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  • Isn't it true that we're all agnostic?

    Being agnostic just means that we don't know if there is a God or not. People can claim to know there is a God, or claim to know there is no God, but in reality no one knows. For to know that God is real there would have to be concrete evidence (like dieing and going to heaven) and to know that no God is possible you would need all knowledge.

    I don't believe in God, but admit that it's impossible to know.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do Christians realize asking a gay person not to act on urges is the same as asking a straight person not to?

    Saying "A thief chooses to steal just like a homosexual chooses to have sex with people of the same sex" is just like saying homosexuals choose to have sex with people of the opposite sex.

    Asking a gay person to do that would be like asking a straight person to never have sex with a woman and to go have sex with men because it's what God wants.

    Do you realize how crazy that sounds? Someone can't tell you your orientation. I don't think any straight guy would ever be comfortable or happy with never having sex with women and only doing guys.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If the tower of Babel was stopped because it was nearing the heavens, then why weren't our space shuttles?

    We have flown to the moon and back... So, was the tower over 200 thousand miles high?

    I think we've gone higher than any tower that's been built. We didn't find any heaven and God didn't stop us. So, what happened?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If we are no longer under the laws of the Old Testament then why do Christians oppose homosexuality?

    When people bring up laws in the Old Testament that are either impractical or just immoral Christians often say that that is old law which we are no longer under thanks to Jesus. Although the passages about homosexuality are often kept as some sort of law (along with the 10 commandments, but that's another issue). If you think the laws about mixed fabric, shellfish, and stoning your kids are no longer relevant, then why is the passage about homosexuals, when it's right in the middle of it all?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Should the government be able to make things illegal that are only harmful to ourselves?

    A good example of this is wearing a seatbelt. Of course wearing a seatbelt is a good idea on the off chance that you're in an accident, but should there be a law to enforce this?

    As adults, aren't we responsible for our own actions. We can look at something, weigh the consequences and make a decision. It's our health that we're putting at risk and if we decide to take the risk then why should the government stop us? Not wearing a seat belt is only harmful to the person not wearing it (at least on a physical level).

    I'm not anti-seatbelts or anything either. The same could be said for drugs. When you do drugs you're risking your health. That's not only legal drugs, but illegal ones too.

    Do you feel that these are decisions that you should make, or the government should make? Why?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • If killing is immoral than why have we been doing it for thousands of years and continue to?

    You would think if there was an absolute morality that told us that killing was immoral than none of us would do it. We'd all avoid killing at all costs. Although we do kill. We kill animals on a huge scale to feed ourselves, and through our entire existence we feel it's impossible to go a generation without war.

    Killing doesn't seem like something we avoid. It seems like something that comes natural to us. As long as you can justify it, then people will do it willingly. If someone is told God wants them to kill someone, or told these people want to destroy their life, or is told any sort of propaganda then they will fight and kill.

    This isn't just a few wacko's either. Anyone is capable of it, just as the military can draft people to come in and kill for them. Is killing immoral, or do we place too much significance on human life, when all of our lives are just hanging by a thread?

    Wars seem to do a good job of decreasing our numbers when we have no natural predators. That along with diseases are the only things we have to stop us from over populating and our numbers are still growing.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What's your best evidence for God?

    What made you believe in God? What one thing stuck out and showed you that without a doubt there is a God, and thinking otherwise would be like denying reality?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What personal experiences have you had with God?

    I hear lots of people say they believe in God because they've had a personal experience that proves without a doubt that God is there. If anyone has had one of these, please share it with me.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does anyone really think the bible is moral?

    The whole idea of punishing a person with eternal torture for not believing in something, while allowing believers to get away with crimes and atrocities as long as they repent doesn't sound like a moral system to me. People should be judged on who they were and if they did good or bad during their lives, not if they believed in God or not.

    I'm all for justice and I do believe that people should pay for their crimes and should accept responsibility for what they've done. Although being tortured forever isn't a fair punishment for any crime. I don't think Hitler or anyone deserves that for what they did. Yes, they deserve severe punishment for what they did, but never ending torture goes past punishment and is purely sadistic.


    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Theists, how are you different from any other Theists?

    Take Christians for example. Can you give me some reasons why Christianity is the right religion and all other religions are false? Could you show me the difference between the faith in the bible you have, and say the faith Muslims have in the Quran? All religions have claims to miracles and prophecies. I was just wondering how you think your religion is any more valid.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Planes are expensive and gasoline isn't much better, how about astral projection?

    When I travel by plane it costs a fortune, if we choose to drive it costs us a lot of money too.

    So, I heard about astral projection. Do you think I could astral project a few hundred miles to go on vacation? I like the idea of traveling for free to see far away places while I sleep. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why should be have sympathy for the rich?

    With the Bush tax cuts about to expire, why should we allow the rich to continue to receive tax cuts? I know it's the republican's job to defend the rich, but I think they can spare some extra money to benefit the country.

    I have absolutely no sympathy for the top 1% of America that owns 50% of the money in the United States. I wont shed a tear if they have to pay a little more on taxes, while other people are working two jobs and can barely afford a home to raise their children in. Those are the people that need the tax cuts, not the people who have more money than they know what to do with.

    19 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Christians, Do you still believe the Earth doesn't move?

    The bible does say "The world is firmly established, it cannot move" "the Lord set the Earth on its foundations, it can never be moved" or do you believe what scientists say, that the Earth is going around the sun at 66 thousand miles an hour, while spinning a thousand miles an hour on the equator.

    I wasn't sure if people that took the bible literally believe in geocentricism or not. The bible does support this view, but the science doesn't. Just like many things in the bible.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do Christians realize how dumb they look when they say "Prove god doesn't exist"?

    When an Atheist asks for proof of God and a Theist responds with "prove he doesn't exist". Do they realize how dumb they look then?

    I could walk around claiming to believe in Santa Clause, the tooth fairy, leprechauns, unicorns, dragons, that the Earth is 50 years old, and the government are lizard people. Then when you ask me for proof I can simply say "prove I'm wrong". Then I'd just look like a moron and that's exactly how theists look when they say it.

    It's impossible to prove a negative. Bringing this up does not validate your belief at all.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists, if you're so logical then can you answer this simple question?

    Calculate theoretical volume at STP of O2 produced from the decomposition of 8.75 mL of 30% H2O2,

    d = 1.110 g/mL

    I'm not a student looking for help with homework. I'm actually a professor of chemistry.

    So, if you're so smart and logical, can you answer the question? Oh, and show work.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does anyone really believe in God?

    As in 100% truly believe in God without a shadow of a doubt.

    I feel like people that believe have to have some skeptical thoughts in the back of their mind. When it comes to the subject of God they ignore these thoughts.

    To me it seems like people only believe in God because they want to. They really want to so they accept it as true. Am I wrong about this? I just honestly can't imagine fully believing in God without questioning any of it, or having those thoughts and suppressing them.

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Isn't saying "God helps those who helps themselves" the same as saying "God does nothing"?

    Because if God helps people that do everything for themselves, then God isn't doing anything. You're just helping yourself.

    Not that I'm against this statement or anything. People definitely need to take matters into their own hands and not just rely on some God to solve all their problems.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians, How would you feel if?

    you were born into a poor third world country with no contact with the outside world that had no knowledge of the Christian God or religion. You lived your life there and were a pretty good person, following the local religion and what they believed was God. When you died you found out there was this God, but was the Christian God and was sending you to hell for not believing in him and worshiping a false God in your life because it was all you ever knew.

    Would you resent him for never sending anyone to give you a bible, or would you accept your fate and know it was your own mistake?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago