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  • spirit question?

    I have a question that maybe hard to answer. I'll give you some backround first. I've lost a lot of family, thou i know you dream of them sometimes. My grandpa passed this year and i dreamt i spoke to him in like a white interigation room. Once he said all he needed to he said i'd probably never see him again. Later in the year i had three dreams with my dead father in them. Then the one that sparked my question, this one was with an aunt who had gifts just like her mother. She relayed things to me i can't know on my own and things i never spoke of. She told me she couldn't see me often because she had to find a sync in my vibrational frequency. All spirits have one and the closer to the deceased you are the easier it is for them to communicate because syncing vibrational frequencies are easier. With my grandpa hes my stepdads father so its harder. With my dad its really simple, so he gets more time than most of the other spirits. My question is if what my dream said is true. Is it really a spirit has to sync frequencies to speak to the living?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What are your thoughts on this situation?

    My boyfriend and I found each other on a writers website and have been dating long distance for 6 almost 7 months. We are about to meet for the first time in indianapolis which is halfway between the both of our distance. We talk on the phone all the time and facebook chat everyday. I like that fact we are taking it slow and learning about each other. My family, not my parents, are skeptical since most watch the show catfish. I haven't seen anything that would make me think he is not who he is and it kind of annoys me that my family won't trust my judgment. I am in love with him, the first time for me, but i'd like it if the doubt and accusations would stop. My question is what should I do and how would you handle a relationship like this? I am so happy yet all these accusations are making it hard to see all the positive. I would hope I get helpful feedback and responses but this is yahoo answers so you never know what you'll get. Thank you.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I need help to get puppies new homes?

    Okay, my neighbor's dog had puppies and ended up dieing two days later. We have been hand raising then ever since and people are trying to put down payments on them as we speak. They are poodle terrier mixes and I know mix breed, backyard breed puppies don't go for too much. We have them on a home made formula that the vet approved of and is making them gain good weight and grow a lil ahead of their age of two weeks.We want to add we are going to have them dewormed, first shots and have them checked for the gentic defects of both mom and dad (who is just across the street). My question is how much should we sell them for? I was told $150 to $200 was okay by a local breeder of labradors since we've put in so much and small dogs are in high demand these days. We just want to be sure so no one gets ripped off and we can gain a lil of what we've put in back. Thanks.

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • I want to adopt a puppy but I live with another dog?

    OK, I want to adopt a new puppy or young dog. My family already has a 3 year old Boxer male who is going to be getting fixed soon and is very unsure of himself. We have had him since birth and he had his mom and an older female dog in the house until this march when we had to put our old girls to sleep due to various complications. That being said he was confident with them around but it went out the window when they were gone. I got a puppy two months ago and our male immediately took to him, not allowing him to dominate him, but enjoying his company. He was teaching the puppy the ropes and was so patient and nurturing to the puppy ( so much that half his whiskers were gone and he still was patient). Unfortunately the puppy died suddenly and the doctor told me that he wasn't properly breed ( I got him from my neighbor). Once again he went back to being unsure and not confident even thou we've been working with him and our vet to try to get this solved. The vet suggested we get another dog, when we were ready, since our male seemed to do better in a multiple dog household (she even suggested we foster due to his nurturing attitude and good nature). I have recently found out that many shelters will not adopt to you if your current animal is not altered due to unaltered behaviors like aggression. I plan on getting a male puppy ( a female is a maybe) and he will be getting altered soon. My question is, what if your unaltered pet has none of the behavioral problem unaltered animals have, would it be possible to adopt before they are altered? I'm new to adopting a pet and I live in Illinois so any helpful information is appreciated. Thank you

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Which story idea sounds the most interesting?

    I've got a couple ideas that i wanted to get some thoughts on to maybe make into stories.

    *City Of Mislead Fools is about how a city that believes god lives on earth and needs sacrifices to stay here. He fear that the real god has sent a mercenary to kill him named merciless one a 14 yr old girl. Merciless one has to kill all who serve the fake god before she kills him.

    *To Be a Loving Mother is about three sister who adopt one of a set of triples under strict rules by the government. The kids all have strange powers they don't revile to their parents but only one seems to be good. All three must risk it all to find out what their children are and why but at the cost of all those involved lives.

    *Sky City is about a world above our own that the main character runs away to be a part of. He gains a new name, family and partner before he can gain his wings to become a sky person. War is brewing and it will take him, his partner and his classmates to calm the skies or they will fail.

    *To Survive the Infection is about a state being infected and made to disappear until the virus is under control. The survivors have to fight of the infected and figure out how to cure it. Their best weapon is the semi infected who are able to fight the infected and may hold the key to fixing the whole mess. (doesn't sound to great but hoping it will turn out unique.)

    *Alternatrix is a story being told from two sides of the glass. One side is told from the players that are forced by Destiny the game keeper to play in Alternatrix and The Watchers that help their team survive. The main Team, Team Zenith, are hoping to win to return home but is it home they are to return to?

    *Loveless Society is about a society built on the thoughts that you have children, you raise children, and you pit them against each other until only the strongest lives. The youngest set of the new choosing group will be 12 on the day they will fight to the death against their siblings. The main character decided from a small child the society must end so, with plan and allies behind her, she sets out to bring the society to ashes including the ones who survive outside it.

    Thanks for your time and any ideas you want to add are welcome.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • How do i deal with this?

    After 8 years i had to put my boxer female down on her 9th birthday along with her 15 year old mix breed sister in march of this year. Feeling lonely and having known my dog would have to be put to sleep i decided i'd look into getting a new puppy. My new neighbor had a litter in January and i got the youngest pup in the first week of april. Every week since i had him we've been at the vet for shots, a blood clot in his ear and a swollen knee joint. Just when i though he was in the all clear he started to act strange and today he callapsed in front of me. His brother is a diabetic so we though that maybe what was wrong so we gave him the treatment for that. He got even worse so i took him back to the vet only to find out he was bleeding in his belly, needed a blood transfusion and surgury. The ER was 15 minutes away but he was in critical condition and unfortuneately the best thing for him was to put him to sleep. I've had a couple people say that i shouldn't get another animal like i viciously kill them off or something. I'm just really hurt and sad but i don't know how to deal with this. I'm kind of scared of getting another dog since the one i have left was depressed and now is depressed again now that his newest friend is gone. I feel really bad and just want to know how to try to deal with this. Thank u.

    12 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • What can i do to help?

    My 17yr old sister is out of control and I know she is going to get herself in a lot of trouble. She is in high school but still in the 10th grade for the second time around. She skips school, cuts classes and has a reputation of sleeping with every boy she's ben with. Last year she had an abortion that she blames on her mother and she really feels bad about that decision. She fights with her mom all the time (mom is a recoveringalcoholicc) and is kept away from us by her mom. She really only comes over to see us when her mom is feed up with her and my sister doesn't care about herself. All she wants is to have a baby and struggle through life. Her dad has looked into Lincoln Challenge for the neschooloo year but is looking for some way to get a wake up call till she gets there. My question is what programs can he look into for the summer to try to get her on track or at least keep her out of trouble? we live in illinois and my sister is a runaway, lier, thief, and ispromiscuouss but she loves art. I really care about my little sister and want to help her. Sorry its so long, thank you.

    1 AnswerFamily9 years ago
  • How to keep my puppy's ears down?

    This is not one of those pin down the ears so they stay droopy questions I promise. Okay, I took my lil guy to the vet and she told me I need to keep his ears from flapping when he shakes his head. He has a blood clot down in his ear and his shaking the injuried ear may cause a hematoma so I have to try to keep it pinned down. Since he's two month he keeps taking the sock off the doctor told me to use. Any ideas on how to keep them down so he doesn't hurt himself? He has to wear an ecollar too if that matters. Thanks for your help.

    1 AnswerDogs9 years ago
  • Do you think this is uncommon?

    Ok, i have Pcos which is a disorder that can make having children very difficult. I've had plenty of people my age tell that they pity me since almost all of them have kids. I don't want to pity myself so I don't, I just move on. Anyway I want to have a child no matter if how it happens and I've said I want to adopt. I've had many people tell me I shouldn't rush it or adoption is not smart alone or even the famous "why would you want a child by yourself"? My question is, do you feel it is uncommon for a person in my medical situation to have a stronger urge to have children. I am 21 and am willing to build a future with a family or just my children. Please don't post if you have anything harsh to say. Thank you.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • Could my friend be expecting?

    My friend has no insurance and has been really stressed out. Her and a male friend used the pull out method and ever since she been feeling off. I bought her a test and it said negative but she been having strange symptoms. She says she get very light headed at different times of day even after eatting. She complains of lower back pain, breast soreness and feels sick to her stomach at all hours of the day. Like me she has pcos that messes with her cycle so she shrugged off two missed periods. She is scared and, since I have no children or are pregnant, I don't really know what to tell her. She even has strange cravings of stuff she don't like and some stuff she do like she can't stomach anymore. I just need some advice, with all the information on the net saying some women never get a positive test and go on to have healthy babies, I don't know what to tell her to do. Only positive stuff please because she's my best friend and I want to help her. No negative or just comments to get points. Thank u all.

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • What could be causing this?

    I have pcos and have just regulated periods in the last two years. I had unprotected sex on the 5th of nov but used the pull out method. Need less to say that on the 15th through 19th I was supposed to get my period. I've had bad headaches, my boobs are tender and have been lightheaded. I don't get cramps with my period but I've had slight cramping for the last week and a half. For the last two days I've had bleeding that's bright red early morning but becomes brown and disappears by nightfall. I've never been pregnant before and this is all weird to me. My question is what do u think is causing this and could I be pregnant? I'm worried and just honestly need some suggestions and nothing negative that's not helpful. Thank u all.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care10 years ago
  • How do the start of these stories sound?

    These are some starters to a three of my books in progress. I just want to know if you'd read them. The first is Death's Rejects: You are born, you live, and you die. Sounds simple enough right? I used to believe that was the the simple truth of the universe until I was born, I lived and I died. You never really know how complex the world truly is until you've done all 3 of those. Being born is easy, living is normal and dying, that hard but after death is just...complex.

    The next is called Two Halves of the Tracks:The biggest question in this story would have to be this, is it wrong to live on the wrong side of the tracks? Better still, is it wrong to be friends with someone just because others don't agree? The two young friends in this story have thought about these questions and, at the moment, decided their answers. As they stand together on the final playing field waiting for fate to play out no fear is in their eyes and no doubt is in their hearts.

    The last one is called The Zone( had to rewrite because it sounded too much like Micheal grant's gone series): I want to say its over but its not and that's the part that kills me the most about all this. How did all this come to pass? Why? I've already asked these questions and still I have no answer to them a year later. Let me be the first to say, if no one else already has, that we have been through a struggle no one should have to go through. We call the place our struggle took place The Zone, once a normal county now a prison. With in the struggle people were kidnapped, others were left alone, all were developing powers and only 4 adults were the center of the mystery. Here is the beginning of our story in The Zone.

    I would appreciate feedback, suggestions and anything else you can think of on how to improve and move along my works. I'm trying to make each one unique but its hard not to use material already on hand. Many more works in progress but these are three. Thanks.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • I want to know about this old fine china set?

    My mother was given an old china set by her grandmother years ago and we never really knew where it came from or the history behind it. We also wanted to know how much it maybe worth since only a few pieces missing. It was made in Narumi, Japan by the Mikasa company. The set is the Madeleine #5673 and i just wanted some back round information on it if possible. Its a part of our family history and we'd love to know as much about it as possible. Thank you.

    2 AnswersChina10 years ago
  • harry potter and twilight, can they be compared?

    I know, another harry potter vs. twilight question. I just wanted to know since so many people compare them in popularity can they truly be compared at all. I mean harry potter is in a whole different genre then twilight. A adventure/fantasy vs. a romance/fantasy/horror. I don't see how you an compare them other then which one doe you like more. no trying to start a fight just being totally honest as a fan of one of the series. (no saying which.) Lets be practical and respectful in answering the question. I will appreciate all answers and definitely be interested to see what you have to say. Thank you.

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • I want to hear what you want in a story?

    I want to be a published author some day and i thought the best way to know what to write to become a best seller is to ask what people want to hear. I want to hear what you want and about what age group since i focus on young adults as my specailty. If you could this is how i would like the suggetion given. Ex. Suggestion, age group and anything like charcter names and titles. I can't wait to see what you come up with and thanks.

    P.S. I've never been good with romance but its welcome.

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • Should I continue these?

    The first book I've already wrote but don't want to continue with the next book unless its something people might want to read it. Its called My Life In Darkness which is about a girl who gives her life to a vampire to save her mother from an animal that he owns that bite her. He makes her his half vampire apprentice and she travels with him doing all he asks. In the book for a long time she doesn't drink and she finds out that she is the successor to a powerful vampire. As the story moves along she realizes that even thou she hated the way that all this happened to her she wouldn't have it any other way. I guess it would be a coming of age story just in a supernatural way.

    The next one I am in the process of writing and have writer's block. The Story for now is called An Opened Mind which is about a girl who is adopted by a dancing school only to find out she sucks at dancing so they make her focus on being book smart. One day she becomes interested with the piano in the studio and while a music school is on a field trip where she lives she finally plays the piano. She is found out to be a prodigy in music and every time she plays she sees a girl that looks like her and dances which she finds out is her twin. Once she adopted and accepted to a arts school in London she meets her family who have to fight the school for custody of her. The story takes you on a journey through music and respect for all the arts and how one girl who no one believed in not only makes it big but opens the minds of everyone she meets.

    Just want to know what you think and what you suggest to do with the one you choose to make it better. Thanks.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Do these sound interesting?

    Ok. I have two stories but I'm trying to decided which to go on with. Its between The Watch:The Battle Begins and Squad 2227.

    The Watch:THe Battle Begins is about two siblings that live in the future in a small town with their mother who gets gravely ill and dies leaving her children to an old friend. The kids are taken to an Academy to be Time Agents like their mom had been before she had them. The younger sister is really gifted and the older brother becomes obsessed with bringing back their mom. He ends up going to the bad side that the Time Agents are trying to stop so he can bring back their mother. The younger sister has to fight him and as time moves on she gets a rookie squad. To make a long story short she is in a dead lock battle with her brother but she is trying to save him.

    The next story Squad 2227 is also set in the future in the year 3000 when WW4 is in full swing but the messed up part is that the adult population is smaller then the kids born so a program is made to make more kids. In turn the soldiers in this war are teens from the age 13 and up to 20 with the only adults being generals. The has never been a whole squad to come back from war but the story is about the Ariel squad that comes back as a whole and everything that happens to them during the war. The focus is about the Captain of the squad who is supposed to be the head of a family who doesn't want her to be so they sent her to war to get out of a will demand.

    I just want helpful comments and not ones that would be just plain negative. Thanks.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Do these sound like books you would read?

    Ok. I'm writing these books as we speak and have already started typing the first ones in the series.

    The first one is called The Zone which is a story about a county that all those over 21 have disappeared and the kids have to find out what happened to them. The main character has her friends help her get her town in order before they meet with other leaders to figure out what happened. They find out that all the kids and pets have developed powers and that there are 4 adults left in the county. They have been cut off from the outside world by a barrier and they end up having to fight their way out passed the adults.

    The next one is called Craft Academy that sort of resembles harry potter. The main character was left with adoptive parents and had no idea she was a witch. When she does go to school she meets her brother and finds out that she needs to recover her memory to help figure out what a dark wizard wants with her. The whole difference between hp and my story is the main charcter chooses to be an enemy of the dark wizard when she is actually supposed to be his apprentice. The whole series will circle around how she finds her past and the internal struggle that she has about if she is good or evil.

    Please no seriously rude comments and no sinceless ones just to get points. I really want feedback on what i need to change and any advice on what you want to read in a new series. The only thing i suck at writing would be romance but everything else is free game. Thanks!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • I'm confused on what to do. Help?

    Okay, so I went for 2 pregnancy tests at the doctor's office at what would have been 1 and 2 months. They both said negative and so did the at home ones as well. The kicker is that I'd be about 4 months now and my boobs are sore, a bit rounder and large and for the last 2 weeks I have felt movement like something swimming in my lower belly. I've also pushed slightly on my belly and something moved. I'm just really confused. Any help? Could the doctor be wrong?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I got a negative blood test but I still feel pregnant.?

    Ok, my family has a history of being terrible urine pregnancy test takers. By this I mean they either don't get a positive until 1 month or not at all. Blood tests usually go better but I'm skeptical due to family history. I got a negative on my own blood pregnancy test but my lower abdomen is growing, i think. It looks like its bloated but can you possibly be bloated for a month and a half nonstop. Plus I haven't had a period yet. Anyone else experience something like this? I'm really confused and scared. Please help. Thanks.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago