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im carol and i have a wonderful husband and a beautiful son

  • can my long haired hamster eat brocolli andthe sutmp of a broccoli?>?

    i was wondering if my hamster can eat uncooked brocolli and if i was to chop the stump up into small pieces and give it to him to knaw on for his teeth?

    2 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • is paper flake bedding safe for my hamster?

    i have bought some paper flake bedding ( i have posted a link to the one i bought below) and i was wondering if it is safe for hamsters it says on the packet it can be used for hamsters gerbils rabbits etc but i have read a post on another forum about a hamster dying because of eating a paper towel so now i am a bit worried about using this bedding.

    this is the bedding i bought

    4 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • is cage disinfectant dangerous to hamsters?

    i clean my hamsters cage out with cage disinfectant which says on the bottle its suitable for rabbits,gerbils and hamster cages, and once ive sprayed and wiped it around the cage i rinse i wash it with mild soap and water and then rinse it really well and dry it if there is any of the cage disinfectant left on the cage would it be toxic to the hamster if it got in contact with the hamster or would it be safe for the hamster?

    3 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • my hamster is taking food of me is this a good sign in the taming process?

    i am handing chopped carrots and brocloli and rasions and apples to my hamster through the bars of the cage and he is taking it off me is this a good sign in the taming process as when i try to pick him up he either jumps of my hand and escapes or runs and hides he still dosen't like me handling him yet if i stroke his back when he is in the cage he dosen't mind i am also going to get a hamster ball tomorrow but has anyone got any other ideas of how else i can keep him entertained ? and any ideas for homemade toys for hsi cage?

    2 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • my new hamster was active all day and fell asleep in the evening?

    i bought a hamster today when we brought him home and introduced him to his new cage he was awake and exploring the cage for ages and now its 8.30 in the evening he has dropped off asleep, should i be concerned or is it because of the move to a new environment also any other advice will be greatly appreciated i haven't yet had him out of his cage when can i start to tame him? how long shall i leave him in his cage before i tame him also can he eat carrots as a treat? he is a long haired hamster if that is any help

    4 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • does tesco in china sell the same sort of brands as they do in the uk?

    i will be travelling to china next month with my husband and son (my husband is chinese) to meet my husbands family, will i be able to buy thigns in tesco in china that i can buy in the uk like ready brek instant porridge and roninsons squash etc

    2 AnswersChina9 years ago
  • can i travel to china with prescribed antidepressants?

    my husband is Chinese and we have a son i suffer with depression and anxiety and take venalfaxine for them what should i do with regards to my medication when travelling, should i get a letter from my gp stating what the medication is used for? and also is it true that if a tourist has a mental illness the authorities will refuse entry into the country if this is true what will happen with me as i suffer with depression and anxiety?

    6 AnswersChina9 years ago
  • stopped by the police for going through a red traffic light?

    i went through a red traffic light i was pulled over by the police, they took my details name address date of birth etc and checked i had insurance etc and then let me go on my way, they DID NOT issue me with a fixed penalty notice so what will happen? will i get a fine and points? or have they let it go and i won't hear anything about it?

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police10 years ago
  • goldfish has white string hanging from underneath its body?

    i have only had my goldfish one day i bought it yesterday since ive had it i done everythign they said in the pet shop regarding how to get them settled into their goldfish bowl tomorrow i am going to get them a big tank, my worry is it has a white string hanging under one of the goldfish's body which looks like poo is it normal? and how long for it to detach off?

    9 AnswersFish10 years ago
  • how often to feed a goldfish?

    how often do i feed my goldfish and change the water they told me to change the water every 3 days and feed them a pinch of food every other day is this right? also how much poo is to much i was told if they poo a lot i am feeding them to much i don't want to kill the fish

    7 AnswersFish10 years ago
  • is my 2 year olds development ok?

    is my 2 year olds development ok?

    my son is 2 years old he is mixed race british and chinese so he has to languages (english and chinese)

    he says these english words:

    1. Hiya

    2. Bye

    3. More drink

    4. I want

    5. All gone

    6. Train track

    7. Grandma

    8. Granddad

    9. Mammy

    10. Daddy

    11. Read a book

    12. Car

    13. Bus

    14. Lorry

    15. Van

    16. Truck

    17. Carriage

    18. Horse

    19. Dog

    20. Sheep

    21. Toys

    22. Porridge

    23. Milk

    24. Yoghurt

    25. Nappy

    26. Stars

    27. Flower

    28. Yellow

    29. Orange

    30. Black

    31. Bannana

    32. Choclate

    33. Sweety

    34. Lollipop

    35. Whats that

    36. Rabbit

    37. Dvd

    38. Television

    39. Pram

    40. Thomas

    41. Phone

    42. I want to talk daddy

    43. Eastenders

    44. Hello kitty

    45. Bike

    46. Motor bike

    47. Police car

    48. Ambulance

    49. Fire engine

    50. More orange squash

    51. Ice cream

    52. Fruit

    53. Bottle

    54. Cup of tea

    55. Thankyou

    56. Please

    57. China

    58. Apple

    59. Dinner time

    60. I enjoy ……

    70. garden

    He can count 1-10 when he wants to he can join in with nursery rhymes and can count 1-3 In Chinese he can do those wooden puzzles that lift out and have the picture underneath can hold a pen/pencil/crayon etc properly, can recongnise animals and can say his name when asked, he can say names of his friends and recongnises them he copies off everything we do and say sometimes, he can go up and down steps,kick and throw a ball,run,jump,

    Chinese words:

    1 ni hao – hello

    2. ni wa wa – a chinese nursery rhyme he can recite

    3. naini – grandma

    4. yeye- granddad

    5. soso - uncle

    6. xiyangyang – the name of Chinese cartoon he watches

    7. meiyangyang – name of chiense cartoon character from xiyangyang

    8. xiexie - thankyou

    9. shenme – whats that

    is all this ok or should i be concerned about anything?

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • what happens at 2 year old review?

    hi my son has his 2 year old review ocming up and i was wondering what they will do? i have heard they ask him to draw a circle, he wont draw a circle hel scribble and say it is a circle lol he can recongnise animals he can recongnise colours but gets them mixed up lol and he is very stubborn if they want hi mt odo somethign if he dosent want to do it he wont do it, if they give him a tea set he will make tea lol if they give him a doll to feed he will cuddle it instead of feeding it and he will line up blocks instead f stacking them lol what happens at these revies ? i suffer with anxiety and i cant help but worry

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • can you freeze tinned sausage?

    if i took tin sausage out of the tin and individually wrapped them in cling film could i freeze them? it dosen't say anything on the tin and if i cannto freeze them i would have to throw them out which would be a waste.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • itch with no rash what could be the cause?

    i have this itch which comes the same time every night i am not using any new shower gels/lotions/washing detergents etc that i haven't used before or that are affecting me but i get itchy patches which come anywhere on my body there is no rash just when i scratch where its itching it turns red and if i scratch really hard there are scratch marks there in the morning from where i have been scratching it sometimes when it turns red after scratching it feels like the patch of skin where i have been scratching is on fire or it feels like something is crawling over it.

    i take 35.5 venalfaxine in the morning and 75mg of venalfaxine at ngiht if this helps

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions10 years ago
  • which budget or value things do you buy ? (uk)?

    we are on a single income and so we have to budget (i am a sahm) we shop at ASDA so we buy some of the Smartprice things (sometimes i get the odd few things in TESCO) and i was wondering if you could recommend any other good thins in the value or smart price range

    we already buy the following in the smartprice range:



    fromage frais

    baby wipes (for myself i buy the little angels ones for nappy changing)

    tins of baked beans etc



    orange juice

    orange squash

    shower gel





    microwave ready meals


    bottled water



    tesco value:

    baby bath

    wet wipes

    pasta sauce







    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • how much is to much when it comes to fruit in my 23 month yr old's diet?

    my son is 23 months and adores fruit when he was a baby he couldn't eat fruit until he was 6 mnoths as it caused him to have terrible wind and even then he had to have it every other day he is not a fussy eater but loves fruit and dosen't like sweet things like choclate etc if he had fruit 3 times a day would this be to much ? i am scared he will get the trouble of wind he had when he was a small baby how many times do you give your children fruit?

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • is depression recognised as an illness in China?

    is depression recongnised as an illness in China and if i was to livew in China how would my depression be treated i ask because my husband is Chinese and maybe we will move to live in china

    3 AnswersChina1 decade ago
  • cheap shoes for toddler?

    my 22 month year old is a size 5 and needs a new pair of trainers, as money is tight (due to personal circumstances) i can't afford to buy Clarks shoes and i know how important it is for Them to be in correctly fitted shoes does anyone know any places in the uk that offer shoes at a reasonable price or any supermarkets eg tesco or asda they can recommend for getting my little ones shoes?

  • question about Ebay ??????????

    i had an Ebay account before and it got suspended for some reason they did not say why and so i didn't use it again, after a couple of months i use my cousins name to register a new account with Ebay in my home address, and now this account has been suspended and i have only had the account for 2 weeks is the it my home adress that is getting my accounts suspended all te time or could it be my IP address? is there anyway i can get a new Ebay account without it getting suspended?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • my 22 month old and his bottle?

    my son has a bottle twice a day he is 22 months old and has one in the morning with his breakfast and one at night with his supper before he goes to bed HE DOES NOT TAKE A BOTTLE TO BED and i brush his teeth straightaway in the mornign afetr his breakfast and straight away before i put him to bed he drinks his juice out of a regular cup or one of those kids tumblers with a built in straw he will nto take milk out of anything else other than his bottle i do not know why he is very strong willed lol

    he does not take a dummy so i feel that having the bottle 2 times a day is comforting him instead of his dummy? i dont know anyway is it ok for him to be having his bottle 2 times a day? he does not have it any other times

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago