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Favorite Answers13%
  • In a fatal traffic accident, is the blood supposed to be cleaned from the road?

    In a fatal traffic accident, is the blood supposed to be cleaned from the road?

    There was an 'accident' on the road by my work, where a pedestrian was hit and killed. I assumed it would have been all cleaned up. When driving to the store down the road it happened, where the accident was, there was still blood on the road, also mixed into a bit of snow.

    Shouldn't that be cleaned up? It kinda irritates me.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Okay... Will you marry me?

    I'm considering (CONSIDERING, don't get too excited) becoming a ninja.

    Would you say yes and take the ring, and wear it proudly, or say no and just roundhouse kick me in the face?

    Carry on citizens.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Anyone know any good fast paced online games?

    I'm looking for an online game (MMO), don't have to be a RPG. Looking for something more fast paced, comparable to Diablo2 (You don't need to devote the next 3 months of your free time to leveling...). Graphics aren't an issue. Looking for something that has a large selection of items also, not just standard NPC bought equipment linear based on game progression. Not looking for anything remotely close to games like WoW/Rift etc. 2D, 3D etc. whatever works.

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • How to see if this girl would be interested in me?

    Ok, topic. She works at a company we partially partner with, in the same building. I don't ever go over there for anything anymore, nor does she come this way. I think it would be odd if I showed up uninvited! I was thinking to shoot her an email to see if she was interested, and from there meet for lunch or something. We've met in the past, I know she's single, etc. I just don't know what to say to make it not so odd some me popping up like, hey sup. Anyone have any ideas on what I should say? If you are Randy Jackson from American Idol don't respond because I am NOT going to say yoyoyoyoyoyo sup dog its your boy chris!!


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Where can i find a place that will host a small bandwidth 'windows server application'?

    I'm looking for a service online that will host an application on their server for myself/friends to connect to via address/port. It's not VOIP. Would need some way to login remotely or something I suppose? The application is windows base and requires .net framework. Can anyone help? I don't even know what to type in on google!

    2 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • GIRLS. What do you think of me?

    I'm not a ninja.


    By that general statement, and the sad face, what do you think of me? Feel free to use harsh & hurtful words such as awesome, sweet, romantic, #1 dad etc. to describe your thoughts of me.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • GIRLS. Do you like guys that are...?


    I'm growing bored w/ my career & daily life & I'm thinking about just becoming a ninja.

    I mean it's either being a ninja, or going to work every day, making money, having my own place, cars, money, stuffed animals, pants etc.

    Are ninjas responsible people? Would you ever date a ninja?

    How about this, ask yourself this.

    Would you date me?

    Would you date me if I was a ninja?

    Would you consider becoming a female ninja?

    Would you consider creating a ninja family with me?

    What do you think of a ninja family owned and ninja family operated business?

    Thank you!!!

    20 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Where to find this kind of girl?

    Where's the best place to find a mature girl in her mid 20's or so that... Who don't go out partying & drinking (Bad experiences in the past w/ a chick like that!). Has a LOT of money (ok just kidding!! hah). I'm 26, I've got a pretty established career making decent money, don't drink, don't smoke etc. I don't go to school/college etc. for education currently, but plan on it eventually, and was thinking that may be a alright place? My parents worry because I've been alone since my last breakup. They say I spend too much time working (6 days a week, ~60 hrs weekly), and a lot in my garage w/ my car hobbies. I really don't have nothing else to do, so I try to stay occupied. I've just been thinking about my sister, her family, and all my friends and how they're getting married etc. A guy at work a consider a pretty good friend recently had a baby, and its something I've wanted, but haven't been able to really find a woman to connect with. I was thinking of just hanging out at the grocery store for hours just talking to random hotties (Just kidding again!). My friend says to goto walmart!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • (Girls) What do you think of me?

    I've been told I'm cure but not handsome. I've also been loled at! hah

    8 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago