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  • I have a 12v desk lamp running from a 12v lead acid battery but the full brightness doesnt appear.?

    I have a 12v desk lamp running from a 12v lead acid battery. The battery reads 13v on standby, then when the light is turned on, it initially drops to 8v, then climbs up slowly and finally settles on 12v. This results in a dim light for a few minutes when the light is first turned on. I was wondering what causes this.

    - Thanks

    1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • How could I prove that I took a photograph?

    I was uploading a picture I took on holiday to a picture website. It was for selling pictures, so obviously you'd only be able to sell pictures you actually own. But how is it possible to prove that the pictures I upload are mine? (They are mine, I just don't know how I'd prove it). Hope this made sense.

    - Thanks

    3 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • How do CD Keys/Serials Work?

    If I wanted to protect some software I wrote, how would I go about doing this with a serial key (as is with nearly all games and applications nowadays). I don't mean how to crack or generate them. I mean, how could I implement a CD key verification system into an application?

    - Are there a set number of keys, or are they generated by a specific algorithm, how does the process work.

    - Many thanks.

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Would my solar cell setup work?

    Actual question at the end, I will first explain,

    At the moment, this is just a proof of concept, i'm only wanting to know if my thinking is correct. Basically, i want to make my own UPS on the cheap £50ish, compares with 100s for a compplete system.

    I would buy the following:

    12v Solar Cell for charging 0.125mA

    12v 8Ah Battery

    150 Watt inverter (supplies 220V from 12V)

    1. How long would it take for that solar cell to trickle charge the 8Ah battery to a full charge?

    2. If my computer uses 65W power, would this calculation be correct to find the maximum run time off the battery:

    P/V = I so 65W/12V = 5.5amps to run.

    For an 8Ah battery, 8Ah/5.5A = 1.45

    1.45*60= 87Minutes or 1h27 maximum run time from a full charge. Is this accurate? Thanks

    1 AnswerEngineering1 decade ago
  • How to get 'Windows Live' on a Windows Mobile 6 Pocket PC?

    I had an HTC TyTN, on this was an application called 'Windows Live' That was basically msn messenger. I now have a new pda, the TyTN II, and this option is not there, all I can find on the internet is to sign into messenger on a web page, i don't want to do this. I actually want to download windows live. I know this can be done as it was working on my last phone. Thanks, any help apprichiated!

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago
  • What is the best 6 letter word in the world?

    ...just what you think.

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • What OS to run on a spare computer?

    I have a spare computer sitting around, 2Ghz, 512Mb RAM, 40Gb Hard Drive, I was wondering what, in your opinion is the most 'fun' operating system I could put on it for something to do.


    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago