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  • Fish tank filter?

    Is it possible for the current of a filter to be too strong for a fish tank? I feel as though my fish are always fighting the current of my filter? Is this normal or does this mean that it's to large and powerful a filter. I have a 20 gallon tank with an aquaclear 70 that came with the tank.

    2 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • Variety in fishes diet?

    I am looking to incorporate for variety into my molly and platy's diet. Right now I just feed flakes, crushed dehydrated seaweed, and occasionally a pea or two, what else can I add for better nutrition? TIA

    1 AnswerFish6 years ago
  • Fish and diet?

    It's been a few months that I've had my fish added to my aquarium since cycling (one 20 gallon heated and filtered and one 30 gallon) and I noticed that the fish I bring home from the petstore always seem to be skinnier after I've had them for a week or so. Is this a good thing, or does this mean that I'm not feeding them enough? I feed them twice a day, with flakes and occasionally crushed up, dehydrated seaweed. I have danios, platys, tetras, and mollies. Is there something I could add to their diets to allow them to become a little more plump and healthy?

    1 AnswerFish6 years ago
  • API melafix and pimafix?

    My black molly recently got banged up during a filter incident, and she has some cuts and scrapes. She is still eating and swimming, but rests a lot and seems tired. I would like to be able to treat the wounds, so that they heal quicker and don't become infected. Please share some personal experiences with pimafix and melafix medication, I would like to use it, but am unsure if it's safe. Would extra aquarium salt in the water be better? TIA

    1 AnswerFish6 years ago
  • Undergravel filter?

    Hello. I have a 33 gallon fish tank with a heater, power filter, and an undergravel filter. I have never had trouble with the undergravel filter until just recently. I have found that the tube that holds the air stone keeps popping out, just one side though. When I push it back in it pops back out shortly after. I tried turning down the air flow, but that doesn't help. I have already lost two fish from being caught in the tube. What can I do to stop it from popping out? Has any one else had this problem? TIA

    2 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • Fry growth rate?

    I have had some balloon belly molly fry for about 6 months now, and they still remain only about the size of a dime, are they known to have a slow growth rate, or is there something wrong with mine. I have six of them in a 10 gallon, filtered and heated tank. They have grown since birth, but it seems to have taken a very long time. I also recently had a batch of black mollies and silver mollies born, about how fast do you think they will grow?

    I feed crushed flakes, algae, and crushed seaweed.

    Any suggestions appreciated. TIA

    3 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • pH shock in fish?

    So I did a dumb thing, I overdosed the amount of water conditoner in my beta's 10 gallon filtered, heated, cycled tank. Not realizing I left it overnight and it rapidly changed the pH. I woke up to him gasping for air, laying on his side of the gravel. I changed the pH back to what it should be. I'm just wondering if he will recover, or if h will ever go back to his old self? TIA

    2 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • Is it safe to use windex on the outside of a fish tank?

    I have water stains on the outside of my tanks and want to clean them off. I was just wondering if the fumes from the cleaner can somehow leech through the glass into the water or hover in the air and get into the tank/water. TIA

    2 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • Raw till 4 diet?

    Just wondering if anyone has heard of the raw till four diet. I really want to try it, as I wan't to feel better, more energetic and less bloated. I am currently a healthy weight (no need to lose, don't want to) I was just wondering what sort of results any one had had with this sort of lifestyle. TIA

    Diet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Things to entertain your beta fish?

    Hello, I have had a few beta fish over the years and just recently acquired my latest. I have a ten gallon tank with a heater and filter for him and he has been living happily in there for a few months now. My question was just about entertainment. He really seems like a smart fish and likes to jump when I feed him, what are some safe, easy, and cost feasible ways to play with him and keep him entertained throughout the day?

    1 AnswerFish6 years ago
  • Beginner schooling fish?

    Hello, I am looking to buy some new fish for one of my four fish tanks. The one i'm adding to is a 33 gallon tank, with only three black mollies presently. I was just wondering what would school well with the mollies and are hardy easy to care for fish. Thanks in advance. :)

    2 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Petsmart fish?

    Has anyone had a bad experience with buying petsmart fish? I've just had one a after another die for no apparent reason. My tanks are free of ammonia, nitrate and nitrites, with a stable pH of 7-7.3. This picture above is of my male betta that recently died of what appeared to be dropsy (also purchased from petsmart) any similar experiences? Or am I a bad fish parent?

    1 AnswerFish6 years ago