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Mid 20's, pharmacy tech. Am Married to a very smart and handsome man who is l<3ve of my lfy. Here to help people with my answers and life experiences i had. I have been working out and have seen great ruslt People go through a lot in their lives in young ages and life teaches them a lot of things from their mistakes and interaction with different ppl of diff race and cultures. I believe in GOD and have respect my religion as well as respect other holy religions too. But i also believe that human race is billion of years old. I believe that Aborigines were the first race & then African. Africans are the first major race in world and we all came from African race, through thousands of years of mating with each other. Eating habits, temperature and weather. I am Caucasoid race. And have this connection to all the races in world cause i am and everyone else is related to each other. Believe in “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but any1 can start today and make a new ending

  • Are there any health insurance programs like healthy families?

    I know healthy families are for children and teenagers but are there any other medical low cost program for kids in their early 20's. There is medical but what if they don't qualify for medi-cal, and if the parents don't make enough money and kids don't have any job because our economy is whacked. How we suppose to take kids to the doctor when they're sick?

    Please help, any helpful information would be greatly appreciated.

    God bless!

    8 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • arabic? what this mean, please translate?

    Idk what this meansm, could you please translate, thanks for your help

    Malat 3ala el derasa wo abo el derasa, low kano el modareseen yefahmoon 3adel jaan gelna zeen bs sha gool kel wa7ed al3an min el thani. Wala 7alaaa!

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Question regarding mixing greens and Cauliflower?

    Hello everyone and happy new year!! I have a que regarding cooking greens. If i mix Collard greens, chard, spinach and cauliflower and cook it together. You think all this mixture won't go easy on my tummy. i mean would it give me gas big time, cuz that would be a NO NO. I cooked all greens before excluding cauliflower but want to add this to my diet now and wondering if it will cause gas. (which is terrible)

    Please advise

    3 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Do you have to have a license in order to have home based business online?

    Hello folks, Hope everyone is having wonderful day. I have a very important Que. I am 26 year old female and been thinking about starting something of my own. Small home based business like unique clothing, different style, art and craft items. Something small i wana start from home and then expand it over the years if it works. Now my question is do i have to have a license in order to do business online. Like on facebook. Facebook would be my main/major source for business. Facebook attracts Young generation. Teens and young adult. But a little help in my new journey from yahoo peeps would be highly appreciated.

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Islam, Is this a sin? Don't want to be intimate with my husband anymore/?

    I have been married for about 4 years now, love my husband to pieces. I love and care for him a lot and i obey him and ask him for everything. I do everything and ask for his permission. He is down to earth person. My questions is..and this is such a big step for me..and it's taking a lot for me to try to think about it. I want to talk to my husband and i wana tell him that i don't want to be intimate with him anymore. We are Muslims. He has another wife. But he fall in love with me and wants me like crazy. I can't take it anymore, it has been bothering me for long time but love we have for each other, i never thought of anyone else but me and him. But now i feel funny and weird and feeling all build up. Is it sin for me for not being intimate with my husband?

    Please give me some advise. :( It is very very painful for me.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What is your feed back on hidden messages in Book of Eli?

    I am sure everyone talked about this movie and hidden messages and all that. I have my own opinion, and film is really amazing. People raved about how violent it was, With all the violence in this world and around us,i.e; drive by shootings, rape and robbery. Don't we all just use to violence in a movie, it ain't anything new to us. Human actually like violence and gory movies.

    Back to the movie, I like how he protected the book and fought with everyone who came in his way, just to protect the book. Amazing lines in movie. I knew from very beginning Eli was Blind. That's what i thought, IS anyone agree with me on this???

    Also In the end when Bible was put on shelf with 2 other Holy books. Torah and Quran, It was great msg that they saved each book to make this world better place and to tell ppl about old generations and start all over again and that GOD loves all. Do more for others than for your self. That just shows that we need to help other ppl, meaning help poor, orphans and give charity.

    I would love love love to know your feed back and what you think about Book of Eli. Please no hate comments and do not put any religion down. I would like to have clean and civil conversation. Have a nice day ya'll.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • I have been constantly struggling with this question?

    I am sure this que has been ask hundreds of times before too, Question about Hijab. I know Hijab in Arabic means cover or barrier. Where one can't reach.

    I am a Muslim woman Alhumdulliah, love my religion. I have many friends who wear Hijab but to me their wearing Hijab is no good, And ALLAH knows situations of hearts of others.

    Is to be modest and cover their bosoms. I can't get this wrapped around my head how one can wear a Hijab but clothing they wear is so tight that every part of their body is exposed. It can be clearly seen (their chest, behind, the curves and shape of their body) Women with eyes made up and make-up (from eye make-up to lip gloss/lip color, perfume) And to hide your beauty and to be modest and not seek another man's attention.

    I am modest person, i have always dress conservatively but I do not wear Hijab. I am married andmy husband does have any problem me not wearing Hijab. He is agreed how some people abuse Hijab, and use it to take advantage. Because when you see a woman Wearing Hijab you automatically think, this person is modest and flawless.

    I am not here to Judge as Allah forgives me, but it is so hard to tell my self that Allah knows how I feel and How i feel about my Deen, and I have love for Allah and all his prophets.

    We read Quran and every Muslim has a right to understand/translate Quran of what it is exactly saying but problem is ppl take each word literally, and Quran is very easy to understand. I am seeking wise words from wise scholar, someone who reads Quran, study and understand of what we are actually told.

    And i don't understand why some scholar make the "sunnah" to be mandatory, Sunnah's are things our Prophet (Peace be upon him) did/practice and ppl of that time followed, I am a sunni as my family is, and love Prophet (Peace be upon him) just like other Prophets. But Allah does not want to make thing complicated for us. Islam is easy and peaceful religion, Things are not as complicated as they are shown/taught.

    I was talking to this Scholar, and he said I have no choice but to wear Hijab, whether i like it or not, as it is told by Allah (SWT) GOD is one GOD. It's the same GOD in time of Abraham (PBUH), In time of Mosa (PBUH), In Time of Isa (Jesus, may peace be upon him) in the times of Mohammed, (PBUH) I am agree with for women to cover their selves, and be modest, and not to be in public with showing their beauty, although Hair is part of women's beauty, so as their face and whole body. And in prophecy it was culture of dress the certain way. Long loose dresses and everyone in Arab/ prophecy time and thousand years ago use to dress like that, even men.

    Sorry i know i need to wrap this up and finish asking this question but by now you already know what is my question and I would deeply appreciate you wise in put. Thank you and Juma mubarak (happy Friday) to all.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Amoxicillin 400mg /5ml how much sterile water?

    How many ml of water I would use to reconstituted Amoxicillin 400mg/5ml?

    I studied back in school for pharmacy but it's bury to me and can't seem to get it right.

    4 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • What kind of foods can be given to homeless?

    I want to start doing something for homeless people and make it as my job, once a month. I dunt earn a lot of $$$ and pay full rent and bills but still if i don't shop @ the mall and eat at restaurants, i can save couple of hundred of dollars. My question is WHAT KIND OF FOOD I CAN PREPARE OR BUY IT READY FOR HOMELESS. ?? Can i do can food? May be can food has too much sugar and not good for their diet?? Help me solve this issue and folks i will be greatly appreciative.

    Have a nice summer.

    8 AnswersCommunity Service1 decade ago
  • What are some natural home remedy i can do for my skin?

    What are some home based natural, herbal things / procedures i can do for my skin to keep it healthy and have less wrinkles or get wrinkles late in my life. What would be healthy tips for ladies older than 25 can do for their skin.

    I am 26, i wear very less make-up. Mascara and eye liner. I dont wear no base-no 5 pound make up on my face. I do wear olay daily moisturizer. Also what is good sun block for my face ?? and what are some natural face masks or what veggies i can eat or apply on my face.

    I do eat very good and healthy so adding any kind of vegetable or fruit won't be big problem for me.

    Your suggestions, opinion and time input is greatly appreciated. Thank you

    3 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • I have been loosing my hair for about couple of years now...?

    I am 26,,so age, diet, hormones, atmosphere, stress all that contribute in thinning of hair. They are not thick and healthy like they use to. I wash my hair with warm water now NOT HOT, no curlers, no flat iron, no color..CAN I PUT HAIR OIL IN MY HAIR, may be it will like it ??? what you fellows suggest from your knowledge or experience ?


    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • how many weeks are there in 5 years?

    How many days, weeks and months are there in 5 years??

    Thank you very very much for your wise reply.

    8 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Would 45 mins of walk and jog everyday for 12 days?

    Hello everyone! Hope everyone is having nice day. You guys i have been working out for quit some time now, I like it and have seen results, which i am happy with. I eat pretty good and do work. I have been a bum and fall off the track and have not been working out, but I want to get back on track, I have last 7 pounds to get rid off and seems like the jello is stuck on my mid section. Mid section problem area i know. I do do my crunches, I do about 100 of em every other day. I was wondering if i do 45 mins of treadmill for next 12 days and keep doing my crunches-would I see good results??

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • best vitamins for women in their 20?

    What are some good vitamin supplements for women in their 20's ?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • I turned 26 in January, and i see lines on my neck, also i never took any multivitamins..?

    Hello every one, i just turned 26, i never took any multivitamins my whole life, I am very wierd about taking any pills or any kind of supplements. I am wondering what are best vitamins for women in their 20's. I am pretty good in working out and eating right. Also i have been seeing lines on my neck. I see them some times when i wake up in morning. I think i am too young for seeing lines on my neck. I don't make up. Some times when go out on parties and forced by my siblings and friends. Is there any moisturizes i can use or any home remedy??

    Any tip would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advanced ! Have a great night.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Never had periods twice in a month, could you help please?

    Hi you guys, hope everyone is having a good day.

    Ok so i had my cycle on Aug 17th i was done on Aug 22nd.

    I always had regular periods, i mean they come late some times but they stay for 5 days.

    Today at work i went to rest room and found out that i might be getting my periods..i mean how i just had them like 10 days ago. This never happen to me before.

    BTW i am 25 married for 3 years-i am not on any Oral contraceptive, never used any in my life, me and my husband were intimate 2 days ago and i know that i am not pregnant. (if this info would help)

    however i am stressing out these days a lot cause of family issues.

    I just want to make sure is this something normal?? I don;t have older sister..i asked one of my coworker she said it could be because of weather change Or it could be i have not eat anything (because i am fasting, but i don't think so) Or stress..

    If any one has idea or if it is something normal, please let me know..

    I don't want to stress over this!

    Thanks everyone in advance!

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I would like to share this with you all who is watching their diet..?

    When i was little girl, my mom would give me about 10 almonds every morning: she said it is good for my skin and my brain and hair, and i like almonds. PLAIN almonds not taste added.

    I have been eating almonds again now about 20 pieces of almonds almost every day. And i want to share some info with you all who are watching their DIET AND HEALTH.

    Almonds are one of the most nutritious of all nuts. As more and more consumers become dedicated to healthy life-styles, experts have found that adding natural foods, such as almonds, to your diet may be the prescription for physical wellness in the 21st century

    If you think almonds are just for satisfying your mid-afternoon munchies, you're in for a surprise! These tasty tidbits pack a nutritional punch, combining tons of essential nutrients in one very delicious package.

    One teeny ounce of almonds contains 12 percent of your daily allowance of protein. And absolutely no cholesterol, of course.

    You'll also get 35 percent of your daily allowance of vitamin E, that valuable antioxidant with so many cancer-fighting qualities. And most of the fat in almonds is monounsaturated, also known as the "good" fat.

    This little nut is also loaded with minerals like magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, as well as lots of healthy fiber.

    And don't forget calcium and folic acid - they're in there too!

    When you get right down to the details, it's no wonder so may people go nuts for almonds (like me =)

    20-25 almonds (approximately one ounce) contain as much calcium as 1/4 cup of milk, a valuable tool in preventing osteoporosis.

    Almonds are the best whole food source of vitamin E, in the form of alpha-tocopherol, which may help prevent cancer.

    If you're pregnant, or thinking about it, almonds are a great source of the folic acid you need!

    Almonds contain more magnesium than oatmeal or even spinach. Are you listening, Popeye? LOL....

    Build strong bones and teeth with the phosphorus in almonds.

    Almonds make a perfect smart snack. Not only will the sensible mix of fiber, protein, and fat stabilize flagging blood sugar, but the vitamins and minerals in nuts (B, E, magnesium, and more) are excellent for your grey matter! Almonds make a perfect smart snack. Not only will the sensible mix of fiber, protein, and fat stabilize flagging blood sugar, but the vitamins and minerals in nuts (B, E, magnesium, and more) are excellent for your grey matter!


    Every time you feel hungry just munch on 20 almonds, plain 20 almonds carry 200 calories, and these are good calories.

    Good for you skin, hair and for your brain. Keep your brain sharp and you memorize things faster. Eating almonds good for your abs too. It shows your abs more.


    Have a good weekend EVERY ONE!

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Serious question about how to settle collection debt?

    Hi every one, hope you all having nice weekend!

    I have recently done my credit check for some thing, and i found out how bad my credit score is. I mean when i was teen and few cards were stolen back in 2005, my credit got bad:/ and i didn't make payments on time. Plus i have one medical bill from 2003 and Fitness center bill.

    *So all together my total collection balance on my credit report is $3,030.

    Which i should pay, and even with bad economy and having less money and more bill, i can try to add this bill to my paycheck too. But i need some help from ya all. If i can get any toll free # to collection dept. Or how do i contact them. I have no record of previous bills or statements. All i have is Credit report from TransUnion.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Any website or any help will be great!!

    Thank you much in advance.

    3 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • I don't dream at all?

    I don't know if this is normal, but when i was little girl i would get dreams. but not a lot. And it;s been many many years now that i don't get dreams at all and if i do then i wake up the next morning and i don't remember my dreams. And the times its blurry to me. Like i know fadedly what the dream was about but i can't put it into my words. And it just gets me frustrated sometimes...GRrrrr

    I don't know whats the explanation behind this.

    7 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Need help in finding nice place to take my husband.?

    My husband's birthday coming up in couple of weeks. At this moment i am working he lost his job couple of months ago. I want to take him to nice but not superr pricey restaurant. He loves JAZZ so do i, and i want to take him to nice, light dim, romantic jazz lounge where we can enjoy smooth jazz and have dinner. A nice eve on his birthday.

    Tip: i am looking for places in peninsula, (but not the city)

    More like Redwood city, foster city, may be san mateo and cities around that area.

    Please your help will be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago