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Favorite Answers12%
  • What is the black people/fried chicken dynamic?

    I'm always seeing questions on here about black people liking fried chicken, and it is usually accompanied by racist comments.

    Is this an American thing?

    I spend half the year in England and the other half in South Africa - both of which have significant numbers of black citizens - and I've never noticed them eating more or less fried chicken than anyone else.

    I've also been to the US several times, and it isn't like you have black people fiending for KFC.

    What is the chicken dynamic?

    5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups6 years ago
  • Who shall we hate next?

    On Y/A you've got the religious hating the atheists, gays hating straights, Americans hating Europeans, women hating men, blacks hating whites - and all vice versa.

    Only the other day I saw the question: "What the f*ck is Mexico's problem?" There were no other details.

    Now, people love to hate, and we are running out of targets. Who shall we choose next?

    I nominate the Spartans, because we can then consolidate all of our hate.

    The Spartans were of Greek stock, and so suitability "foreign".

    They were arguably the first pro - equality civilisation, with women having greater wealth and personal autonomy.

    They were accepting of homosexual relationships.

    They loved a good war.

    They had their fair share of gods.

    They were rumoured to throw deformed male babies from cliffs.

    Yeah, come to think of it, f*ck those war mongering, women loving, foreign q*eers!

    Would anyone else like to offer a nomination?

    8 AnswersOther - Society & Culture6 years ago
  • Did Robin Hood only rob the rich because the poor had nothing worth stealing?

    Maybe he wasn't the good guy everyone thought; maybe he was just clever.

    "Do I rob this peasant of his. . .er, stick? Or should I rumble that old rich dude and take his silver goblet?"

    Your thoughts?

    PS - I know reports vary on whether on not RH was real, so let's talk hypothetically.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture6 years ago
  • How do I make an official complaint about Amazon?

    What do you do when the people you'd normally complain TO are the people you want to complain ABOUT?

    In a nutshell:

    I had a comment removed from a thread because it was apparently spiteful, and violated Amazon's user guidelines.

    I informed them that they'd made a mistake, and that the person who had actually made the comment was still submitting rude, insulting and threatening posts.

    The person admitted in a post that they were stalking me and systematically down-voting me. I was also accused of writing reviews in exchange for money, which I have never done.

    These posts remain. I've pointed them out to Amazon but nothing has been done.

    The gist of the response was: "We don't make mistakes. We don't have to explain. Go away."

    Now, the 'customer service' dept isn't responding to my emails.

    Is there an official body I can complain to about the dismissive and rude treatment I've been subjected to by Amazon's representatives? Somehow, I don't think I'll get much of a response from Amazon. . .

    I'm UK based, by the way.

    Thanks in advance.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • DVD remote is activating multiple devices?

    I just bought a Panasonic DVD-S500EB-K multi-region DVD player. However, the remote switches on my Panasonic DMR-EX773 recordable DVD player.

    Is there anything I can do about this?

    I'm not the most technically minded guy, so if you could make any suggestions clear and simple, I'd appreciate it.

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersTiVO & DVRs6 years ago
  • Is file sharing legal?

    I'm probably older than most users here, and not very technically minded, so excuse me if some of these questions seem naive or stupid.

    I want to download video footage from the Internet to eventually cut to a disc, but I have no idea how to go about it.

    How do I know which files are legal to share, and which aren't? Which sites are legal and which aren't?

    Is it possible to download a file to a tablet, then plug the tablet into a recordable DVD player, then cut the file to a disc?

    Please make any answers as simple as possible please, and thank you in advance.

    2 AnswersSoftware6 years ago
  • NJPW on region 2 DVD?

    I'd really like to buy some New Japan Pro Wrestling DVDs on region 2, and was wondering if anyone knew of any reputable sites where I could get some that don't cost the earth.

    I'm particularly interested in Tanahashi, Okada, Goto, Nakamura etc.

    Someone suggested that I could find such content on file-sharing sites, but I wouldn't even know where to begin looking. Is it even legal?

    Sorry if these questions sound stupid; I'm not retarded - just old, and not very technically minded.

    Any constructive input greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerWrestling6 years ago
  • Anyone having trouble with the WWE 2K15 WCW DLC pack (PlayStation3)?

    Okay, so I downloaded the WCW DLC pack for PlayStation3 today, and it is more or less unusable.

    The five wrestlers all have a generic entrance, and no music. When you try to change these options, you can't. Also, all the moves these characters should have, like Bigelow's Greetings From Asbury Park, don't work - the game just freezes.

    Weirdest of all, Fit Finlay and Steven Regal actually have a green coloured Randy Orton render when they come to the ring, but are normal once the match starts.

    WTF is happening? I just spent £6.39 on a DLC pack I can't use.

    I also downloaded Paige and two versions of Hulk Hogan, but with no problems.

    Has anyone else had this issue with the WCW DLC pack?

    3 AnswersPlayStation6 years ago
  • Hitman Absolution Problem PS3?

    I STILL haven't bought Hitman Absolution because when it came out there were reports that it was freezing up and corrupting save files - basically killing the HDD.

    Has anybody bought the 'Essentials' version of the game, and if so does the problem persist?

    I really want to buy it, but not if its going to ruin my machine.

    Any help greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersPlayStation7 years ago
  • PlayStation3 not recognising external hdd?

    Recently my old PlayStation 3 died and I lost everything on it, so I decided to buy an external HDD to back up all of the info on my new station. However, the ps3 isn't recognising the HDD. I was the told that I needed to format the HDD to FAT32. I found an online guide of how to do this and tried to format it. After 12 hours of waiting for the HDD to format, a message appeared stating: VOLUME IS TOO LARGE TO FORMAT FAT32.

    OK. . . .so now what? Is a 1TB HDD too large?

    I'm not exactly a technically minded guy, so if someone could offer me a simple, step-by-step guide of how to successfully format it, and transfer ps3 info to the HDD, I'd really appreciate it.

    I'm using Windows Vista, by the way.

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Gear7 years ago
  • Hitman Absolution for PS3 (Will definitely choose best answer)?

    I wanted to get Hitman Absolution for PS3 when it came out, but read many reports which claimed that the game was killing HDDs and corrupting save files. Does anybody know if this issue was ever fixed? I know that Hitman Absolution Essentials has been released - does it suffer from the same issues?

    I am a fan of the series and really want the game, but don't want it if it's going to kill my PS3.

    Any advice from owners of the game would be greatly appreciated.


    1 AnswerPlayStation7 years ago
  • Have I got a dirty mind?

    Ok, so I was in the supermarket this evening and a young woman in front of me at the checkout had bought a bottle of wine, two cucumbers and a tube of KY jelly. That's all.

    Now. . . .is anybody else thinking what I'm thinking?

    6 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Say no to more children?

    Ok, so my partner has decided that she'd like to start a family of her own; she doesn't have any children but I have eleven from seven previous relationships (six marriages) and I'm not sure I want any more.

    I'm 33 years old, and before people start judging me I'd like to make it clear that all my children, apart from the first, were born within wedlock. I support all my children financially (ten live with me) and don't drain the welfare system. I know six marriages and eleven children seems like a lot for someone at 33, but six of my kids were born twins and I've been widowed three times and divorced three times.

    I'm just not sure I want any more children, but my partner is desperate for one of her own - I simply don't know what to tell her.

    I've been very fortunate in my life, financially, so money and space isn't an issue - but that isn't the point.

    Do I go ahead and keep her happy, or tell her straight?

    6 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • 80s martial arts/action movies - your thoughts?

    Ok, before fans of this genre bombard me with angry responses, I'd like to stress that I have fond memories of 80s action movies - growing up I liked nothing more than watching them - even though I wasn't really old enough to. However, surely you must admit that most of them have aged horrendously, and the plots made little sense. Then again, perhaps that was/is the appeal; after all, with a few notable exceptions the fight sequences weren't nearly as good as what was coming out of Hong Kong at the same time.

    So, my question is: what aspects of these films do you love/hate the most?

    For me it has to be the hilarious plot holes or logic voids. Such as:

    Our hero is heading for a climactic fight with a bunch of heavily armed terrorists. What does he wear? Jeans and a t-shirt? An intimidating biker jacket? Some army camos perhaps? Nope - some off-white lounge slacks and an oversized sweater in a uniquely gay shade of pink.

    What weapon to take? A gun? A knife? A baseball bat? Even better - some fragile looking and crudely fashioned wooden throwing darts that don't look sharp enough to break the skin, but are somehow so devastating they can be thrown through the rear window of a car driving in the opposite direction at high speed and still kill the driver.

    What about the Russian general who just happens to have a collection of highly trained crocodile assassins?

    Too many highlights to mention, but I'd like to hear some of yours.

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • How much to ask for golf clubs?

    I've been given a collection of golf clubs and I was wondering how much to sell them for? They're in very good condition, branded names (Mizuno, Wilson etc) and about 14 clubs in total - assorted but mostly irons and woods - all in an immaculate looking leather carry bag. Any help greatly appreciated.

    4 AnswersGolf8 years ago
  • Anybody seen Wentworth Prison?

    The show is coming on TV soon over here and I was hoping to hear from anybody who has seen the reboot of Prisoner Cell Block H called Wentworth/Wentworth Prison.

    My 14 year old daughter is a huge fan of the original show (she has all the DVDs).

    Problem is, I hear the new show is 'edgier' and was wondering how suitable it was for a kid of 14. How strong is the violence/nudity/bad language/drug use?

    Any info greatly appreciated.


    8 AnswersDrama8 years ago
  • Anybody good at translating latin?

    I'm looking for an accurate translation of the phrase 'win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat' into Latin. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


    2 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • Does anybody know where I can buy the Director's Cut of Terminator Salvation?

    It's readily available on Blu-Ray but I'm looking for the Director's Cut version on region 2 or region free DVD. Will definitely choose best answer for somebody who can help. Thanks.

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • Help with setting up a PSN account please?

    I got a PlayStation 3 and would like to know how to set up a PlayStation Network account so I can download DLC and other additional content. Only trouble is I have the technical literacy of a retarded meerkat and don't have the first idea how to go about it.

    Could any of you helpful souls please explain to me, in as much detail as possible, how to do it?

    Particularly the following:

    How to get my PS3 'online'?

    How to set up a PSN account?

    How to transfer funds from my bank account to the PSN account?

    Any other info that may seem obvious to most people but not to a complete technical novice?

    I realise I'm asking a lot but I'm really stuck here and could use the help!

    Definitely 10 points for the best answer.

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Weirdest book you ever read?

    Being a dedicated city boy I decided recently to escape from it all and have a relaxing holiday in the North Yorkshire dales (UK).

    Whilst there I looked around some fusty old bookshops and discovered these truly weird titles:

    Cheeses of Consequence

    Christmas Hairstyles

    The Wonder of Wood

    Timothy Merman's Very Splendid Adventure

    A Thoroughly Unwholesome Fellow

    Is it just me or are those the oddest book titles ever?

    Do you have any equally stupid ones?

    Also, does anybody think this sign I saw in a British Heart Foundation charity shop window give the wrong message?

    'Let's wipe out people with heart disease'

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago