coverage about James Franco's stint of GH and I hope that it lives up to the hype.

    18 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH: New James Franco promo. What do you think?

    Entertainment Weekly has a new General Hospital promo on their site that shows the first real glimpse of the new mysterious character Franco played by film star James Franco.

    From the promo it describes Franco as an assassin who is obsessed with death. I'm not sure how this will tie into the whole CO77X graffiti or if he is still supposed to be Mr. Poletti's son and Dante's childhood friend like we originally thought. Anything is still possible at this point.

    I'm definitely looking forward to this storyline though. Franco is supposed to have ties to several major characters and it has been said that he's going to be shaking up some of the relationships in Port Charles. The actor said that he enjoyed his time on GH and that he would be open to returning sometime in the future.

    I've noticed that several major entertainment sites such as have had stories about this. There was also an article about it in the most recent issue of TV guide. I'm hoping that all of this publicity will draw in new viewers and help GH's ratings a bit.

    So what do you think? Does seeing this make you more interested in this new storyline?

    11 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH - Idea of how James Franco's new character Franco is tied to Dante, Jason, and Sonny (possible spoiler)...?

    James Franco's character who is interestingly named "Franco" is set to show up in Port Charles on November 20th. I haven't been able to find any spoilers that come right out and say what his business in PC is, but I've formed an idea based on some things that I read on the GHH spoiler site. Remember the conversation that Dante and Lulu had on the docks a few weeks ago when he explained to her about the death of the man who he saw as a father figure? GHH has that conversation streaming on their site next to cryptic spoilers about Franco.

    Dante: "There was one guy I related to the most. See, it wasn't a family member. Mr. Poletti. He was my best friend's dad. He would include me in whatever he did with his own kids... he really went the extra mile to make sure I had that father figure in my life ...right up to the day he was murdered. Everyone knew who gave the order, too. One guy and one guy only ran our neighborhood. No one came forward. It was like... Mr. Poletti's death was supposed to happen. After we buried him this long, black limo pulls up. This man in a perfect suit gets out. The whole street goes still. Everyone stared in awe at the man in the fancy clothes and his aura of power, like he was something to respect. And everyone knew that he ordered Mr. Poletti's death. But it didn't matter in the face of all that...what, charisma? For just a second I thought I could run up to that guy and cold-cock that bastard in the head with my stick, but...he always had bodyguards with him. I never would have got close. It's interesting to me now, you know?...Things come around. All these years later... I'm finally getting close."

    Below that conversation it says that what Franco is after is bigger than just Jason or Sonny, it's more that's he's after them because of what they do, rather than a personal vendetta against them. He's supposedly going after Sonny and particularly Jason because they have gotten away with their crimes for so long and he wants them to pay. The site says that it may be a case of "Vigilante Justice," which leads me to believe that unlike Dante who is trying to take them down legally as a cop, Franco wants to take them down on his own through illegal channels. My guess is that Franco is Mr. Poletti's son and Dante's childhood best friend. If that were the case it would explain why Franco hates mobsters and also why Dante recognized the graffiti tag earlier.

    Franco is supposed to be in Port Charles for about two months and I think that this is shaping up to be a very interesting storyline. What do you all think?

    14 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH - Major spoilers about Claudia's death. Don't come in unless you want to be spoiled!?

    According to major spoilers sites Claudia will indeed be killed next week. There has been some suggestions that maybe she will run away, go crazy, be in a coma, or something similar, but it seems like none of those possibilities are going to come to pass. She will die next week, but surprisingly it won't be murder.

    After Sonny reveals what Claudia has done in front of all of the guests at her birthday party, Claudia will panic and take Carly hostage. While in the getaway car Carly attacks Claudia which will cause the car to crash. Carly gets out and stumbles to a cabin where she goes into labor. Claudia will be knocked unconscious in the accident but will later awaken and find Carly in labor in the cabin. Supposedly she will assist Carly in giving birth and then will demand that Carly hand the baby over to her. Just as Claudia is threatening Carly Michael will show up and hit Claudia over the head with a stick, thus killing her. But he doesn't do it out of revenge or anger, he does it to stop Claudia from terrorizing Carly and his baby sister.

    Jason and Sam will show up soon afterward and go into cleanup mode. Sam will take Carly and the baby to the hospital while Jason informs Sonny of all of the events that occurred that night. Claudia's body will be buried by Max and Milo and Claudia will appear to have "disappeared" to everyone else. There are supposed to be major ramifications that happen to a lot of people as a result of Claudia's death.

    So how does everyone feel about the way that Claudia goes out? Do you think it's a fitting end, or do wish that they would have done it some other way?

    21 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Doesn't it make you mad when the writers ruin one of your favorite characters?

    I'm a big GH fan and Sonny Corinthos used to be my absolute favorite character. He was gorgeous, dynamic, intense, and about a million other wonderful adjectives. But the Sonny that's on the show now is NOTHING like the one that I used to love. He's just a faint shadow of who he used to be and it's all because the writers of the show have almost ruined his character completely.

    All I hear anymore is people talking about how much they hate Sonny and every time I hear it I know why they feel that way because I don't like who he's become either. But it makes me sad that people who didn't watch the show back in the nineties don't understand that he wasn't always this way. I could never hate him because I still remember who he used to be and how incredible he once was. I would do anything if the writers would get it together and change him back to the man that he used to be.

    Have the writers ever screwed up your favorite character? Doesn't it infuriate you when that happens?

    13 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH - Who else thought that today's episode was completely awesome? (9-28-09)?

    I loved everything about today's episode. The whole non-wedding was just incredible.

    Some of my favorite moments were:

    Mac passing out from relief and falling off of his chair and then getting plastered at the reception. Also his forcing Alexis to dance with him was priceless!

    All of the adorable moments between Jason and Sam! I loved when he tied his tie around her neck and all of their kissing in the church. And I was thrilled when he caught the garter and she caught the bouquet! (Sorry Liason fans. Please just overlook this part and don't leave nasty comments about Jasam.)

    The whole group singing karaoke "I Want To Know What Love Is" to Maxie and Spinelli was amazing and it was so sweet that they sang that song.

    Overall I just thought that today's episode was so good. I had a smile on my face through the whole thing and that almost never happens.

    Did you like it and what were your favorite moments?

    17 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • GH - How adorable was Molly when she was talking to Jason today? (9-16-09)?

    Did anyone else think that those scenes between Jason and Molly on GH today were just the cutest scenes ever? I loved when she told Jason to sit down implying that they were about to have a very serious conversation. And then her telling him to respect Sam and not break her heart again was so sweet. And poor Jason looked completely baffled through the whole thing.

    I love Molly. The little girl who plays her is so cute and does a great job. I hope Jason heeds her advice and doesn't screw things up with Sam again. They both deserve a second chance at love and happiness.

    17 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Which soap opera character do you absolutely hate?

    Who is that one character that you can't stand? I don't mean one of the ones that you love to hate, but the one that you truly hate and you look forward to the day that character is no longer on the show, or if they're already gone the one that you celebrated when they finally left.

    GH is my favorite soap although I've watched AMC, OLTL, and Y&R throughout the years too. I've seen just about every imaginable evil villain that there is, but the character I hated the most was not a scary thug or a murderer or anything like that. My least favorite character of all time was a doe-eyed school teacher from Puerto Rico. Lily Rivera (later Corinthos, much to my dismay) was the one character in all my years of soap watching that made my blood boil. I couldn't stand her.

    The character was responsible for breaking up my all-time favorite soap couple Brenda and Sonny. She had her father force Sonny to marry her even though she knew that he didn't love her and that he was in love with someone else. She was a self-centered, manipulative brat and I couldn't wait for her to leave the show. When she finally was killed, even though her death was tragic, I couldn't bring myself to get upset over it. I was just happy she was finally gone.

    So which character was your Lily?

    42 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Who is your favorite soap couple of all time?

    Which soap opera couple ranks as your personal "best couple ever"?

    For me it's Brenda and Sonny from General Hospital. They will always be the ultimate supercouple to me. I've watched GH and several other soaps off and on for about 15 years and I have never seen any other couple that has shown as much chemistry together as those two had.

    I remember thinking that my TV was going to spontaneously burst into flames sometimes when those two were on the screen because they were so hot. Whenever they were together they just exuded sex appeal and heat.

    Brenda and Sonny are my all time favorite soap couple. Who is yours?

    39 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago