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What kind of harness should I get for a husky to pull with?
Ideally, one I can get at a pet store. I have no intentions on anything professional, or even teams of sled dogs or anything like that. I just want my husky to pull me on my skateboard so he can exercise and I wont have to run out of breath trying to run before he even gets his full speed. I just want something affordable, easy to obtain (i.e., without ordering it from the internet), that won't cause damage to him.
6 AnswersDogs8 years agoTeaching husky to pull?
I recently got a new husky from an animal shelter where I live. He's about a year old, and frankly, I'm not much of a runner. However, I do skate. So, I took him out on and had him pull me on my skateboard for exercise and he did really well. The only problem I had was that he's used to walking with me, where he goes my pace. So, when he is pulling me, he goes however fast I'm going. Which means that to start, I have to start going decently fast on my skateboard, and even then he stays at a consistent jogging rate. It also means that when I stop, he stops. So, I want to know how I can let him know that its okay to run as fast as he wants and doesn't have to stop till I give him the command.
1 AnswerDogs8 years agoCan anyone help me find the downloadable discography of this band?
They're called Godless Wicked Creeps, they're a psychobilly band and I cant find any discography downloads or cd downloads anywhere. I had them all on my old hard drive, but thats long gone. Any help? i dont care if its just individual cd's either.
1 AnswerRock and Pop9 years agoIs it legal to put a cow skull on your car?
I wanna put one on the front of my new cadillac, but I'm not sure if its legal, and the idea doesn't seem to be popular enough that anyone is asking. I live in Ohio, in case it were to vary from state to state.
5 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation9 years agoCan anyone give me advice on how to be more social?
I'm really awkward in social situations. It's hard for me to know what to say to people. I spent most my childhood alone and isolated in my room behind a laptop screen (from about ages 12 to present, I'm 16 now) Just being around my step family is so awkward, I see my step sister about once a month, and my step mom maybe once or twice a week. It seems like if I say something, people don't like me, and if I don't say anything and be quiet, people don't like me. I take school online, so there's not that interaction with hundreds of kids every single day anymore, and when I hang out with my friends, unless its my best friend whom I've been friends with since 2nd grade and am very close to, I just sit there quietly and sometimes chip in when I finally think of something to say. I have a problem with over thinking absolutely everything, and social situations aren't an exception. If someone says something, I scramble for words to say and eventually they think I'm weird, too stuck up to talk to them, or something like that. I'd say I have social anxiety, but I don't exactly have the kind of dad that will take me to counseling. This social withdrawal has lead to even more isolation and withdrawal and a lot depression. It's like a vicious circle, and I'm not sure what to do. Also, don't suggest medication because when I did used to go to therapy (my mom encouraged it, she's nothing like my dad) before my parents got divorced, which doesn't bother me, they tried giving me antidepressants and I absolutely refuse. I just want to know how I can be more comfortable around people and enjoy life.
5 AnswersPsychology9 years agoHow to find an old friend?
I have this old friend that I knew a couple years ago on myspace, and all I can remember is that her name is Kayla, and I have her old AOL email on my aim friends list. Is there anyway I can find her, or is it hopeless?
3 AnswersFacebook9 years agoWhere to get leather pants?
I mean real, rock and roll leather pants. I've found a few pairs online and in some stores, but they dont fit like they're supposed to. Could anyone help me out?
1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years agoSkype wont let me log in?
I'm positive I have the right password. I cant reset my password though because the email I made it with got deleted last year for some reason. I was on it 15 minutes ago, and it said my messages weren't sending so I thought I'd log back in and try. Now I can't get in.
3 AnswersSoftware10 years agoWhat's wrong with me?
A couple weeks ago, I got what I assume was just a cold. This was odd because I'm hardly ever sick. I haven't been sick in about 2 years. I only had a runny nose, it was horrible at first, but after a couple days it started to get better, and was standable, but never completely went away. Then, a couple days ago, I started feeling like I had the flu, I was freezing even though I was under a blanket in an 80 degree house, my head hurt, I was light headed, I was congested, and I was extremely weak. I went to sleep, woke up feeling the same, but worse, and with a sore throat. It pretty much completely went away except for the sore throat later that day, and was fine until about 4 in the morning when I started feeling terrible again. Once again, I woke up the next morning feeling much, much worse, and my throat was much more sore (today), it went away a little bit ago, but my throat is much more sore, and I have a watery discharge in my left eye, and it feels a little sore and sensitive. Any help?
3 AnswersInfectious Diseases10 years agoFeeling withdrawn and depressed?
I've never really been close to my family, and all through elementary and middle school, I sat alone, had little or no friends that I talked to outside of school, or interacted with. Everyone liked me, but I absolutely hated everyone. My friends and I have little or no emotional attachment, and from about the ages of 12-16 (I'm 16 now) I just sat on my laptop alone in my room. I used to still be able to fake it around people, or was actually genuinely happy. I was more active and interactive with and around people in social settings, but at home, I was bored, alone, and miserable. I was in therapy last year, and they said I had mild depression, and by about 3 months, they had said I had severe depression. I refused any drugs they offered me though. This summer, it started out great, as I was living with my sister and her boyfriend and we all got along, and I finally felt a sense of security and had a real home. But then they broke up, and now I'm living with my dad, his girlfriend, 2 step brothers (17 and 7 years old) and my step sister (14 years old), and living with a family of strangers doesn't help me at all. I still just sit in my room alone all day on my computer. I hardly smile, laugh, or really do anything. I see my friends and my girlfriend constantly, but now in social situations, if someone says something to me, I fake a laugh and don't really have any reply to anything anyone says. Everything just feels so awkward, and I'm at a loss for words. I've had 3 suicide attempts, they called the suicide prevention on me at the probation office my mom took me to when she found my friend and I smoking weed (she knew about it before, though) and they made me roll up my sleeves and counted over 200 cuts on my arms, although I've stopped that now. I thought everything was better, but after I moved in with my dad, I just started to feel more withdrawn each day. I've had a lot of drug problems in the past (but now only smoke weed), and I'm sure my outlook on everything is much different than the average persons because of it. Although before the drugs, I still saw things differently than everyone else my age, and always hung out with people much older than me. I'm sorry for the story, but I'm not sure how anyone can help without knowing the situation at least a little bit. I just want to know how I can be more outgoing around people again, so I can have normal relationships with people. I can't say I've really had a terrible life, I've just always felt different, and it's made me lonely and withdrawn. I'm not really sure how much longer I can stand it, and I cant imagine any way to fix it. So if anyone knows the feeling, or can help at all, please do. It's much appreciated.
4 AnswersPsychology10 years agoHow do I view attachments in yahoo mail?
I switched to the new yahoo, and I cant figure it out.
3 AnswersAttachments and Photos10 years agoRough Collie training help?
Can anyone give me some sites to help me train my collie?
4 AnswersDogs1 decade agoI need some fantasy movies?
There's a blizzard and I need something to do for the next couple of days. I've been watching movies. Any good fantasy movies? Fantasy like Dungeons and Dragons, with wizards, rogues, all the things I'm somewhat ashamed for liking lol. Made in the 90's to today, please. I've seen most the older ones.
6 AnswersMovies1 decade agoHow to sing through your nose?
I've been wondering how to sing nasal, like Shane Told, but the only thing I can find is screams, which I'm not interested in at all.
2 AnswersSinging1 decade agoWhat's a program to make music for linux?
I'm running Ubuntu, and need a program I can create trace/techno on.
4 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoWhat should I do to help my skating?
I ride goofy, but I do tricks regular. I can't get enough pop when I use my left leg, and my board is all over the place when I try to ride regular. What should I do to fix it? Force myself to learn to skate regular?
1 AnswerOther - Sports1 decade agoNo sound in Linux Mint 8?
When Alsa is uninstalled, I have no volume mixer. I checked the volume mixer. Everything is muted, and I can't unmute it.
3 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoI need help with Algebra?
Find the solution set for the open sentence with the given replacement set.
15 x = 9, {5, 6, 7, 8}
Find the solution set for the open sentence with the given replacement set.
4y + 2 = 18, {4, 5, 6, 7}
Find the solution set for the open sentence with the given replacement set.
|2w 1| = |w + 7|, {2, 1, 3, 5}
Solve the word problem.
Milo must put 50 feet of fencing around her rectangular garden. The length of the garden is one foot longer than twice the width. Find the solution set for 2w + 2(2w + 1) = 50 given the replacement set {6, 7, 8, 9} to determine the width of the garden.
Cara drives for 4 hours at a rate of 45 miles per hour. Later, she drives for another 3 hours so that her total distance traveled for the day is 336 miles. Find the solution set for 4(45) + 3r given the replacement set {52, 53, 54, 55} to determine the rate at which Cara traveled during the second part of her trip.
If anyone actually wants to help, that'd be great.
1 AnswerMathematics1 decade agohow often can I bathe my puppy?
I have a shampoo for puppies. She is a 3 month old rough collie.
7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago