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  • If I called the police, on him what would have happened.?

    When I was about 9 this boy used to torment me [I was the new girl in school and he told me he liked me and it freaked me out], it was "innocent" at first, name calling & such. But at one point he stalked me home and threw ice at my head because we were so young the school put us into counseling several times. He would harass me about my other male friends asking me I liked them better then him [I lied to avoid unnecessary drama]. When I graduated from Elem. school I thought I could get away, but when I was in seventh grade. He had 3 of his friends attack and rob me [he physically didn't attack me himself, but got his friends to]. I went home & begged my dad to call 911 but he said it would be pointless because I didn't know their names, had vague descriptions of them & the eye witnesses would be against me. I'm 17 in March and it's been a while since he's said or done anything to me. However, I do see him around and it TERRIFIES me. I'll go home & won't be able to sleep at night if I saw him near my house because I'm so afraid he'll break in and kill me or something.

    Is it still too late to call 911, or do ANYTHING about it?

    If I did call at 14, because he's so young what would have happened?

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Should I have told him I liked him?

    My boyfriend and I have been going out for a little over 7 months since the end of May. I love him, but if I had to pick a flaw of his it would be he never had to courage to man up and tell me he liked me first. Yes, I know I sound whiny and I should be happy with him no matter what. But I wanted him to tell me he liked me first. I knew from the day I told him as much as I love him I would never be entirely happy. I lived with [and still am because I'm only 16] my abusive parents who didn't love me. I was tired of fighting for someone to love me. I was never good enough for my parents, I wanted to at least be good enough for this boy.

    We've talked about it before around October and he told me to stop worrying because he loved me, and he was sorry he didn't do it earlier. He also told me he planned to tell me at some point, which honestly as bitchy as it sounds I don't believe him. Last night I read the post When Does Bashfulness Become a Problem? One of the comments was something like if he hasn't manned up to ask you out, he's not that interested. Which I honestly thought was true but all my other friends and my boyfriend told me it was stupid because he loved me. So I bothered him about it again because there had to be something about me that made him not want to tell me but he was planning to? He told me it was my height [ I'm 4'9 standing PERFECTLY straight, and he's 5'11 slouching -____- ]. I believe him when he says he regrets not telling me first, but not that he was planning to.

    I don't plan to break up with him over this. But now when I think about it I could have waited. Or if he wasn't going to man up and ask me out, maybe I should have waited and moved on, and waited for someone else who thought I'd be good enough.

    Jesus I'm rambling now.

    If you're wondering why I did it, two of my friends knew I liked him and convinced me to do it. It was one of those "well it sounded like a good idea at the time" type of thing.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do I get rid of these acne scars/bumps ? :/?

    ^ Some minor bumps, and acne STUBBORN acne scarring that WON'T GO AWAY.

    They've been there for at least half a year +, and they won't go away.

    The minor bumps I can deal with because I'm still 16 and at that age where I still will break out, but the scarring bothers me SO much.

    I don't think I'm hideous or anything, but it's really something I can't deal with.

    And I'm wearing foundation in all these pictures because I do not like being seen without my makeup & all are taken with flash :/

    4 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Where can I buy shoes to fit my feet?

    I'm 16, and my family has a long history of binding their feet [not recently obviously, but it's been going on for such a long time my feet ended up SO SO SOOOO SMALL] so I wear a size 3 now. However my feet are extremely wide and ONLY fit into sneakers :/. I'm supposed to be a size 3, but I go up to a 4.5 because my feet are soooo incredibly wide :/ so I can only wear sneakers because I can tie them at the top, and even at 4.5 they're still too tight for me. Currently I wear the Nike Airforces, but I HATE HATE HATE SNEAKERS :/ I wish I could wear if not heels, at least boots and flats :/ I probably wouldn't have such a dislike for sneakers if I they weren't the ONLY thing I could wear :/

    please help me :[

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Which foundation should I buy/Is this normal?

    During the summer, I get sooooo soooo oily. It's like an oil slick, gross but true.

    Now that it's fall with colder weather when I blot my face there's very little oil, and excessive oil ONLY in one spot.

    Also my face this month has just been randomly breaking out so I wanted to get a new foundation.

    But now do I get Combination/Oily Skin OR Normal/Dry Skin? Because even though I'm not oily I'm still VERY acne prone :/

    2 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Is this normal for my piercing to be like this?

    I got my second ear lobe piercing around the end of May.

    After 2 months I put in white gold earrings to let it heal.

    Everytime I take it off there's some yellowish? gunk on it, and I believe dried blood mixed in?

    And it smells SOOOOOOO bad, my piercing doesn't seem to be infectted or anything but is this normal?

    Although it closes extremely fast, my right ear the lady lost when I had to take an X-Ray and it closed up by the time I got home.

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Making out on the beach/in public ?

    Last week when I went to the beach with my boyfriend & friends he just started making out with me, and I didn't want to just pull away from him so I went along with it. Which I think made our friends uncomfortable, there was no else near us, or little kids but I think making out is something that should be done behind closed doors. I'm okay with holding hands, hugging, a peck on the lips, and maybe cuddling a little in public. And that's with our friends. We're going back Saturday by ourselves so I think this time he might have more motivation to make out with me since people we don't know aren't around. We were fully clothed, there wasn't any inappropriate groping, but I had my head lying on his lap.

    What do you think about couples making out on the beach/board walk?

    How do I stop him from making out with me in public without seeming cold.

    We're both 16 by the way if that helps.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How to keep the dye in my hair?

    I have very dark brown hair almost black, but not black.

    I bleached my bangs to dye it wine red but it quickly washed out leaving the bleach in turning my hair orange. [My hair was Barbie blonde before I put the wine red dye in].

    I got sick of the orange and decided to dye my bangs black because the I couldn't find a shade of brown dark enough.

    With the wine red dye it looked wine red for about a few hours before it started getting an orange tint to it.

    I dyed it wine red over spring break and back to black today incase that helps.

    So how do I keep the dye it :/

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • What happens if you drink too much water?

    I drink a lot of water in general but now that's summer it's gone up.

    You're supposed to drink 8 cups a day but for me now it's more 10-12.

    My mom yells at me about it because you can thin your blood out too much and stuff.

    I get migraines from it but they pass and are bearable.

    I eat normally too, so is it really that bad for me ?

    11 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Does Forever 21 take debit?

    Self explanatory I want to buy a dress online but I'm not sure if Forever 21 takes debit because I know places like Abercrombie doesn't

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Buying a dress from Forever 21 ?

    I need a dress for my friend's Sweet Sixteen and I want to buy this dress from Forever21. But I think the chances of it being in the store is slim to none, so if I asked them to order it in the store and let me pick it up would they let me do that?

    And how would I go about asking :D ?

    Thanks in advance :]

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • What song do they play in It Started with a Kiss they first time they kiss?

    In the Taiwanese drama when Joe Cheng kisses Ariel Lin for the first time at the graduation party what song do they play :D ?

    I tried googling the soundtrack but I couldn't find it D:

    1 AnswerDrama1 decade ago
  • I bought new wedges & ?

    I have small but wide feet and I typically wear a 3.5. I have to buy some new wedges for a concert so I decided to go up to a 4. They felt fine in the store and at the concert, AND after I took them off at home. So I wore the shoes from 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM. And honestly I did VERY little walking. But now I have some stupid blister I think on my foot. It really doesn't hurt. It's like clearish and I'm pretty sure it's a blister filled with water. The thing is I have another concert Saturday which I have to wear these shoes to go to. There's like no time for me to find a better pair and honestly these are the best I can find for my feet cause they're small but fat =_____=

    Tips on how to get the blister to go away ? :[

    Or make it not so weird feeling?

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Pushup bra keeps riding up on my boobs lol ?

    So I bought a push up bra and it keeps riding up on my boob and it's really aggravating me. I'm pretty sure it's not normal ; so how do I stop it T___T .

    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • How to get revenge on this girl?

    I know I probably shouldn't, but you're only young and regret everything once.

    She's basically the biggest btch ever, and talks mini cooper behind your back.

    She's fifteen and dating a frigging twentythree year old. Cuts school like every other day. And when she does come she copies all my mini cooper. Which I'm fine with then someone told me that she was talking about how my swimming sucks and how I'm ugly ; so I've had enough of it. Ideas ?

    My friend's and I were planning to spray paint gold digger on her house and pedo ; date someone your own age on his but we're leaning towards something that won't get our dumbasses landed in jail.

    Suggestions? Ideas?

    7 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Curling my eyelashes ?

    So when I curl my eyelashes I can get all the eyelashes on my right eye, but only the middle my left eyelashes.

    Am I holding the eyelash curler funny or something LOL ?

    I tried holding it with my left hand too but it didn't help

    5 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • How to clear up my skin and acne scars?

    I have really bad acne, whitehead/blackheads and acne scars and nothing I use seems to work for them :[ . I drink a lot of water which is supposed to flush out toxins but I don't think it helps too much.

    Tips. Advice. Suggestions? Product recommendations?

    With makeup.


    I look paler cause of lighting hahahas .

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to lose 11.5 lbs in a month?

    My birthday is coming up at the end of this month. And I've been slowing working on this for awhile.

    I cut out snacks and salty foods. I drink ONLY water [although I don't think it's done too much >_______> ] . I swim a lot too :]

    If it helps im 4'9 and want to weigh 90.

    Will work on getting to that perfect 80 soon :[ .

    Is it possible & how :D

    or how can I lose as much as weight possible.

    I've also heard if you eat 1200 one day ; then 1500 then 1400 then 1300 and change the calorie intake different everyday it keeps your metabolism high. Is that true ?

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Planning to get some piercings ?

    Right now I have two ear piercings one on each ear.

    I'm planning to get another two holes.

    I wanted a third set but my ears are too small for it LOL.

    I'm also planning on getting my cartilage and belly button.

    Would it better if I just pierced everything at once and got it over with.

    Or should I let each piercing heal before I move on .

    Thanks :] .

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • How to get skinnier legs ?

    I currently have huge thighs from swimming x____X.

    How do I slim down and still be able to continue swimming.

    That's what my leg currently looks like.

    This is what I'm trying to achieve.

    I'm envious .____________.

    9 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago