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  • Wooden auto radiator fan info?

    Hi, I have an item that I thought was a wooden boat prop but have been told is more likely a wooden radiator fan for an antique auto. I am having a horrible time finding info on it, can anyone suggest where to look

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • social security comprehensive mental exam?

    I've been waiting almost 6 months for an answer on my social security disability claim. I called once a month to see if all paperwork had been received and if a consultative exam was needed.

    Finally the claims person called me - she had never gotten any messages at all and said I needed a consult with a psychiatrist (I guess to support the depression and anxiety conditions. I am not under treatment as the several medications I have tried have given me suicidal thoughts)

    My exam was set up for 4:30 the day before Thanksgiving, 3 days after we spoke. The doctor had not gotten any paperwork from them, and the exam was about 30 minutes in length. We discussed my life history, my medical conditions but did not go through any psychiatric tests or attention/cognitive exams, even though attention and focus issues are part of the reason why I can't work.

    I've read that the mental health exams are normally several hours and I am now concerned that I am being blown off. At the end of the exam the doctor did ask why I wasn't getting treatment as he felt I needed it - I explained that I've spent several years in counseling and don't think it is helpful anymore, and that all of the medications cause me to want to kill myself, plus I can't afford something that is not helping when I am spending so much money on other medical treatment.

    Do you think that the short exam time means I failed the test in terms of showing problems?

    1 AnswerGovernment9 years ago
  • What are my chances of being approved for Social Security Disability?

    I am 52 and have a number of issues - a series of MRIs over 2 years showing increased mild to moderate stenosis in 5 different areas of the spine. Narcolepsy, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, depression, history of stroke, ADD, anxiety. I've had 7 sleep labs over the years which show in addition to the narcolepsy, restless leg disorder, alpha/delta wave disorder, and sleep apnea. Over a dozen rounds of physical therapy/pain management. Carpal tunnel in both hands; surgery on right with a 50% disability permanency rating from workers compensation; surgery not performed but recommended for the left. Currently have pain shooting down back and nausea when using computer (have been in IT for 35 years). I cannot lift more than 10 pounds without severe pain, or walk more than a block with difficulty. I have trouble standing for more than 5 minutes or sitting for more than 20. I have numerous problems with activities of daily living, including bathing, housework, dressing myself, cooking. I have short term memory deficits, cognitive processing deficits, and categorical aphasia. I have tried over 50 medications, most of which are unsuitable due to undesirable side effects.

    I've been trying to stick it out for the last two years while my workers compensation case has dragged on, and the WC carrier for the very large well known bank I work for has refused to pay any medical bills. In May, I was rear-ended at a stop sign, which aggravated my back injury and caused new knee problems. I have been on disability for several weeks now, and no longer have the strength to continue fighting to work. I often cry at my desk in pain, the doctors will not prescribe pain killers for me although I have no history of addiction. I am fatigued and have difficulty with maintaining the 12-15 hour a day work schedule required for my job, which involves significant customer contact, and maintaining a large number of technical details in my mind at any time. I have been unable to sleep in a bed for the past 8 months, and must sleep sitting up on a couch propped by a number of pillows.

    7 AnswersPeople with Disabilities10 years ago
  • Why is this answer considered a violation but the question is acceptable?

    Someone asked a question on what illegal download sites each of us used.

    I responded None - BTW are you trying for dumb criminal of the week?

    I think it is wrong to ask me to help someone break the law and this type of question should be wrong.

    Yahoo Answers! left all the responses that told this person how to illegally download information and violated one of the two people that told them this is wrong to do.

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Have you been hurt by inaccurate credit bureau info?

    Below is a copy of a letter sent to President Obama and each of my congressmen today.

    If you have had your chances for a loan, mortgage, or job destroyed due to inaccurate credit bureau information, now is the time to speak up and ask for reform

    Dear President Obama,

    I am writing to ask you to focus attention on one significant aspect of the credit crunch that has not received much press - the effect of inaccurate credit bureau information on the ability of consumers to obtain credit.

    Americans cannot obtain mortgages, credit cards, auto loans, or employment without a good credit score.

    However, the credit bureaus have too much control over our destiny and too little control exerted over their inaccurate reporting.

    Last week, I was delayed on my mortgage approval due to inaccurate credit report.

    I have been working several hours each month over the last two years to clear up problems. The result - I currently have 3 bills that I know I need to pay off. These are leftovers from a period when I got divorced, lost my job in the tech downturn, had my house and everything in it destroyed by fire, and was out of work for 3 years when my son was undergoing a medical crisis. During this time, I managed to survive without going on public assistance of any kind.

    My credit bureau currently shows 17 negative accounts - 14 inaccurate ones.

    These may be reported past the 7 year limit for negative information.

    One of the worst offenders is the US Department of Education. My loan has been rehabilitated for a year, with 20 payments made on time. However, they are still reporting me to TransUnion and to Equifax as being in collections.

    I have had 8 phone numbers with Verizon, all of which have had all bills paid off. 3 of the accounts are showing different amounts for Verizon.

    Comcast Cable has reported me to two different bureaus, for a total of 4 accounts, for an account which is also paid in full. Two of the collection accounts are for equipment returned at the time I moved from the house.

    Progressive Insurance is reporting through a collection agency that I owe $273 on an old bill. I paid this off, and my last two checks were returned to me by the agency as overpayments, yet I cannot remove them from my credit report.

    The FTC does not help.

    I have sent proof to the credit bureaus of payments; however, they will not accept the proof unless it comes from collection agencies that filed the report. The agencies are extorting additional payments from Americans in order to remove bills that have already been paid.

    American consumers need you to act quickly to offer them protection.

    I would be taking one house off of the market now, and trading in my car, if the government took action to protect my credit rating. Multiply this by the many thousands of citizens in similar circumstances, and you could stimulate the economy with very little money spent.

    3 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Has anyone used a friend as a surrogate mom?

    I can't have any more children and my new husband wants a biological child; a good friend in another state has offered to be a surrogate and we've discussed the legal, financial and emotional circumstances pretty much in depth. At birth, she would relinquish rights and I would do a step parent adoption. Has anyone had experience with this

    7 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago