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Lv 57,546 points

Wayne G

Favorite Answers12%

I'm a fiscal moderate and social moderate, but in these times I guess the socialists would label me a conservative.

  • I'm interested in purchasing used case catalyst software and stentura writer.?

    are there any stenographers out there quitting the field who may be able to help me out?

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Does anyone really believe that repeating the errors of Chamberlain and FDR?

    pre-WW!! in dealing with foreign enemies and devastated economies will actually succeed this time simply because it's Barrack Obama and Nancy Pelosi endorsing these types of failed policies?

    We all know the old saying, if you don't learn your history, you'll be doomed to repeat it

    Socialism and appeasement has never worked anywhere in the world, why do we think it will work now?

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Have you checked out the CNN, MSNBC ratings.....?

    seems like the bigoted Olberman and the rest of the socialist swine on the left are watching their ratings plummit. So not only is the mainstream print media taking a continued hit, but now painfully leftist/socialist outlets such as Keith Teabag Olbermann are being shunned by the average American viewers.

    Will Obama offer a bailout to them using taxpayer money? Or will he simply fasttrack the fairness doctrine into law (you know, the law that will silence freedom of speech - like they did in Stalin's Russia and Hitler's Germany). What say you?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How many of you called your local representatives to ask them to vote?

    for or against HR-1207 coming up for a vote?

    PS, a Yay vote is for limited and auditing The Fed and holding it accountable for its out of control money printing, lending of out money, while a Nay for the vote means just let the Fed go on and print, borrow and bail out at their whim?

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Fidel Castro said Pres. Obama misinterpreted Raul Castro's remarks when Raul and Obama?

    met concerning release of political prisoners and easing of tensions between the US and Cuba. So Obama is returning with smiles and giggles believing the Castro boys good will, and the Castro boys are laughing at him and pointing out Obama's failures in understanding what they were saying, basically ridiculing him in the eyes of the world.

    The question is, should Obama apologize to Castro for misunderstanding what Castro clearly said?

    Obama got it wrong, is ridiculed in the eyes of the political community because of his lack of ability to communicate properly. Do you think he should go and apologize for his inadequacies, just as he has gone world wide apologizing for America's conduct in the past?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • We elect a man on his promise to get us out of Iraq, and now he's?

    looking to sink another 85 billion dollars into the war effort. Is he a hypocritical socialist pig or a flat out liar or simply so manipulated by his handlers that he doesn't realize what he is saying or stands for?

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can you imagine, the greatest, most powerful nation on earth, and we are "negotiating" with?

    terrorist pirates? If our leadership a la Obama has any more Opera moments, I think I'm going to vomit. Would our government be so willing to negotiate and give into our demands if we refused to pay our taxes? Or would we be imprisoned? if you want to know what a socialist wimp/bully in a suit looks like, just google president of the US, 2009, and you'll see a pretty picture of a weak man sitting behind a teleprompter. What say you?

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Somali pirates seize an American cargo ship and hold captain hostage?

    how should we negotiate with them? do we apologize for America's behavior in the past and offer them tons of money? does our president go over and meet them without prerequisites and cower to their needs and wishes? That's what Obama seems to be doing so far with the rest of the world. will he treat these terrorists of the seas the same way? with appeasement and apologies?

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who is going to be attending a Tea Party this April 15?

    Did you send your tea bag to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC, to protest the out of control government spending?

    Do you believe it's time for the silent majority to not be silent anymore?

    Or do you think we should continue on the path to socialism?

    7 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Will congress pass the $9 trillion dollar additional debt budget ($64,000 additional debt to each person)?

    that is endorsed by Obama or will they seek to pass the alternative budget that proposes $6 trillion less, reduction in taxes, reduction in future individual debt and reduction in redistribution of wealth? Which one do you think the Fools on the Hill will vote for?

    8 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • World Net Daily is reporting that citizens are using our legal system?

    to further the case against the fraud perpetrated by Obama in becoming president. namely, that he is not legally eligible to have been nominated to be even placed on the ballot. I hope they succeed in bringing down this fraud and I hope justice prevails before this maniacal socialist destroys us all with his fiscal irresponsibility and mismanagement of our tax dollars and the office he is occupying. What say you?

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is everyone happy with the change and hope that was promised us last November?

    nine-trillion dollar deficits, printing and spending trillions, now inflation is on the rise (go figure) unemployment is rising (22% in Detroit), fast approaching 10% everywhere else, and all this accomplished in just two short months by a president who is not even a US citizen.

    So, how does the socialist agenda bode with you hard working family people?

    13 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • I have a gateway computer with windows vista, the problem is the computer doesn't recognize?

    my cd/dvd drive. can anyone help with that problem?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Israel is defending itself against Hamas -- again, because?

    Hamas broke its ceasefire with Israel and also Hamas is testing president-elect Obama's will, diplomatic and leadership abilities.

    Will Obama be able to rise to this challenge in defense of our ally, against our enemy Hamas, or will he act like he wrote in his book and side with the Muslim (extremists) agenda? How do you think Obama's position will hurt or help America? PS, Happy New Year to all

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • For for fun and excitement, the libs in New York are looking to further divide us?

    First, Chicago, that a black male has to replace Obama because he was a black male, now in NY, the fill Hilary's seat, it has to be a white female?? Doesn't matter that the fem fatale of choice is inexperienced (Caroline Kennedy), as long as she has that name, she's in. But not a male Kennedy because they are replacing a woman. Is this Balkanization of our electoral process by the libs at all visible to the brainwashed mind-numbed robots socialists that support these frauds? According to this logic, if Gov. Patterson decides to step down, I guess his replacement will have to be a black male who is visually challenged (for those of you who don't know, Gov. Patterson is legally blind) so now we need someone who fits that bill should the need arise to replace him. Have we peaked in terms of the absurdity of it all or does no one see that not only are these emporers walking around with no clothes, but alas, their collective heads are embedded in places where light ceases to shine and perhaps only in a place the likes of a Barney Frank would feel comfortable? What say you?

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How would you like your state to be run like the dems have been running New York State?

    Here on Long Island we are being taxed to death: highest property taxes, utility taxes, school taxes, etc. Every tax imaginable. So being that our government has been mismanaged, now they decide to stop the STAR exemption for us working class, cut funds to Long Island schools to the tune of millions of dollars, raise our income tax and then guess what, the icing on the cake is to increase by 30% the money going to welfare recipients. How happy do you think the working class is here in Long Island, New York?

    13 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • I have windows xp, and I do believe I have a nasty virus. Specifics to follow. Can you help?

    I was online and walked away from the laptop. When I came back, I had tons of popups, most for anti-virus programs. couldn't do anything to prevent the popups. So I went to user accounts and swtiched from "Administrator" account, which I had been using, to a "limited account" because I needed to get some offline work done. Lo and behold, I can not get back into the Administrator account because it does not show up as an option. I can not create any accounts because I am in a limited account. When I try to set up another account, The pop up prompts me to consult a "computer administrator." which I can't because there seems to be no more computer administrator. Any suggestions how to fix this or what the problem might be?

    6 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Gov. Blagojevich, Illinois governor, fighting to not be impeached?

    the mainstream media finally, but begrudgingly starting to report to the American public a tiny bit of the fraud and corruption that is Illinois/Chicago politics. Obama denying any conversations with Blagojevich, which through wire taps has been shown to be an outright lie and simply flies in the face of common sense. Is this what Obama means when he chanted "change" and openness and forthrightness? Or should we just continue to belittle Sarah Palin because she has a Downe Syndrome child?

    And on top of it all, Time magazine points to Obama as Man of the Year? Is that because he won the presidential election or because he's black? I'm glad the lib media doesn't judge its candidates by the color of their skin as opposed to the content of their character. The next four years smells dirty, dirty and the slime bags we elected have not even taken the oath of office yet. What say you?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I need a static product key number for Windows 95?

    I don't have the certification card and I'm in the middle of trying to restore the system. it's 15 numbers with OEM in the middle. Can some one help me? Thank you

    Other - Computers1 decade ago