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  • what GCSE'S do u need to become a midwife?

    my daughter is interested in becoming a midwife in the uk and is having difficulty finding out what qualifications are needed

    2 AnswersSpecial Education9 years ago
  • a friend of mine is pregnant?

    and shes bn told the baby has club feet

    shes bn told that she will need to get a different car seat but doesn't know what 1

    she has bn told the likely hood is that the baby will b put n plaster after he is born but that's all shes bn told she doesn't know whether to buy normal baby grows or anything

    can any1 shed sum light on this e us pls thank you

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • what is the main religion in france?

    i need to know for my homework can any of u help

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • need help and advice with fitting partner?

    woke up at 4.45 to find my partner fitting phoned ambulance, took him to hospital, hospital discharged him with in 3 hours told him to go see family gp and get them to refer him to a neurologist

    took him to doctors with in a hour of being back home

    doctor went nuts phoned the hospital to get him back in to have tests done

    11 o'clock back in hospital

    12 o'clock chest x ray done

    1.30 C.T scan done

    2.30 sitting in waiting room to be seen again starts fitting again

    taken in to resus

    moved to medical assessment unit at 4

    8pm lumber puncture done they think he has infection in his brain

    hes been admitted

    next day ct and lumber puncture results back clear no infection back to scare 1

    they say mri getting done it wasn't done till the following day

    nothing over the weekend

    monday nothing

    tuesday eeg is done all results come back normal, discharged sent home no explanation to whats caused the fits

    epilepsy been ruled out

    now we are both scared its going to happen again he is normally fit and well and has no health issues

    he is still a bit wobbly on his feet and he has a sore shoulder where aa nurse restrained him when he was fitting,

    im a nervous wreck around him and i wont leave the children with him when i go out

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • how far do doctors let you go over your due date?

    i was due yesterday and still no signs of him coming just wondered how far your doctor will Let you go over i got midwife tomorrow and will get a date to be induced

    19 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • how are we all feeling this morning?

    im due tomorrow i cant believe how quick its come around it only seems like yesterday that i found out i ws expecting again, ive had no signs of this little man making an appearance any time soon i reckon itl be tuesday wednesday nxt week

    how long have you got left and has it gone as quick for you

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • do you think pineapple juice will do the same as fresh pineapple?

    the midwife told my sister to eat fresh pineapple to help her go in to labour i don't like fresh pineapple but can drink it

    im 38weeks 4 days

    i am just curious

    20 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • where does it go???????????????

    i read a couple of weeks ago that the baby starts weeing at 35 or 36 weeks i was just wondering where does the wee go

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • what is causing this?

    im 38 weeks on sunday and last night i was seeing silver shapes in my eyes they were starting off in the corner and floating in front until i blinked it away

    i feel absolutely fine in myself

    just curious to what i could be and if it could be pregnancy related

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • are any of you disgusted by some of the questions asked on here?

    like how do i kill my baby

    i want to miscarry my baby

    so far this morning ive seen 3 questions like this and i have reported each one

    i think its disgusting people could even think that way

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • are any of you feeling very sensitive?

    i answered a question from "confused" she was asking about wanting a natural birth and was she wrong

    all i said was she would probably change her mind once in labour and i get an email from her telling me to p*** off and im rude person with nothing nice to say

    well i am very hurt i am the most easy going person you could meet and as she is on her 1st baby and i am on my 5th i think if you haven't experienced labour before you should be open minded to accept pain relief if offered it

    oh and if you do read this "confused" i do have natural births just for the record and don't have any drugs

    15 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • just been doctors for my 34 week anti natal and have come out more confused than ever?

    she said in my urine sample there were white cells haven't got a clue what that means can anyone enlighten me pls

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • what pain relief is offered when you are in labour?

    in the uk we have epidural, gas & air or pethidine i was just wondering if in other country's it is any different

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • can one of you mummy's to be tell what this means?

    i was just reading through my notes from today's anti natal appointment and i noticed a bit with descent of p p then underneath 4/5 but i don't know what it means

    this isn't my 1 st pregnancy but ive forgotten all the jargon

    32w and 2d

    im in the uk

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • my 2 year old has had tummy bug since friday?

    she was sick most of friday but still has diarrhea and its now monday afternoon ive been trying to get her to eat a little but shes gagging when anything goes in her mouth food wise shes alright drinking little and often she has been to the doctors and they don't seem to concerned they were only worried that if she wasn't drinking she would dehydrate and her kidneys wouldn't be working properly

    i don't really know what im asking just a little worried

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • heart burn why is it?

    i can lie on my left side and im fine but as soon as i turn on my right the heart burn kills

    im down to single figures now 8 weeks to go

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • is my 11 year old about to start her period?

    she will be 11 in 2 weeks

    shes been really Moody

    she told my mum that she was really unhappy and didn't know why

    i went up stairs yesterday and suddenly thought where is she i went in my room no kez her door was shut so i went in and she was sitting on her window sil crying i asked her what was wrong and she said her tummy really hurt i took hold of her gave her big cuddle took her down stairs put her on the sofa gave her some paracetamol and a hot water bottle she seemed ok all afternoon and we all went out to the zoo shes just been out for dinner with her mates ad came back for some paracetamol but doesn't seem to bothering her to much to day

    13 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • is my 11 year old about to start her period?

    she will be 11 in 2 weeks

    shes been really Moody

    she told my mum that she was really unhappy and didn't know why

    i went up stairs yesterday and suddenly thought where is she i went in my room no kez her door was shut so i went in and she was sitting on her window sil crying i asked her what was wrong and she said her tummy really hurt i took hold of her gave her big cuddle took her down stairs put her on the sofa gave her some paracetamol and a hot water bottle she seemed ok all afternoon and we all went out to the zoo shes just been out for dinner with her mates ad came back for some paracetamol but doesn't seem to bothering her to much to day

    3 AnswersParenting1 decade ago