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  • For dog people...I need a little support?

    I had my dog 12 years. He was sick the last few weeks, we thought it was a UTI. The strongest meds weren't working, it ended up he stopped eating this last week and I had to put him down. My first dog fortunately passed away at home, this one I had to euthanize. It killed me to have him looking at me while I had it done. He had a high pain tolerance so he wasn't showing me signs of pain....I just "knew" it was time. The wonderful vet did an xray after without my knowledge and called and told me his bladder was FULL of stones and he had a tumor on his anal gland that I did the right thing. But anyone who has done this, do you think the dog knows what you are doing to it when you do this. I just can't get his face outta my mind when he was going. I just basically need a little support. I did EVERYTHING the vet suggested for him. He was beat before I got him and had 12 wonderful spoiled years with me, it's just really hard for me. Thank you for any support you can give.

    15 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Question for those who say the Rapture isn't in the Bible?

    Where do you get your information? What is this about the 1800's? I am really interested in knowing why you believe this? It's written in different places in the Bible. Revelations tells about it. So how could it not exist before 1800? Revelations is in the Bible...the Bible existed before 1800.

    I DON'T want the opinions of those who just don't believe in any of the Bible. I'm not going to give your answer any attention anyway. I am just really interested in why people are saying this? I never heard it before.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My first question! It's bothering me!?

    Why do you have to take classes in college that you will NEVER use in your career? Right now I am in algebra....when am I EVER going to graph inequalites again in my life? I think it might just be to torture us, or the colleges make more money if we have to pay for worthless classes? What's your opinion?

    15 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago