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Favorite Answers11%
  • Why is it atheists vs. theists?

    I'm agnostic but have no animosity toward others or their beliefs. Why is it so hard to let different beliefs co-exist? I'm new to this board and am really shocked by the anger I've found here. If you believe in God (or whatever higher being), fine. If you don't, fine.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do I choose and use a tea infuser?

    I'd love to try some varieties of loose tea. I've spent way too long looking at infusers, though. Can anyone suggest a good one (doesn't let too many tiny bits through) and let me know how you figure out how much tea to put in for a cup? Or is it just trial and error?

    5 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago