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Lv 43,668 points

Got Jesus

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  • A question to Christians "who do" and "who don't" ...?

    Do believe that faith moves mountains (like sickness and demonic oppression) ?

    These verses are references : Matthew 21:21,22; Mark 11:23,24; Luke 17:6; Matthew 17:20;

    Also, some people use Romans 4:17 as well.

    Many teachers/pastors and televangilsts have been proven to be false by their words and actions. They use these verses for their ministries, but many of them display a clear "love for money", and possessions.

    However, these verses are of Jesus and Apostles speaking. And we know that all Scripture (Bible) is of God.

    Before answering with pre-conceived answers, please consider that these are written plainly in our Bibles.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How many use NHL hockey to help you sleep?

    I've sat down to watch several games this year, but usually stop after the fist period, or during the second. IT"S BLEEDING BORING! I have seen 3 or 4 good games this year. Somethings that would make the game better:

    1) If after 60 minutes regular time, if the 2 teams have scored less than 7 goals, make them play another 60 minutes until they get it right.

    2) Reduce the bagginess of goalies equipment. Most of the time they cover the entire net without moving. Might as well just put a 400 pound guy in goal and give him a newspaper and a six pack.

    3) Any team employing the "Trap" should be fined $10,000 by the NHL.

    We need GOALS, BREAKAWAYS, TWO-ON-ONES, ACROBATING SAVES FROM GOALIES (remember Tony Esposito?) For $250 to $400 in ticket prices for one game, I can do a heckof a lot more with than watching another boring hockey game.

    Note: I grew up loving this game. Never thought I would stop. Question: Who highjacked my favorite sport?

    11 AnswersHockey10 years ago
  • Is my iphone Genuine?

    I bought a used iphone 3g. It has all the apps of the iphone, I can download apps from iTunes, and the serial number is of an iphone 3g. But iTunes lists the device as sciphone. Do I have the real thing, or not?

    The phone is great, I just want to know if the store that sold it to me, sold me a clone without telling me.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • Do hockey people feel that LCD tvs are fine for watching games or need plasma?

    Or are the blury? I'm looking at buying a Sony or RCA - 1080 and 60 hz. What is your opinion?

    5 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Question for LDS only - what does it take to be saved?

    Just want to understand your point of view, and whether or not one has to believe the book of mormon to be saved.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What do Christians think about "Christian" strippers?

    There are those wo claimed to be saved. Showing off their body they call worship, showing off the beauty of God's creation. NO JOKE! There really are those who think this way. They argue from the Bible (ie, the body is the temple of God, or David danced naked, an others). How would you Christians respond to this argument? Not really interested in non-Christians arguments, just those who have the Holy Spirit.

    Note: Based on these types of arguments, I would also like t point out, when John saw Jesus in all His glory in heaven, Jesus was clothed (Revelation Chapter 1), also, the Righteous are given white robes in heaven to wear. Some believe that our Redemption makes everything pure for us, so we can abide together naked. Yet, these descriptions of the perfection of the Lord Jesus and the righteous are clothes. Almost every mention of nakedness is shameful. (ie the Crucifixion where Jesus was put to an open shame after the Romans stripped him naked).

    35 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Has anyone noticed the double-standards Answers has re: enforcing its guidelines on us?

    I answered a question of a young man, who openly admitted that his gay thoughts were wrong. I agreed with him and suggested getting help. Someone(s) complained and had my answer removed. Meanwhile, people show their heart-fealt hatred for the God we love, but Yahoo looks the other way. Does anyone the feeling that Maybe Yahoo might defend baseless accusations, but support those who like to bash God?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are you a Creation of God, or Did you evolve from Slimy Scumb?

    Evolutionists want you to believe your ancestors went ape over their mates. And they say whales came from cows...guess they lost their moo's. Are the whales 1 percent or two? Do they go good with Cherios?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Athiests and Christians...?

    After asking the question, "what do these two groups hae in common?" , apart frm our human characteristic, and the love cookies...why are athiests in the R/S section ? Could they be looking/reaching out to God?

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Spiritually Speaking...Does anyone know where I left my car keys?

    10 Points for whoever can make me laugh best. I beieve laughter is important, as even God laughs. It lightens the stress on our day.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Athiests and Christians anything in common?

    I am asking hard core Athiests, and Bible believing Christians, if these two groups can almost unanimously agree on anything. No long posts please, please be brief.

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is it just me or do Y Answers take a lot of coffee breaks?

    I keep running into these and "breathers" . No offence to the Yahoo Answers people, just wondering.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars...?

    One thing I had trouble understanding from Jesus' prophesy of the last days, when He said, "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars." But with the news about the planets found - see Yahoo News if you haven't heard, along with Scientists predicting their alignment for December 21, 2012, I can see somethngs of what Hw may of meant.

    What y'all think?

    Just so you know, I don't believe the earth will end on that day (in 2012), but the possibility of some more fulfillment of end times may.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • JC , Jesus never spoke against sc why ?

    Because everyone of His listeners believed in God. Today people are mislead. Someone said, "the devils biggest deception was to tell the world that he did not exist."

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians - Is being a Christ like person easy?

    How many times did Jesus, Paul, or the Apostles or prophets get blasphemed, jailed, lashed, or imprisoned for telling the truth. Jesus spoke to those who didn't believe him, and they wanted to kill him, and they later did, along with Peter, other disciples, and prophets. For those who are offended by my words on evolution, don't be. I didn't used to know or believe either. Ron Carlson's Audio on - Evolution vs Creation will show without a doubt that evolution did not happen.

    I fully expected the rejection of this message from athiests. If one person takes time, with an open mind, studies the evidence, they will realize they have been lied to since school. And like Paul, why should I be avoid your anger(those of you who said so) . Am I trying to please you or God? If by showing people they are being lied to,and revealing the truth, I please God.

    Thanks to the Christians who replied sensibly. Not just ones who agree, but the ones who remind me to be humble before God and people.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians?

    How many times did Jesus, Paul, or the Apostles or prophets get blasphemed, jailed, lashed, or imprisoned for telling the truth. Jesus spoke to those who didn't believe him, and they wanted to kill him, and they later did, along with Peter, other disciples, and prophets. For those who are offended by my words on evolution, don't be. I didn't used to know or believe either. Ron Carlson's Audio on - Evolution vs Creation will show without a doubt that evolution did not happen.

    I fully expected the rejection of this message from athiests. If one person takes time, with an open mind, studies the evidence, they will realize they have been lied to since school. And like Paul, why should I be avoid your anger(those of you who said so) . Am I trying to please you or God? If by showing people they are being lied to,and revealing the truth, I please God.

    Thanks to the Christians who replied sensibly. Not just ones who agree, but the ones who remind me to be humble before God and people.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Name one thing, Christians who believe evolution, that is true about evolution?

    Anyone who has seen the proof of evolution knows it has never happened. If it has, where is even ONE transitional form? Not one exists, but Darwin said if evolution was true there would be countless ones. You have been deceived, just believe your Bibles. Remember what it says, "Let God Be True and Every Man/Woman A Liar." - for everyone who disputes God's truth.

    Do you realize that if there were any REAL evidence, it would not be called a "Theory." True faith is believing God above anything else, even if you're about to die. Stephen did (Book of Acts) and died with Great honor. So did the Apostles, and our Lord, who was executed on our behalf. This is a plea to real Christians to throw away fables and lies and really believe the truth.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago