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  • Does this Taurus guy have interest in me?

    I got my eye on this Taurus guy in my class. it's not been that long actually, just around a month or maybe less.... very new. Now I wasn't planning on getting crushes for a while but yeah, let's say he's that irresistible in my eye. And it's my nature to chase or at least give a hilariously obvious signal if I'm interested in someone so this Taurus guy is no exception.

    So far, he's been giving such a positive respond. Such as replying my texts/calls/comments pretty fast, talking is fun and hard to stop when we started, and his group of friends knows about my interest in him (but what he think and talked to his friends, I don't have any ideas at all). Somehow at this point, I even know his schedule daily.... he updated it pretty often lately though it's not like that before I come around (I stalked his social page~~~~ lol! and like he know i'm stalking his page............). And nope, didn't go to any further stage yet.... I'm actually planning to ask him out (hopeful face here~~~~)

    I wanted some opinion, from Taurus point of view or someone that have experiences with Taurus guys either he's being friendly or he got some slight special interest in me. I don't want to imagine things and start my full scale chasing plan on him and ended up scaring him if he's not in the same page as I am. That's a disaster........

    i'm a Scorpio Sun (5th H), Virgo Moon (3rd H), Sag Mercury (6th H), Scorpio Venus (5th H), Gemini Mars (12th H), Cancer Ascendant (1st H)

    He's a Taurus Sun (10th H), Scorpio Moon (3rd H), Taurus Mercury (9th H), Aries Venus (8th H), Leo Mars (12th H), Leo Ascendant (1st H)

    3 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • how does a virgo guy flirt?

    virgo guys, girls and everyone that are familiar and known them well..... could you tell me how virgo guy flirt?

    well, i hope this just my feelings but recently this virgo guy at my work place is trying to get my attention, wanted me to help him in his work, give me things that i wanted, talk to me about his life... at first i thought of him just being friendly but now i get the feelings that he's trying to get my attention..... but i just see him as a friend...

    thanks for the help, and i'm a scorpio girl

    5 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • is gemini a childish person?

    would a gemini guy act childish around the person they like? and would they start a fight to get the attention of the person that they like?

    he's a gemini sun / aquarius moon / cancer mars / capricorn venus / pisces ascendant

    9 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • question for gemini guy and people that know or close to them?

    when a gemini said that he wanted to bring a girl back to meet his parent and whole family... especially on a festive day where families will get together to celebrate it.... does it mean that he's serious about that girl or he just being polite and inviting her to come along on the festive day?

    and he said that so sudden..... and persistent about it.... what you all think? oh yes, the girl is me, and that gemini is my bf. but i felt like it's too sudden.... even though we're been together for 2 years and 4 months now....

    he's a gemini sun, aquarius moon, cancer venus, capricorn mars and pisces rising if this help....

    2 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • GEMINI's love triangle?

    just want to ask for opinion,

    GEMINI + LEO or GEMINI + SCORPIO better?

    okay i know the stereotype that scorpio and gemini is bad while leo and gemini is great together... but what happened here, the leo girl and gemini guy always doesn't see eye to eye... fighting always but with the scorpio girl, there's like no fighting at all.... it is too harmony... happy always.... have any experience on this? please share!


    4 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • this gemini man so angry at me.. so sudden?

    well, we're chatting online earlier. he was also chatting with a few of his friends besides me. i see that he replied late so i guess maybe he's buzy with his friends. so i said to him that i wanted to sign off saying that he's might be buzy so i don't want to disturb him at all since i also lost idea what to talk to him.

    he ask me what i want to do after signing off... i just said nothing. maybe just play some games. then he ask don't me don't go assuming i'm jealous he's chatting with another girl but i said i'm not. then he suddenly got mad and said to me let he sign off. now everyone won't chat with him. then he just sign off, without a word.

    i am so lost right now... what did i do that makes him so upset?

    1 AnswerHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • gemini and scorpio together...?

    well i'm a scorpio woman and very very interested in this gemini man. he's everything that i wished a guy would have. i've been friends with him for about a year and half now. it's very fun chasing him because he's hard to read. always changing i mean. and he, of course have lots of girls around him, girl's magnet i guess. recently i asked him, what i am to him and he said that i'm very special to him, his life won't be the same if he didn't see me for one day. kind of giving me some hope. and he said that i'm different than the rest of his girl friends....

    so, i'm wondering is he feeling something special to me or maybe just the same like all the girls also. i mean, i don't want hoping something that is not exist....

    he is gemini sun, aquarius moon, cancer venus, capricorn mars, pisces ascendant

    i am scorpio sun, libra moon, scorpio venus, gemini mars, scorpio ascendant

    thanks for your view and advice!

    3 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • mostly aries guys is a player?

    i noticed that most of aries guys are somewhat flirty... and somehow it just giving me impression that aries guys is a player.... even though they're already have a girlfriend still they flirting and being very close to other girls.

    what's really happening with them...? i am just curious about this..

    3 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • which sun sign is the best to bring along when your shopping?

    which sun sign for you is the best to bring along in shopping spree? or when you shopping... and why is that? include your sun, moon, venus and mars

    6 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • do capricorn like testing people that like them?

    well, currently i am chasing this capricorn guy. and i find out he's acting kind of weird when it's come to me. i mean, when we meet face to face at college usually, he'll give a charming and warm smile and all that but when i tried to contact him by phone or in face book he simply won't answer me. yet he did answer every other comments that he got....

    i started to feel hurt a bit. but yeah, i didn't told him yet that i like him but i do give him straight sign that i like him.... very clear to make everyone get the sign that i like him. today i got his messenger from one of my friends. then i add him and started to talk to him without telling him that it was me. i asked whether he already have a gf but then he simply told me that if a girl likes him than she must be patient because he liked to test people. the i feel weird, whether he's talking about me but i'm positive it's about me...

    so then, i don't know that a cappy like to test people.... what do you think? but i don't mind that testing and mind games, i am living based by that because i'm a scorpio... oh well i just want to know what you all think and if you can give opinion in what i can do that be much helpful...

    i am a scorpio sun, libra moon, gemini mars and scorpio venus

    he's a capricorn sun, aquarius moon, pisces mars and scorpio venus

    thanks for all the comments yah!

    9 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • capricorn related poll?

    well, for people that is in a relationship with a capricorn, are you the one chasing your capricorn or they're the one that chase you?

    and for capricorn people, do you like to be chased or to chase someone?


    10 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • about capricorn guy.. needed opinion!?

    well i know that capricorn guys is said that they're slow in expressing love and affection and ect... well i like this capricorn guy at my college. i simply have a huge crush on him when i first saw him and decided to aproach him. it goes well in the beginning but then i guess he realise that i'm trying to be more than just friends with him so he simply stop contacting me.

    i tried for about 2 days to contact him but he won't reply so i guess that he's giving clear sign that he don't want me to be his special someone. fine, i don't mind at all. but then, the next day he act weird. i mean, he's looking at me all the time, smiling, and his friends also acting nice to me. every single time he would act like that when seeing me at college.

    so now i'm wondering, did he have some feelings for me or i'm just thinking too much or what? any opinion?

    3 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • confuse on pisces girls attitude...?

    well, i know 4 piscean girls and every one of them is different in attitude despise being on the same sun sign. and i know natal chart must have their influences on them but they're still under the same sun sign, suppose they share something same like generosity and dreamy attitude... at least that's pisces description....

    among this four, i can totally relate to pisces with aquarius cups... but i find it hard to understand a full pisces and even more with pisces with aries cups...

    anyone knows? i put my chart in case it needed... i am scopio sun, scorpio venus, libra moon, gemini mars.

    4 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • why scorpio being such a big influence to others?

    i don't know if any other scorpio feels like this... or any other signs agree on that or not...

    what happen to me is that people always following or copying me or using what i say like it's their things... like my style, they copying it even when they say their styles are the best, yet they still copying me... always follow my attitude and style... and i like giving people nick names... they say they don't like but they still use it widely....

    so i want to ask, is it only me or did every other scorpio out there feel the same? kinda annoyed sometimes but then again i like being the role model.... oh well...

    other signs... what you think of this...? i mean, did it have to do with my chart because my chart is a mix of signs.... i have scorpio sun, sagittarius mercury, libra moon, scorpio venus and gemini mars...


    6 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • capricorn men sulking....?

    i mean, how bad is it...? and what can i do to cheer him up?

    2 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • my ex new girlfriend is jealous at me?

    well, it's about 9 months since we break up, me and my ex. and about 7 months we lost contact with each other. the last 2 months we started to contact each other back because it's my birthday so he's wishing it to me and that's how it's started.....

    few weeks later in find out that he's in a new relationship, quite about a month with this girl. i'm very happy for him and his new girlfriend. in the meantime, me and my ex are getting much more closer but we are just friends. i guessed his gf find out about me and started feeling jealous about me and my ex. he explained to her that we used to be a couple but it's been a long time since we break up. but she refuses to believe him.

    he told about what happened to me and i decided that we should stop contacting each other, at least until she's cool down. but no, she wanted to meet me and when i go and meet her, she started a drama scene! she's really mad and jealous.she's blaming me and cursing me and very insecure that her relationship will broke up because of me. i tried to be patient and convinced her that i have nothing with my ex but she's just unstoppable.. really furious so i guess i get mad too when she insulted me so much.

    but i feel bad really for what happen. my ex and her having a dark time now... i just wish i can do something to help them happy again... any advice?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • which one is better..? the scorpio or gemini guy?

    okay... i am so totally blur and confused with these there guys. they are crushing on me and currently are competing to get me. so i want to know which one exactly is best for me. kinda will help me in making my decision....

    i am scorpio sun

    moon in libra

    venus in scorpio

    mars in gemini

    1st guy is scorpio sun

    moon in libra

    venus in libra

    mars in aries

    2nd guy is gemini guy

    moon in libra

    venus in gemini

    mars in capricorn

    3rd guy is scorpio sun

    moon in taurus

    venus in libra

    mars in aries

    look i know someone will say that love does not suppose to be based on this things and bla bla but i just want to look this as a factor in my decision making with other factor... just kinda maybe it will help...

    8 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • gemini guy behavior.... what do you think of him?

    i've know this gemini guy about 7 month now. well he's not fully gemini, he's gemini with taurus cups. i know him online in facebook. we developed a strong friendship and he was totally involve me in what ever he do or if not, he will tell me what happen every single day. it's like he's a little boy telling mom about life at school ect..

    and for that i've developed a feelings for him. and i have told him exactly on our third month of knowing each other. he's not accepting or rejecting. he just simply said give him time. he say he like me and adore that i can be cool with his temper and moods.. but he's not ready yet... so ok, i let him be.

    but then lately i know from one of my long distance friend saying she know him when i show her pictures of him. and she told me exactly a different story then what i knew from him. tuns out he have another facebook account with different name and personality in there and a girlfriend also. looks like they have been couple for about 2 years.

    i was shock, and really confused so i ask him why. but he keep silence... about two weeks later he contact me back acting like nothing happen. untill now i still contact with him. he said he have feelings for me after that incidence but i never trust him anymore. so i am wondering why he could do like that... i mean, he told me every single thing happen in his life that is true but he switch the story a bit so that i don't know his true identity, he contact every single day yet he is cheating on his identity and life towards me and now acting like nothing happen though he knows his secret is no longer secrets...

    what do you think??

    -curious scorpio-

    2 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • capricorn guy dilemma~~?

    well, i like this cappy guy for a while now. when i told him, he ask me to give him some time since his last gf had really hurt him so badly.

    and yes, he is a popular and handsome guy, and for that many many girls are after him not just me. and he treat them nicely too. weird thing is, he always and will told me every girl that are trying to ask him out or anything... and when i suddenly and intentionally lost contact with him, he will find and search me like crazy. he will ask me daily if i'm good or not ect... worry if anything happen to me and remember important dates in my life..

    i am still blur, if he like me why don't say so and if he don't want me why be so nice with me? and he still don't give me clear answer...

    -and i am a scorpio girl-

    1 AnswerHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • chinese zodiac- horse and rat problem...~?

    as what zodiac compatibility said, "

    hose and rat were never meant together.. just a quick attraction"

    i means, can that be trusted? because i used to like this rat guy, and i'm a horse girl. i told him that i like him but he just don't give clear answer so one day i decide to leave him after waiting him for about 7 month... for a simple answer...

    but when i stop contacting him, he will go and find me like crazy.. what is going on with this rat guy anyway? i just don't understand him.. and he wont tell me at all...

    1 AnswerHoroscopes1 decade ago