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Lv 44,440 points

Nefertiri E

Favorite Answers15%
  • what's it like to be heard?

    most of the ime no one is listening when I talk I have started saying nonsensical things on purpose ie did you see the purple bananas I brought back from Jupiter? so far no one has noticed. I dont tell long boring stories; no one listens to even a short answer yesterday my mother asked me 4 times if I wanted something I ssaid o all 4 times and she handed it to me anyway what's up with this?

    2 AnswersFamily4 years ago
  • What computer specs will give me the fastest download speed on the internet?

    I need a new computer and my top priority is being able to download web pages quickly from the internet. I already have high-speed web from my service provider; what specs on the computer will speed things along so I'm not sitting there drumming my fingers while my computer churns to pull up a page?

    P.S. I'm not streaming video or gaming or anything fancy. I do a lot of research. I'm using e-mail, Word, and a browser to do research that involves pulling up typical web pages.

    5 AnswersOther - Computers5 years ago
  • My sister's kids are wild animals. Why are we obliged to tolerate this?

    My sister fosters two children, now 6 & 7 years old, who are complete hooligans. This week my 85-year-old mother has been punched and kicked. Her health care companion has been kicked in the groin, and bitten so hard he lost a piece of flesh from his arm, as my sister persists in dropping these tornados off at my mothers house while she runs errands. She simply bulldozes over my mother's (not very assertive) objectives. Any suggestions?

    3 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • How to deal with difficult houseguest?

    A 75-year-old relative who lives overseas usually visits once or twice a year, and I've come to dread the visits. He arrives completely unannounced -- he just calls to say he needs a ride from the airport -- NOW. He is an extremely picky eater, with a list of demands on everything from meal times, the size and colour of the dishes, the temperature of the meal -- even the brand of seasonings. He will only eat freshly cooked, chef-quality food (leftovers are a staple in my busy house). He will only use a certain type of towel, a particular sheet, a special kind of soap. He will only sit in a particular chair, or sleep in a certain room, with the bed made some particular way. If he sees anything he likes -- a photograph, a towel, a tool, a book, a mug-- he asks, "you wouldn't mind giving me this one little (whatever it is), would you?" (He is financially secure.) He also expects me to drive him around at will.

    The last few times I have encouraged him to stay in a hotel, as I feel bad that I am unable to meet all his needs. He brushes this off, saying not to worry, he's sure I can "get it right" This time, he arrived with all his income tax info, and told me he heard I do my own taxes so he's sure I don't mind doing his (!)

    Is there a way to say, No Thanks, to this visit without causing offence?

    3 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • Anyone else ever just wish they could wake up and be someone else?

    if my life was my boyfriend, I'd break up with it ASAP

    1 AnswerPsychology5 years ago
  • How to deal with family re crazy brother in law?

    My sister's husband is crazy -- the kind of paranoid crazy that would benefit from strong drugs, in my opinion. He believes everything is an attack on him, and responds with a screaming rant. For example, my sister baked a small birthday cake for his daughter, whose birthday fell on the same day as a regular family dinner. He threw a full-on tantrum, yelling at my 84-year-old mother for an hour about the "family conspiracy" to make his daughter love us more than him. (BTW It was a $2 instant box cake mix with happy birthday spelled out in jelly beans found in the back of the cupboard). I now avoid this lunatic like the plague for 2+ years, and now live a peaceful happy life. The problem is the rest of my family feels compelled to report his latest ravings to me in detail, all the time. They want me to listen supportively, but I'm not interested. If they refuse to stop, I leave the room or the house.

    Now starting to have issues with them over what they perceive as my unwillingness to "be part of the family", and my "lack of forgiveness". I'm not angry with the lunatic; just don't want him in my life. Suggestions? Do I have to cut the rest of my family loose to avoid being dragged into the lunatic's circle?

    2 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • How should I answer this question from my supervisor's boss?

    My boss came up with plan, and I told her it is a bad idea for reasons X, Y, and Z, but she was determined to do it, so I helped as best I could. Now her boss (the CEO) is skeptical (for all the reasons I gave), and is asking me if I support the idea. I don't want to hang my boss out to dry with her own supervisor, but I don't want to endorse this idea that I know is really, really stupid.

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • Anyone else so lonely they dread Fridays?

    Another Friday, dawdling in my office after everyone else has left, because it's beterr than another weekend alone and unfulfilled. I deserve an Academy Award for how well I can pretend I'm thrilled it's Friday, and then pretend on Monday that I've had a great weekend. I have many "friends', none with the slightest interest in my life. Can't handle another conversation where I feel like saying, well, it's been nice listening to you.

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships5 years ago
  • What to do: situational depression prevents me from altering the situation that causes it?

    struggling with depression largely due to unbearable situation at work, plus some non-urgent but nagging health issues. all I can do just to crawl into bed at the end of a work day. Muggy head is screwing up job-seeking efforts. just feel trapped

    2 AnswersMental Health5 years ago
  • What's it like to ever be someone's first priority?

    I am SO tired of being pencilled in, shuffled off, interrupted... I don't need to be the centre of attention ALL the time, but I would settle for, say 3 minutes to seek some comment, have a moment of sympathy, or just finish a sentence without someone changing the subject. I'm sick of conversations where I feel like wrapping up with, Well, It's been nice listening to you...

    1 AnswerFriends5 years ago
  • What if God's grand plan is to have me live a miserable life and die alone?

    It has been the lot of many believers including the children of Israel enslaved in Egypt,and many many African Americans enslaved in the US. is my only choice to just take it like some sort of martyr?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Anyone else so lonely they dread Fridays?

    Here I am, dawdling in my office on Friday afternoon because I dread another weekend alone.

    This weekend, I am already super-depressed and devastated after missing out on a huge promotion I worked hard for, for years, that just got given to the hiring manager's totally unqualified friend. Just got skimmed over by those few who knew about it. "oh well! so, let me tell you about ME!"

    I wish drinking made me feel better.

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • unfair to ask my sister to leave socially disturbed kids at home?

    my sister is a foster parent who regularly has extended periods of fostering traumatized children with terrible behavioural problems. I admire her for doing this, but am really tired of sharing the experience at every family event, where kids run wild and the whole evening is spent disciplining them. this Christmas one child screamed at the top of his lungs into the karaoke machine mike. when it was taken away, he grabbed and deliberately smashed an iPad and stepped on it, deliberately pulled over a heavy fireplace screen, punched another child, and then threw a toy at the wall so hard he smashed a light fixture. He's being chased around the room to try to keep him for hurting homself or others, as he runs around wildly looking for what he can destory. I'm sorry for the child but am I also obliged to spend every family get together like this, with a new batch of demon seed children?

    3 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • how to deal with psycho relatives?

    well, my crazy brother-in-law managed to find a way to be offended, and storm out again. last year I invited a guest to take a second helping. he decided this was an insult to *him* because he was eating light. this year he got angry because we baked a small cake for his twin daughters who have Christmas birthdays without asking his permission first. he wasnt asked to say grace, he didnt get the best chair, he didnt like the tone of how I said hello -- all past "offences" he's still brooding over. now he complains that he doesnt "feel welcome" (no kidding, Sherlock Holmes ! you've been a jerk for years). my mother insists on inviting him. do I skip Christmas with the family I love, or come knowing I will have to put up with this fool as part of the bargain?

    2 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • When all your dreams have been dashed, what's the point of anything?

    Have just been told that the main goal and dream of my entire existence is absolutely, positively, NEVER going to happen. the second, third and fourth place dreams are also out of reach. Feeling very much like nothing matters, and definitely couldn't care less about anything. Any reason I shouldn't just climb into bed and wait for the worst?

    1 AnswerPsychology5 years ago
  • how to be "happy" for someone else?

    Have been TTC for 6 years. Have lost 2 babies, done a mlliion rounds of IUI, 4 rounds of IVF, suffered a massive infection post-miscarriage, and then had to stop fertility treatment due to a massive near-fatal blood clot in both lungs caused by the same condition that has likely made me unable to carry my babies in the 2nd trimester. At 44, dr now pressing me to give up.

    Meanwhile, my 18 year-old niece just got knocked up by her unemployed 21-year old high school drop-out boyfriend, and really wants me to be "happy" for her.

    Struggling...... advice?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive6 years ago
  • What s the impact force of an airplane?

    Let s say it s a 68000 kg plane, travelling at 250 m/s, and it hits an immovable object and stops within 1 second?

    (Trying to show how/why a bird that is hit head on by a commercial jet will NEVER require veterinary care!) Yes, I realize that what I need is the impact force of the bird, (it s the bird that s stopped, not the plane), but I m just trying to illustrate a point.

    1 AnswerPhysics6 years ago
  • What's it like to A) finish a complete sentence and B) get a response that is somehow related to what you said?

    Nobody is paying the slightest attention to what I say... it is completely frustrating.

    ME: I really think I'm about to be fired because...

    "listener": Don't you hate it when people park too close to you?


    ME: I read something so interesting today! it....

    Listener: Honey, do you know where my.. (speaking to someone else)


    Me: At my regular check-up, my doctor ended up sending me to the emergency room at the hospital because...

    Listener: Can you send me your pancake recipe?

    I have started saying completely nonsensical things mid conversation -- for example, Yesterday I took the 9:17 rickshaw to Denmark for peanut butter. So far, no one has noticed.

    Is there a place in the world where people pay attention to you and comment on what you just said? Or it that a myth?

    3 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • How many manufactured "emergencies" should I respond to?

    Have a friend who is constantly in a self-induced state of emergency and seeking rescue. But emergencies are usually caused by her own irresponsibility. e.x. I forgot my credit card; I locked my keys in the car; I ran out of [x] grocery item and can't leave the kids to get it; I ran out of gas for the umpteenth time. I forgot to book a babysitter for a key work event. I didn't bring a coat / umbrella; can I have yours? I forgot to buy a card; can I sign yours?

    I am *REALLY* tired of being the back=up plan for emergencies caused by carelessness. Is it mean of me

    2 AnswersOther - Education6 years ago