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  • Which is better: biking or running?

    (I'm asking this for my husband)

    Which is better to lose stomach fat: biking or running?

    9 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How can I get my pre-pregnancy body back?

    I had a baby almost 11 weeks ago. I have already lost about 30 lbs, putting me at about 5 or so pounds above my pre pregnancy weight. I was 5'4" and 140 lbs when I got pregnant. My goal is to get down to 120. I don't know if that's a good goal or not, but really what I'm more concerned about is getting my body back in shape. My stomach is still flabby, my thighs are huge, and my butt is not one to be desired. I realize that it can take a long time to get your body back after having a baby (if it ever happens at all), but I want to do everything I can to help get it as close as possible.

    I am on a tight budget, so I cannot afford a gym membership. The only exercise equipment I have is an exercise ball.

    What are some exercises that will help me get back in shape? And any other suggestions?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Newborn bowel movements?

    How many bowel movements should my 3 week old breast fed baby be having every day? I've heard they should have 2-5 per day, but she normally only has one every 3-4 days. She has plenty of wet diapers during the day, but hardly any bowel movements. She does get a lot of gas though. Should I be worried?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • When did you have your baby?

    How far along were you when your baby was born?

    15 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Lump on ribcage?

    I have a lump covering my lower rib on the right side. It is not very big, maybe the size of a marble. It looks very slightly black and blue. It is not extremely painful but it is rather tender. I can move it around. At first I figured I just had a bruised rib, but it has been there for a couple of months now and has not gone away. It hasn't gotten any worse either. Does anyone have an idea of what this could be? I have an appointment with my OBGYN next Wed (I'm 37 weeks pregnant), and I will mention it to him then. But I was just curious?

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • lump on ribcage?

    I have a lump covering my lower rib on the right side. It is not very big, maybe the size of a marble. It looks very slightly black and blue. It is not extremely painful but it is rather tender. I can move it around. At first I figured I just had a bruised rib, but it has been there for a couple of months now and has not gone away. It hasn't gotten any worse either. Does anyone have an idea of what this could be? I have an appointment with my OBGYN next Wed (I'm 37 weeks pregnant), and I will mention it to him then. But I was just curious?

    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago
  • Which blood pressure is worse, or more dangerous?

    I have had both low blood pressure and high blood pressure, and I was wondering which reading is worse:

    80/50, or 164/101?

    Which is worse and why?

    3 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • Kidney infection?

    Do these sound like symptoms of a kidney infection?

    Low grade fever

    Extreme fatigue

    Upset stomach over past 2-3 days, have hardly been able to eat despite being 36 weeks pregnant

    I also have had a dull pain under my ribcage toward the back for a couple weeks now, my doctor said it was just my rib muscles hurting. Could it be a kidney infection instead?

    I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning, so please don't tell me to "call my doctor". That's the earliest I can get in.

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pre eclampsia?

    So I had my doctor's appointment today (I'm 34 weeks), and they noticed protein in my urine. Since I've had high blood pressure consistently for a few weeks now they had me go get bloodwork to get tested for pre eclampsia. I should hopefully find out the results tomorrow.

    I've been doing some research on it, and it kind of seems like a scary thing to have. Is it really that bad? For those of you that have had it, what were your symptoms and what did they do to treat it? I've read some places that you're hospitalized but some places just say moderate bedrest, but I'm sure it depends on the severity. I know I'll find all this stuff out tomorrow and I know it all depends on my doctor, but I was just wondering what other people's experiences of having it are?

    My mom had it when she was pregnant with me, but that was 20 years ago so I figure things have probably changed.

    Okay well I'm gonna stop rambling now, thanks for reading and any answers you may have are greatly appreciated!

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pantene Pro V time renewal?

    I have heard mixed reviews about pantene pro v. Some say it's the best hair care line out there while others say things like it gave them dandruff and dried their hair out.

    I was thinking about trying the pantene pro v time renewal, has anyone tried that and what did you think of it?

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Childbirth with crooked hips?

    I am 30 weeks pregnant and I was wondering if I will have to deliver by C-section, because one of my hips is raised up and tilted forward. It's only about 1/2 inch higher than the other one, but I didn't know if it would affect pushing a baby out? I also have a slightly crooked spine (borderline scoliosis) as well as herniated discs in my lower back.

    I just thought about this and haven't thought about asking my doctor, but I will at my next appointment but that's not for another week and a half. I was just wondering if there was anyone out there who has experienced anything like this or if anyone might have an idea about how it would affect a natural delivery?


    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Best shampoo/hair care products?

    What do you think the best shampoo/hair care product line is? I use John Freida's Sheer Blonde and I like it a lot but I was wondering if there was anything better that anyone might recommend?

    I would like something that makes hair more manageable, and a hair care product that helps with straightening hair. And also I want it to smell good..haha.

    13 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Eviction process?

    What generally happens during the process of getting evicted from an apartment complex due to non payment of rent?

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Depression during pregnancy?

    So I'm 28 weeks pregnant and I think I'm depressed. I feel horrible and really guilty for being depressed because I know I have every reason to be happy due to the baby coming. Is it possible for stress to lead to depression? Because right now we are in the process of being evicted out of our apartment (my pregnancy is high risk so I had to quit my job..leading to us not making enough money to make it) and we have to live in my parent's basement, and I feel like that's all my fault. I feel useless because I have no energy during the day and all I want to do is sleep when I know I should be cleaning and being productive. My husband works 12 hours a day 4 days a week so I don't get to see him a lot of times and it just makes me worse. I cry in his arms every night and I don't even really know why. Has anyone else ever felt this way and what did you do about it?

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Infection?

    Okay so I'm about 22 weeks pregnant. For the past week or so, I have had a really thick, yellow discharge. I know discharge during pregnancy is very normal, but this is different than any of the discharge I've had. I've also noticed that it feels like the walls of my vagina are swollen. Sex is quite painful, and I am very very sore afterwards. I have also noticed that my bladder at times feels very sore and I have to urinate often, but that could be just because the baby is right down near my bladder, so it's hard to tell if that's actually a symptom or not.

    I figure I most likely have some sort of infection, but I was wondering what these sound like the symptoms of. I know I need to talk to my doctor, and I have an appointment first thing Wednesday morning, but I'm just curious.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Legit online jobs?

    Okay here is my situation. I'm pregnant and on strict bedrest, meaning that I had to quit my job. My fiance is working 68 hours a week so he can't get an additional job. He is in the process of trying to find one that pays more so we can make more money and me have him around more, but so far no luck. The only way I can work is if it's an online job. However, I know that most of the jobs offered online are scams. So I was wondering if anyone had an online job that maybe they could refer me too, or had any suggestions of where I should look. Thank you so much in advance.

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Online jobs?

    Okay here is my situation. I'm pregnant and on strict bedrest, meaning that I had to quit my job. My fiance is working 68 hours a week so he can't get an additional job. He is in the process of trying to find one that pays more so we can make more money and me have him around more, but so far no luck. The only way I can work is if it's an online job. However, I know that most of the jobs offered online are scams. So I was wondering if anyone had an online job that maybe they could refer me too, or had any suggestions of where I should look. Thank you so much in advance.

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Arguments for/against lowering drinking age to 18?

    I'm working on a paper and was looking for some different arguments for/against the drinking age being lowered. I'm wanting to do like a poll sort of, so if you could leave your age, what your opinion is and why, that would be great! Also, if you know of any sites that argues for or against it, then that would be helpful too. Thanks!

    (I will choose a best answer based on who I feel argues their point the best--I will not necessarily base it off of my opinion because honestly I don't have much of an opinion on this)

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Text slang affecting students?

    I'm writing a paper on text slang and how it is affecting how students write, how they spell, grammar mistakes, etc. I need a few websites, but can't seem to find any that talks about how it is impacting students. All I can find are websites that say what the abbreviations stand for, etc. Does anyone know any websites that I could use? Thanks so much.

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Pain in left side?

    The left side of my body is hurting, right around my lower ribcage. It goes around to the back, too. It hurts on the backside right now. It started on Friday, and stopped by Monday so I didn't call the doctor. Now it's hurting again and it's not unbearable, but more severe. My doctor is out of town until Monday but does anybody know what this might be?

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago