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Favorite Answers31%
  • should i repalce raypak pool heater or try to get it fixed?

    My mom just bought a house 6 months ago. It had a Jacuzzi that was filled in with dirt and gravel. Today just got it clean out and test the equipment that is with the Jacuzzi. I look up the model and seem it was built in the late 70s to the early 80s. i know nothing about the unit just can tell its really old. would it be better to replace it or just get if fixed. and if so would I be able to fix it. the model No. is a 181WHG raypak pool heater

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago
  • should i retake my job?

    i am stuck with a destitution and don't know if i should take it or not.

    ok i left my job because of health reasons of being too stress out, over worked and having depression starting to set in.

    right now i don't have a job and have been look for the last 6 months. my old job wants to rehire me. but i fell its just going to be the same as last time just with higher pay. i want to take the job for the money but my gut is tell me to skip on this rehire and just keep looking. or should i take it suck it up and look for work will i am still working.

    i have till Monday to say i am in or say no to the rehired.

    this job is computer network administrator just a one man witch is me. i would like for them to hire a helper but they wont.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • bread stuffing without onions or celery?

    is there any recipe without onions or celery i got some one that can not eat them for medical reasons

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • How to have the landlord fix the ac on a room rental?

    I renting a room in riverside, CA. right now its in the 100 outside and inside temps are near 90. is there laws for them to fix the AC at all. This is on a month to month lease. So if I don't get this issue fix I will find a better place.

    ok what steps do i need if can take any to get this issue fixed. this is what i am think of doing.

    *Hello “landlord”

    I have an issue that I need to bring to your attention. I need that AC fix or I will be missing work for that fact that I can't sleep with room temps in the 90s. That make its unlivable during the summer time. I will give you 30 days to fix the AC issue or I will be leaving I have no time or the money to have this fix. It is your responsibility to fix this issue as this is an area that gets high temps in the summer time.


    sign here

    My name

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • Will i have gray hair at a young age?

    I am 23 right now. I am not really warred about it just curious. Will I have gray hair when I get older, as in the next 10 years or so. Both my parents have gray hair, my mom has had gray hair from the age of 30 and she is now 49. My dad for about the last 5 to 10 years but he does not have a lot tho, hes the same age as my mom.

    yes my mom has all gray hair but she diyes her hair so its does not show.

    2 AnswersBiology8 years ago
  • how to sleep in a room with 90+ temps?

    as it say need to find a way to stay cool so i can sleep for just a few hours. past few days have not been able to sleep. have no ac right the one i had in my window broke and don't have the money right now to buy one at walmart

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • how fast is 100 Mbps internet conation really?

    i just got a new internet conation at my place how fast is that really. just see what people think of this and if you have the same speeds at home.

    i get my form charter 100 Mbps down 5 Mbps up

    3 AnswersComputer Networking9 years ago
  • can sleep have a bad cough and cold?

    ok i need a little help right now i can not sleep just getting sceard that i cant beath when i am falling a sleep i can only bearth thougth my month right now my nose is all pluged up and does not matter how much i blow to clear it. i am going to the doctoer tomarrow to get my self check out. been need some to help me sleep for the time being going to be take an bath to see if that help and adive whould be help full. oh and i have had this cold started around Monday thanks

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases10 years ago
  • letting house go into foreclosure?

    ok i going to make this short my step dad has gotten arested will not tell you why and my mom wants to let the houes we have go we cant affored the houes but i am affrade what will happen to my mom if she does do that we have three months. the price she is paying is $1500 per month. i know that there is tax issues with but what will the bank do about this if we let it going in to foreclosure. what can they do to my mom. my mom will be getting a houes that has a smaller pament of may be $600. we have try to talk to BoA about his but they are not really caring about it and will not help us out.

    any advice on this so i can guide my mom on this issue so she not doing something the will hurt her . and her crudit score is really bad like in the 500s shold i help out with the houes like signing the houes with here i have a better score then she does but mine is a youg crudit it over 630 and riseing for me.

    thanks to any one that help my family that is in need.

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • tips on changing how i eat and exercise?

    i been think about the for some time now and just watch a doc "fat, sick and nearly dead" it got me think that i should get on track on helth liveing before it to late. right now i am only 21 years of age and can tell you that i really am not a health eater at all. nor do i exercise. i not over wight i dont have any helth issues as i know right now. but i dont know how long that going to last. my one thing that i warry about is that my wight is under watch i should be for my age and hight i waight just under 150 lb and 6 ft tall.

    what i am asking is tips to get back on track with healthy live like what food should i get and what not. right now i live with my parnts and they dont buy the best of foods moslty meats or foods that i know are pre processed most of them i will not eat just becues i dont like the teast of them and that i dont eat alot in the frist place eather.

    here a few things i need to cut down on or just to tack out of my diet like sodas and meats like beef i eat a lot of hambrugers i have not worry to much about it just for the fact i have been doing it over a few years probely from 2008 till now in the last 7 years my wight has not change other then go up 10 to 20 lbs i ues to wight just over 130 lbs and i now that i should wight 180 lbs.

    so what foods do i need to eat how to break old habits like not exercising and getting way from red meats and soda.

    i would ask a netritionsit but i cant really afford one. and right now is a good time to get in a better helth style and may be help out my mom along the way at that.


    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • should i have gotten this car?

    i just got a used car a toyota yrids 07 with 55k on miles. it will cost me 330 a month. thist was to replace my old car that it cost me alot of money to fix owe like $500 in repairs and the fuel pump went out on it and that another $500 to that i owe still $2500 at the dam car. my parnts want me to just keep it and to keep repairing it i have probley put in about 4k in repairs for the car we only payed like 6k to get that car back in 08. its has 167k on my old car and there is a number of issues to fix on it. tarns may need replacing there is somethig wronge with the alliment at the car even thos it up to specs. barke system needs replacing on my car. should have just keep fixing i or to get this car i thought this was the best option for me but my parants dont think so. and i am 21 and turn 22 in october.

    need your thougths on this and advie about this.

    1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation10 years ago
  • car on it last legs what to do?

    ok my work is trying to fix my falling apart kia rio '04 with 167,000 miles on it.

    i need to get a new car but kind of stuck i cant put a big pament down on a car maybe up to $800 and that i still have $2500 left to pay on the my car right now.

    what can i do i have no cradite to speak of and parents will not co-sign any thing with out me getting another job.

    i can see if my job can get me a car (they sell cars) or find a cheap one at like kia or toyota to replace my kia right now.

    i have been thinking of getting a motor bike but every say i will kill my self if i do. i dont know about that but i not to send safty out the door or to drive really fiast.

    i really dont know what to do. does any one have and ideas to get me out of this mess i am in.

    4 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation10 years ago
  • change the Resolution on ps3 to 1024 x 768?

    i got my ps3 at work to do some updates on it i cant get it to show up on my motiors its need to be 1024 x768 on the ps3 i am using a HDMI to dvi convertor for the monter. what can i do to lower the ps3 screen resolution to 1024 x 768

    1 AnswerPlayStation10 years ago
  • dell 5210n auto change tray?

    ok my boss want me to have his dell 5210n to change from tray 1 to tray 2 when tray 1 runs out of paper so hes does not have to add paper to the printer as offten.

    1 AnswerPrinters1 decade ago
  • my 12 year old sister in trouble with the law?

    ok my sister was suspend and is required to go to court i don’t know when but it a very series mater. Right now a cop had come by our house explaining what my parents have to do. They are stressing out about it. The cop said they need to get a lawyer for when she goes to court but my parents can afford a lawyer.

    my sister is only 12 years old. She being taking to court for sending a nude pic on a cell phone of here self to a boy in here school, and as what i have been hearing from my step dad is that it the boy that is at fault but they are not charging him and have no evince that he’s the one to blame (even though he had it on his cell phone and had shown one of his friends), when i know he is just the way he treats all the girls at here school i don’t even know how he can get away with it. Well any was what advice can you give me to help my parents out to make this a cheap as possible and pain less as possible. My sister you could say was bullied in to doing it.

    This is taking place in the state of CA if that help with all the legal stuff. This is her first time.

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago

    am i at a higher risk of getting colon cancer if both my uncle age 40 (stage 4) when he die and my grandfather die at age 70. my dad is all was say that i should get my self check out but my doc will not do the test beaces of my age of just 21 and its not in my imdeate family. is there any warry for me to get colon cancer a at a early age of under age 35.

    4 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • outlook express will not preview imgs.?

    ok my boss i haveint problems with previewing attached img files. of like jpg. and such. we can download then but he wants to be able to preview them in outlook or as i have seen hime do is it would open a pic view for him but some of the photo dont do that. some will work and othere will not work.. any one can help me with this problem. oh and ues is uesing v 6 of outlook. he has live mail but he does not use it for some ression.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • how can a computer have a off set amount of ram?

    ok i going thought about 50 computers and i am see alot of computer with 766mb ram 980mb ram 502mb ram. is this a sign that there is modules going bad on the ram card.

    7 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • help with looking for a new job?

    i live in the victorville, ca area and looking for a job that is closer to me. the job that i have right is so far that its just cost to much for gas to get to my job per day over 100 miles i am full time with just $11/hr 40 hours a week. here is what my resume is there any tip that will help with it and look for a new job. i have taken out the address and phones number for it to be posted here but they are on my resume.

    Bryan Lawless

    address gos here




    To obtain an entry-level position with a company that will allow me to apply the knowledge and skills that I have gained in my educational studies as a computer network system analyst


    TCP/IP Networking: System administration essentials, shell programming.

    Data Communications for networks: Physical layer: architecture, devices controls & data transmission, Data link & network layer, Local Area Networks (LAN), High speed LAN & backbone networks, Metropolitan & Wide Area Network.

    Computer Terminology & Architecture: Network concepts, Hardware capabilities, Hardware problem solving, Maintaining, repairing, Troubleshooting & upgrading computer systems.

    Software Applications & Installation: Word processing/ spread sheets, Visio, Microsoft Project, Database, Performance/cost evaluation, commands.

    3com phone systems NBX 100


    Serrano High school – computer repair fixing and repairing computer in a school setting. With helping School administrator on campus with hardware and software problems and network problems.

    Singh chevrolet

    Address go here.

    title: network system ast admin

    dutes: work and repair computers systems and nbx 3com ip phone system. trubleshoot GM and other car base systems for the dealer ship

    date: September 21, 2010 - present day (3 Months)


    ITT Technical Institute: San Bernardino, CA

    Associate of Science, Information Technology

    Major: Computer Network Systems, GPA 3.21/Honor Student

    Graduate: October 2010


    ROP- Certification in computer repair two years 2006-2008

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Windows updates failed?

    ok i am trying to do updates for my bosses home computer for windows and there is updates that are not installing they just fail.

    Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 and 3.5 SP1 on Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP x86 (KB2418241)

    Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2008 x86 (KB2416447)

    and if it not to much truble he cant update office to sp3 is just wont take i have tryed most things on windows website one to get it to work but still no luck with i have tryed uninstalling then reinstalling and regedit to where offices it located like was posted on one if windows websites.

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago