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I'm married to a great man, father, soldier. He is my life, my heart and my protector. He is my sunshine and my rain, my everything and my nothing. "If nothing lasts forever.....will you be my nothing, baby?"

  • What will John Frieda Go Blonder do to my dyed brown hair that has blonde highlights?

    I dyed my medium blonde hair dark brown. It was actually drk brown on top to copper ombre to blonde on the last inch or so of my hair. I used Color OOPS on it to get the dark brown out and it lightened it about 3 shades. It's still brown. I then did a foil highlight ( I was a stylist for a long time). I've done so much to my hair chemical wise, that I want to take a break. BUT...I'm going away with my husband and want to get rid of this brassy blonde. Will this product work on ALL my hair or just the highlights?

    1 AnswerHair7 years ago
  • Am I the only one who thinks it's creepy that Bill on B&B...?

    Is SO into Liam staying with Steffy? If I hear him say what a great girl she is, and the ONLY one good for Liam, I'm gonna scream. If I were his wife, I'd be need to STOP about how great this girl is! We ALL KNOW you slept with her and were in love with drop it!!!

    6 AnswersSoap Operas8 years ago
  • Call me crazy but....Didn't Dayzee on Bold and Beautiful have a baby when Stephanie met her?

    Wasn't Stephanie looking for her scarf that blew off when she and Brooke were on that rollercoaster and that was how she met Dayzee? Dayzee was using to scarf to cover her baby. Maybe I'm wrong but someone help me out here.

    3 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • On B&B has anyone else noticed how HORRIBLE Steffi's skin is?

    I know they all CAKE on the make-up but when they do close ups of her, her skin is a MESS. You'd think the make-up department would be able to help this out...or NOT do close ups until her skin looks better. Maybe I'm just being picky because I hate her character?? Anyone else?

    6 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • Is my hairdressing license valid on a military base?

    I have been a licensed stylist for 20 years. My current license is not from the state our new military base is in. I have never worked on base before and was wondering if I had to go thru the process of getting a lic. in the state we are stationed in and do I have to do that every time we have to move?!

    3 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • My husband has 16 yrs in with the National Guard. He had an offer to go full time active duty Army...?

    He was an e-7 in the Army Guard. We moved and he had to switch to Air Guard. SOMEHOW, he lost rank and was signed as an e-5! (The Air Guard gave him some BS story about it being the same as E-7 Army...) Anyway, he was offered a position with the Army. He would be giving up his civilian job...which I couldn't care less about...but what can our family expect as far as pay and housing at the e-7 level at Ft. Benning? And why on the pay chart is there E-8 and E-9 listed, but no pay amounts?

    5 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • On Y & R 6/27 I LOVED Phyllis & Diane's tops!?

    Where can I find them? Does anyone know where to find anything similar?

    2 AnswersSoap Operas10 years ago
  • How do I remove my name from GOOGLE search?

    20 years ago, I got married for a VERY short period of time. When I GOOGLE my name, even though I NEVER listed this guy as a relative ANYWHERE, his name is still attached to mine in "mylife" and "reunion." I don't even have accounts with those sites!! It even comes up when I GOOGLE my married name...and I've been married now for 13 years!!!

    2 AnswersGoogle1 decade ago
  • Would your spouse rather divorce you than....?

    give in to your request to move...? I agreed to move to VT after spending the first 10 years of our marriage in VA. I LOVED it there, but my husband is from so. VT and while he was deployed, he decided he'd rather move closer to his dad and brother. I agreed to this because I was so glad he was home safe and sound I would have agreed to living on the moon if it was with him. We now live 3 hours away from his dad and brother and it is NOT AT ALL the way he promised it would be. We live in the middle of nowhere and I haven't been able to find a job. He took a HUGE pay cut just to come back to this state and I have been MISERABLE since the day we got here. I left my job and friends not to mention our oldest son and his daughter. We have been here for a year now and it has only gotten worse. I know he can't be happy here, but would NEVER admit that I am right. We have 2 small boys that miss their friends and home. We still own a house in VA and our renters just moved out. I was used to talking to people all day at my job in VA and having friends and having money. I have told my husband how miserable I am here and he told me to suck it up!!! He KNOWS things are bad here....we've had to sell everything "extra" we owned just to make ends meet!! But he refuses to believe that things are as bad as they really are. It's not as if he got some dream job, either. He's doing almost the exact same thing here as he was doing in DC! The only thing that changed for him is location since he really didn't have any friends in VA...and he doesn't have any here either. He is just a very quiet person so he couldn't care less if no one talks to him all day. As a matter of fact, he prefers it! I really think he wouldn't be upset if I left with the boys and left him here to chop wood and hunt! If your spouse gave you an ultimatium, what would you do...? Would you be relieved or upset and do anything to keep your marriage in tact...and the rest of your family happy? BTW...our oldset son is struggling on his own and could really use our help and support but my husband refuses to see that either.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to be hypoglycemic and have NO other health issues?

    My 8yr old, who is not diabetic hasn't wanted to eat much lately. He had a virus a few weeks ago that made him throw up so I thought he was just afraid to eat much because he didn't want to get sick again. Out of curiosity, I checked his blood sugar with my other sons glucose meter(I have 2 other sons w type 1) the 8yr olds fasting BS was 57. It went up to 80 after eating and he said he felt fine. Could he just have a low BS because he hasn't eaten much in the past week or so? He'll eat soup and crackers and some fruits and veggies but it's a fight to get him to eat anything else. Thoughts?

    2 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Is there a dating site for young diabetics?

    My son is 21 and was dx last year. He has been in a relationship for 4 yrs. with the same girl and they have a daughter together...but...they are both ready to move on and he is looking for someone who understands T1 diabetes and who actually cares about EVERYTHING that goes along with it. The support group in his area is mostly "older people" or teen agers!

    4 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • What size snowboard for my son?

    He is 9 and weighs about 60lbs. He is about 4' tall and has never snowboarded before.

    3 AnswersSnowboarding1 decade ago
  • On Y&R do you think Ryder is Sheila's w/ Tom and Daisy is.......?

    Sheila's friend SUGAR's with Tom? The two "crazies" were pregnant at the same time by the same man? That's how Ryder and Daisy are brother and sister AND Kevin's siblings???

    5 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • My kitten was fine and playful both at the shelter and when I first brought her home but now not. What's up?

    It took 3 days for the paperwork to go through and for her to be spayed. I went and played with her before she could be released and she was so loving and playful. She is 10 weeks old. She was spayed last wed. and when I brought her home fri. she was fine. Playing, eating, drinking and using the litter box. Since last night though, she has been kind of depressed and not eating much. My other cat doesn't really like her, but I don't think that's what's wrong. How long should I wait to see if she perks up? What could be wrong with her?

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Am I the only one who noticed...? On Y & R?

    When Sharon got the ashes and opened the box, the label inside said Baby NEWMAN. She was checked into the hospital as Sharon ABBOTT. No one at the hospital knew that this "baby" was Baby NEWMAN. Adam screwed up...or maybe it was the writers..or just a little foreshadowing? But I hope Sharon and Nick notice this before they "spread" them.

    11 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • On Y&R Didn't Ashley lose her baby and is just experiencing "hysterical" pregnancy?

    How do the writers expect Adam to "switch" babies when Ashley won't deliver one!? The Dr and Adam had to fake ultrasound pictures because there would have been an empty womb if he had done the actual ultrasound. There CAN'T be a baby switch with only one baby. There won't even be a "dead" baby delivered....

    7 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • How does a salon owner make money in a chair rental type salon?

    I am thinking of buying a salon that rents the space to the stylists and they pay the owner a weekly rent. How does the salon owner make any money? If I'm paying rent on the actual building, utilities and all the other costs but I"m only taking in what they pay me in rent how does that work as opposed to having commissioned employees that I give 50% of their ticket?

    5 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • How do we get our non-paying renters out of our rental property? We live 800 miles away!?

    We have tenants in our house in VA. We waived a security deposit in lieu of replacing vinyl flooring in a bathroom. We also let them move in for 2 weeks without paying rent or switching over the utilities because they were in a bind because the previous house they rented was foreclosed on and they had to get out. They signed a lease stating they would pay on or before the 15th of every month. Month 1, they only paid 3/4th of the rent and didn't have the utilities switched as promised. Month 2 they paid full rent 8 days late. Month 3, no rent, and we were told the Salvation Army would be paying the rent for them this month. We filled out a form that was faxed to us and the rent was not deposited. The rent is due for this month in 5 days and they haven't paid last month plus the late fees stated in the lease for LAST month. They also agreed to pay what they owed on the utilities they used in our name because they lied to us about switching them over. How long do we have to wait for the court to get them out? We can't afford for them to NOT pay since the rent is already 400$ LESS than the mortgage and we have a mortgage on the house we live in! How long do we have to wait to start showing the house to other perspective tenants?

    7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago