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  • Our dog snapped at baby's face. Are we jumping the gun on thinking rehoming?

    Hi there, our daughter just started crawling last month and since then we've been having problems with our 5 year old shepherd growling at her. We've consulted a dog behaviourist and have been implementing techniques. A week had gone by and we thought it was getting better, he hadn't made a peep toward her. Then Yesterday I was sitting next to her, our dog was laying down and she touched his feet. He immediately snapped at her face. He didn't make contact but that's an escalation from just growling. Now the two have absolutely no contact and we are talking about rehoming him. The behaviourist says that it is fixable, but I don't want to put my daughter at risk. Are we jumping the gun on thinking about rehoming him, as much as it breaks our hearts...?

    7 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Husband & I are thinking of moving to Smithers BC. What is it like?

    Hi there,

    My Husband and I are thinking of moving to Smithers at the end of summer. We're both taking a trip up there next month to check it out and see what the town is like. We're both very active outdoorsy people. Just wondering if anyone has any opinions about Smithers, or maybe are from there and have insight to share. Anything is helpful :)


    1 AnswerOther - Canada8 years ago
  • Travel agent interview questions!?

    Hi there,

    I have a phone interview with Flight Centre on Monday and I'm just wondering what types of questions they will ask. Their recruiting system is quite the process.... So I'd like to be prepared for anything.

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Should I start using protein powder or a multivitamin or none at all?

    Hi there,

    So just have a quick questions for all of you. I recently started a kickboxing class and wow its intense!!! I'm just trying to get in a little better shape, although I'm a fairly active person, i'm just not in the shape i'd like to be in. Don't get me wrong I don't want to be skinny SKINNY, I'd just like to be in a little better shape. I have 2 high energy large dogs, so we do a fair bit of hiking and go for walks and all that its just not doing the trick. I'm just wondering if it would be beneficial to start taking a protein powder or multivitamin to give me a little pep in my step.

    What would you suggest? Which products do you prefer??

    Thank you

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Adopting a Wolf Hybrid any tips.. or experience you want to share?

    Hi there,

    My husband and I have been looking to adopt a dog for over a year, but just hadn't found the right one. I manage a holistic pet food store and there is a local animal rescue that we do a lot of work with. They recently rescued 5 wolf hybrid puppies from what is basically a hoarder house that had horrible conditions.. She mentioned to me that she thought that one of them would make a great addition to our family and a pal for our german shepherd. So, we went out and took a look and fell in love with one of the little girls. She's 6 months old, the smallest and most submissive of the 5. We pick her up in a couple days and although i've done a lot of research on the breed (both the positive and the negative) i'm looking for anyone that has any particular training tips or past experience with the breed that they'd like to share...

    ps. We have a large house and fully fenced yard as well. My husband and I are a younger (outdoorsy) couple and don't have children. We are both extremely active and live a short distance from many hiking trails

    Thank you

    9 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • WHAT THE HELL???? another girls clothes at my house?

    Hey so I found a shirt that isn't mine while doing laundry. my fiance and i rarely have company. I thought it was my sisters that's why i wasn't originally weirded out. showed her its not hers or anybody else i can think of. What gives?? Obviously the first thing that comes to mind is "that rat *******!" but are there any reasonable answers that i'm not thinking o??? I haven't brought it up yet...

    thanks for all the help

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Found another womans shirt in the laundry?

    I was doing laundry last week when I found a black shirt. Its a ladies and not something I would wear. Its also 2 sizes too big, so i figured it was my sisters. I wore it to work today because i was in a rush and it was there so i just grabbed it. Long story short My sister came to work to visit today and I sh*t you not the first thing out of her mouth was "whose shirt?" I said I thought it was hers. Its not.

    My fiance and I hardly ever have company. The only women who have ever been over are my sister, mom, best friend and my 10 year old cousin. Its none of theirs. So my fiance is out of town visiting family until tomorrow evening so i'll bring it up to him then...... but the first thought that came to mind was what the hell???? Why is there another woman's shirt in my house????

    Am I being totally paranoid??? i'm sure there is a reasonable explanation... but i'd be lying if i said its not still in the back of my mind. What do you think???

    Thanks :)

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • HELP wedding in 3 months and my fat jeans are TIGHT!!!?

    Hi there, So i'm getting married in 3 months and I'm a little out of shape and haven't been eating that healthy. I've let myself go a little, my fiance and close friends eat a lot of junk food and usually i'm pretty good about only having a little but not lately.

    i'm 22, 5'9'' and 160lbs, i'm usually 150lbs and even then i think i'm a little chubby.

    So i don't want to go on a crash diet, i just want to get back to where i was and if i lose a little more then that's great.

    So other than the obvious junk foods what should i stay away from?

    what work out routines work best for you?

    and do i have to eat "low fat" foods, like low fat yogurt (i like regular yogurt, low fat seems gross to me, but are low fat foods actually healthier for you?

    I'm reading "Wheat Belly" right now and it says to cut out ALL foods that have Wheat, Its not just about losing the weight I want to be overall healthier.

    Thanks for the help!!

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Reasons My Dog Is licking his bum?

    Hello there,

    My year and a half year old german shepherd has recently been licking his bum a lot. Its only been in the last week, but his bum now looks red and sore. I have a vet appointment for monday morning, I'm pretty sure its his anal glands and I haven't de wormed him in a while so that might be it too. I'm just wondering if there is anything else it could be???

    He eats a complete raw food diet which i supplement with NUPRO (a multi-vitamin supplement), salmon oil and canned pumpkin for the extra fibre and he gets lots of exercise.....

    Any other Ideas for what it could be causing the problem???

    Thank you :)

    8 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Get a 2nd job?! whaaaat?

    Am I being unreasonable?

    Ok my fiance and I live together. He makes about 100 grand a year. I've been a student and working part time at the same job for 3 years. I'm recently taking a break from School (i'm spending a LOT of money there and have no idea what i want to do for a living) I paid for school with money my family saved, he wasnt paying for it.

    So my boss just said to me i might be able to be manager because there's a good possiblility she will be working directly for corporate. So what would give me more hours and a raise, while i'm figuring out school. Even if i don't get the promotion I will still be working 5 days a week just shorter shifts. So my fiance says to me if i don't get the promotion i should get a second job. i'm really irritated by that. Its not like i sit around doing nothing with my time off. I clean, cook, do laundry and take care of the house and the dog. we dont see each other a lot as it is with his work hours and if i worked another job i'd never be home.... and its not like we actually need the money anyway we live comfortably as it is...

    As it is right now he pays pretty much all the bills and I pitch in with food and a little rent and try and pay down my own debt. Am i being selfish?? I just feel if i got a second job i'd never see him, the dog would go crazy being alone all the time and my fiance would still expect me to take care of the house?

    Sorry this was so long. What do you think?


    ps. he's going to be 29 and i'm 22

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • My cat is going squirley should I let him outside?

    Hello, there is a little bit of a back story to this question. I'll try to make it short.

    I have a cat, he used to be an indoor cat. Then i had to temporarily move in with my uncle (he doesn't like cats) and he F*cking dropped my cat off in the bush i'm guessing just outside of town. He was missing for 7 months (I thought he just ran away, then i found out) so he was missing for 7 months THEN 3 weeks ago the SPCA called saying someone found him! (he was tattooed to they called it in and I got him back, i took him to the vet and had him checked over and everything is good.)Living with my fiance now (thank god)

    But ever since i got him back he's been dying to go outside and will sneak out any chance he gets. I'm afraid to let him out because we live on a busy road, there's coyotes near by and rattle snakes in the summer etc.... but is it cruel to have him locked up after he had his freedom for over half a year?? I'm really torn...

    4 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Desination wedding, where to go?!?

    My fiance and I are going away next january to get married with just the two of us! We've been looking at Jamaica, Dominican Republic, St. Lucia, Costa Rica etc. Just wondering what you think? Have you been to any of these places? what was your experience? Any suggestions.

    We'd love to relax on the beach, but we also like to be active and do something exciting. I'd really like to do some ziplining or sailing or kayaking maybe go off on a hiking excursion or something. So relaxing with some adventure!

    Thanks! :)

    ps. Looking to go 10-14 days, don't want to spend a fortune. We want to stay around 3000-4000(ish) each

    3 AnswersEngagements & Weddings9 years ago
  • How Skinny is too skinny?

    Hello, I have a 16 month old male German shepherd. He is EXTREMELY active, and he is on a complete raw food diet. My fiance says he's fine but i think he's a little too thin. I know that people are used to seeing fat dogs etc. But I can see his last 2 ribs quite easily and his hip bones as well. I know for a fact that I over feed him, and i also supplement his food and add tripe too it as well. I'm just wondering if he will still fill out as he gets older? And what else can i add to his food to make him bulk up just a little bit?

    Thank you :)

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • What breed of dog should we get?

    My boyfriend and I currently have a 14 month old german shepherd and we're going to be getting another dog in the new year. I'm just curious as to what breed we should get. We like medium/large breeds. We're also going to rescue this one. So chances are it will be a lovable mutt :) What are your thoughts on breeds?? whats your favourite?

    9 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Why is my german shepherd agressive towards puppies?!?

    Hello, I have a 14 month old male german shepherd who is aggressive towards puppies. With any other dogs he runs and plays and has a good time, but with puppies its totally different. If a puppy comes up to play with him he'll pin it down and snarl. He's never bitten a dog or anything. I don't think he wants to hurt the puppy because he obviously could if he wanted to. He's just overly dominant with them and i don't understand. We've done obedience and even some behavioral work with a trainer and all of his other issues have been resolved, he's a great dog and listens well in all other situations... I just don't know what's causing this or what i can do to stop it. If you have any advice or answers its muchly appreciated, Thank you

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • "Just Breathe" Tattoo?

    Hey i've been thinking of getting a tattoo for a while, and I love "just breathe" the only problem is miley cyrus has the same thing :( so that's pretty much the only thing holding me back from getting it. i don't want people thinking i coppied miley cyrus of all people lol I like it because, i get anxious pretty easily and i'm kind of a pessimist so i think it would be a nice reminder just to say, hey relax, things are never as bad as they seem...

    do you think i should or shouldn't?

    4 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • is my dog a stress case?

    I have a 6 month old german shepherd and he whines a lot, more than your typical dog. Now is he just a whiner or is he stressed/anxious? He gets lots of exercise, i usually throw the ball for him for about 45 minutes in the morning then a longer walk at night. I also go hiking with him and take him to the dog park, but he still seems stressed (or just likes to drive me insane lol) I usually take him to work with me so its not like he's alone for long periods of time either. He loves to bark at anything that walks by the house and has taken to digging holes in the back yard. does anybody know how i can make him a happier less destructive pup?

    thanks for your advice :)

    1 AnswerDogs1 decade ago
  • Why don't people realize what they're feeding their cats?

    I'm just curious, with all the research that's been done on cat nutrition and what certain pet food companies actually put into their food, why are people still feeding their cats crap food?

    Whiska's, Fancy Feast, Friskies, Royal Canin, Science Diet, Medical, Purina, Nutro and Iams are some of the worst possible foods you can feed to your cat. I used to, then I actually looked at whats in it, and what "by-products" are. Pet food companies are legally allowed to use euthanized animals (yes that's right, cancer infested kitties with their collars and all are thrown into vats) They're also allowed to use still born animals, and road kill in "by-products."

    And these same foods usually consist of 50% or more of grain. Any grain is a filler, cats can't digest them at all, they're really hard on their system and just end up causing health problems.....

    I mean why is it now the norm for cats to have diabetes, allergies, kidney failure and so many other diseases compared to say 50 years ago?

    So i'm just wondering why people are still feeding these foods?

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • If you were stuck on an island, which 3 celebrities would you pick to be stuck with you?

    I think mine would have to be

    1. Channing Tatum, he's gorgeous and looks like he could build a shelter lol

    2. Josh Hartnett, I just watched pearl harbour the other day and he's definitely not hard on the eyes

    3. Mad Child from Swollen Members.... he's just awesome in a weird dirty way

    Who would you pick and why?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Animal Health Technology Diploma...worth it? Need advice!?

    Hello, I've done 2 years of my bachelor of arts but lately I've really been thinking about switching to the Animal Health Technology program instead. I wasn't all that happy with my bachelor of arts and teaching isn't what I want to do anymore. Do you know anyone who is a vet tech? are they happy with their jobs? Obviously I know i'll never make a ton of money with this career but I think I would be truly happy doing it.

    What are the pros and cons of this job?


    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago