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Lv 610,822 points

Tracy A

Favorite Answers9%

I am a proud mom who enjoys watching movies especially horror. I enjoy hanging out at home & having weekly lunches with friends. I was born & raised in Massachusetts but have lived here in Florida for the past 21 years. .

  • LL wont return security deposit nor respond, what should I do?

    Verbal year lease was to terminate on Nov. 14, 2010 @ noon so I sent a 30 day notice of intent to vacate certified mail on 10/29/2010 with a vacate date of Nov. 30, 2010.

    On Nov. 28th LL and I did walk through of the house at which time she informed me verbally that she had no intent of issuing us our SD due to her acceptance & agreeance of lower rent payments for a one year (11/15/2009-11/14/2010) lease term. On or around 12/1 I received a letter from LL along with a $100 "cleaning check" thanking me for the great cleaning job & taking such good care of her home. In my research on this matter I was/am under the impression she had 30 days from my vacating the premises to send me written notice of intent to impose claim on the SD and if she did not do so then she forfeited the right to impose claim. I waited the 30 allowed days for her to send written notice of intent to impose claim but I never received it and the 30 days allowed expired on 12/31/2010. I sent her a written letter that was sent by certified mail on 1/3/2011 stating the FL Statute 83.49(3)(a) and requesting a check for the full amount of my SD.

    To date I have not heard from her and was wondering what my next step of action should be. Should I send another letter requesting/demanding my SD, send a letter of intent to sue or just go file the claim? Thank you greatly for your time.

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Do I need to send our landlord a letter of objection within 15 days?

    On 10/31/2010 I sent my landlord a 30 day notice to vacate with a move out date of 11/30/2010. On 11/28/2010 we did the walk through and when I walked her to her car she informed me that because she had lowered the rent for a year she was not returning our security deposit. Our original lease (11/15/08-11/14/09) was in writing but our lease for 11/15/09-11/14/10 was verbal with everything the same other than the rent being lowered from the original $1350 to $1100 with the agreement that we stayed another year which we did.

    According to FL Statute 83.49 (3)(a) The landlord must send by certified mail a written notice to the tenant's last known mailing address of his/her intention to impose a claim on the deposit. So here is where I'm confused. The landlord verbally told me which is not in pursuant and in accordance to the law so am I to send her a letter of objection within 15 days or do I not need to respond considering she did not follow the law? I am so confused and don't want to forfeit our sd.

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Am I suppose to send her a letter or wait 30 days?

    My landlord verbally informed me on 11/28 that she had no intents of returning my $1000 security deposit, not because of damage but because she dropped the price of the rent for a year. The only stipulation of her dropping the rent was that we would stay another year (which we did), nothing more & nothing less was ever discussed. According to the FL laws she is suppose to send me in writing either delivered in person or sent certified mail an intent to withhold the SD. Here is where I am confused, since she told me verbally am I suppose to respond/object in writing within the 15 allowed days or am I suppose to wait until I get it in writing from her as per the law? According to the law if she doesn't send it or hand deliver it to me in writing within 30 days she forfeits any right to it. Confused & not sure what to do so any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Does she have the right to keep my security deposit and last month rent?

    I live in FL & signed a written lease for a rental in November of 2008 for $1350 per month and gave the landlady first, last & $1000 security. The end of October/early November of 2009 my landlady called to see if we were going to renew our lease and I had told her that we might not because I had lost my job and the $1350 was a bit much for us to handle on one income. She asked that if she were to lower the rent to keep us there how much she would have to lower it to keep us in the house and I told her between $200-300 so she agreed to come down $250 (putting the rent at $1100 per month) IF we would stay for another year BUT that in November of 2010 she would have to go back up to the $1350. I talked it over with my other half that evening and called her the next day and told her that if she would come down to $1100 we would go ahead and stay another year and we have done so. Knowing that the rent was due to go back up to $1350 in November, on October 31, 2010 I sent her a 30 day notice/letter to vacate. Today (11/28) we did the walk through and the landlady was very pleased and thanked me for taking good care of her home. When we walked outside to the cars I asked her when she thought she would be returning the security and unused last month rent and she informed me that she wasn't returning any of it because she had come down on the rent last year and she applied those monies to that. Did/does she have the right to do this?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Follow up email re:job?

    There is a new store opening soon and I have been driving by regularly watching for signs of job recruiting. Finally a couple of weeks ago there was a sign posted in the window asking for job seekers to email their resume which I did that on 9/3. I don't want to sound pushy or sound like "hey what is going on" but I do want them to know that I am very interested and still seeking employment. Do you think I should send a follow up email or should I just keep hoping & waiting to hear from them? Any suggestions are appreciated on what I should write. Thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Signed over their parental rights?

    If a biological father signs over his parental rights along with a consent to adopt (with no time frame) and the adoption has not taken place, does that leave the door open for him to go back into court & ask to withdraw and/or seek visitation and/or partial custody?

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Need to lower my sugar level?

    Seen my doctor last week and she has given me 90 days to try and drop some weight and bring my sugar level down before she considers treatment. Back on January 1st I stopped drinking mt. dew when I decided I needed to kick myself in the butt lose some weight and eat healthier. Since January I drink soda and/or sweet tea only if I go out to eat which is maybe once every two weeks. The rest of the time I drink water and/or crystal light. I have also cut back sweets, treating myself to something yummy (in moderation) maybe once per month. Since the first of the year I have lost about 7lbs which is not a lot but a start. I have also been walking on the treadmill several times a week. Can anyone tell me what I can do or what I need to delete in order to help bring my sugar level down? Thank you!

    6 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Being that his income is much higher?

    My bf made $45,000 for 2009 and I made $169 in wages and about $4300 unemployment. Because he supported more than 50% to the household bills and such can he not claim me and my 2 children? I know that he cannot get EIC or child tax credit but does he not have the right to claim us at least as exemptions considering he basically supported us for the entire year?

    4 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Why is my central heat not catching up to set temp?

    Florida has seen its share of cold temps the last few weeks dipping only into the 50's during the day and as low as the 20's at night. My thermostat is/has been set at 68 for days now and the system has been turning on and off as needed. Since last night it has been running constantly. When I woke up around 7am the inside temp was only 54, it has finally reached 60 but still has a way to go to reach the set temp of 68. Is this "normal" for the heat to run so much and/or take so long to reach the set temp? I can only imagine what this is doing to my electric bill. :-(

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Not a question but some info for ATWT fans?

    CBS Cancels 'As The World Turns'

    Last Episode To Air Next Fall

    POSTED: Tuesday, December 8, 2009

    UPDATED: 11:42 am EST December 8, 2009

    NEW YORK -- CBS is canceling the soap opera "As the World Turns" after more than a half-century on the air.

    CBS said the final episode will air next September, in its 54th year.

    Daytime dramas have been in a long-term ratings decline, and CBS ended the daytime soap "Guiding Light" earlier this year.

    Through the years, actors Marisa Tomei, Meg Ryan, Parker Posey and James Earl Jones have appeared on the show.

    The cancellation will leave CBS with only two daytime dramas: "The Young and the Restless" and "Bold and Beautiful."

    7 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Y&R question about Brad?

    Why do you think Brad has not been able to cross over? Do you like this story line?

    6 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Do you believe that a woman's intuition?

    is always right?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you have to work today?

    or do you have the day off? If you have to work, do you get paid holiday pay for today?

    23 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you believe that a person with lots & lots?

    of best answers have them because they have multi accounts & vote for their own answer or do you think they earned them honestly?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Does any one know what the ......?

    maximum amount of interest a person can charge on a personal loan in the state of Florida? I've already searched on line & couldn't seem to find the answer.

    2 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Do you think it's appropriate for your......?

    friend to tell you that he or she had a dream that your partner made the moves on them or do you think that that is info they should have kept to themselves considering it was just a dream?

    Happy Mothers Day to all moms!

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Which do you think is better?

    A low carb diet or a low calorie, low fat diet?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What can I do to make sure that I don't?

    end up with a bunch of loose belly flab?

    I am trying to lose some much needed weight so I have cut soda out completely plus I have really been watching what I eat. I am working out with the wii fit (Jillian Michaels & My coach) & I am walking on the treadmill. Any advice on how to help tighten my abs?

    8 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Very sad, what is wrong with people today?

    Stories such as this seem to be very common lately.....

    LAKELAND, Fla. – A father shot and killed his wife and two of his sons — one 5 months old and the other 7 years old — before killing himself in the front yard of their home on Sunday night.

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Old skool song question?

    do you know who the woman is in "She's Got Paper On Me" by Richard Fields?

    If I remember correctly wasn't there a "reply" to his song sang by her?

    4 AnswersR&B & Soul1 decade ago