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Lv 612,308 points

Only Jesus Saves

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I am a Christian who loves Jesus. I believe it is my Christian duty (and pleasure!) to get the Word to as many people as possible. My primary way of doing this is by cutting and pasting answers from other Yahoo folks and from 6 different commentaries I access using WordSearch7 software. To date I have compiled 28 pages of questions and answers from Yahoo Answers. If you want a copy send me your actual e mail address and I will attach a copy to my reply. Despite having been educated in the sciences at UC Berkeley during the 60’s I believe that the Bible is the literal word of God without mistake. I do not believe in bashing those that do not agree with me, but I will always tell my beliefs, but tactfully. I believe Christians on here should model behavior pleasing to God. We should exhibit patience and love rather than rudeness and hate. Regardless of whether you agree with my views please feel free to email me ( My name is Jeff.

  • Did God create science or just let mankind do their thing?

    I believe there has to be a tie between what the Bible says and what science has found to be fact (not conjecture, not theory, just fact). When/if God is ready to disclose this tie, He will remove the scales from our eyes. There are many other things He has yet to reveal, such as the location of Noah’s Ark, the Arc of the Covenant, etc. Remember that "A thousand years are but as yesterday with God." (Ps. 90:4.) Time is relative.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is the soul (please give Bible references).?

    No personal opinions, please.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who/what chooses our parents?

    Do we (karma), God, or is it random?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can Jesus save pedofiles?

    Saving Pedophiles through Jesus Christ


    I pray this article will lead pedophiles to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord Savior and thus forever more reject their sexual addiction to children. I believe saving pedophiles will prevent future children from being molested.

    The Bottom Line

    The following is offered to those of you who want to skip reading the rest of this article and just get the essence of what I am saying. The following is excerpted from Matthew Henry Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible regarding Exodus, Chapter 8, and verses 20-32

    Reigning lusts break through the strongest bonds, and make men presume and go from their word. Many seem in earnest, but there is some reserve, some beloved, secret sin. They are unwilling to look upon themselves as in danger of everlasting misery. They will refrain from other sins; they do much, give much, and even punish themselves much. They will leave it off sometimes, and, as it were, let their sin depart a little way; but will not make up their minds to part with all and follow Christ, bearing the cross. Rather than that, they venture all. They are sorrowful, but depart from Christ, determined to keep the world at present, and they hope for some future season, when salvation may be had without such costly sacrifices; but, at length, the poor sinner is driven away in his wickedness, and left without hope to lament his folly.

    Relative to pedophiles I interpret Mr. Henry’s comments as follows:

    The lusts are sexual attractions to children. These lusts are normally reinforced through masturbation, a highly addictive behavior. Drinking alcohol and taking drugs in excess are also addictive behaviors. One of Alcoholics Anonymous’ 12 steps to recovery is “belief in a higher power.” I believe the only sure way out of any harmful addiction is through Jesus Christ.

    Because pedophiles break one of societies’ strongest bonds, namely the trust children have in adults, even other types of criminals loath child molesters.

    I met many pedophiles during my ten years of treatment. They all seemed to earnestly want to rid themselves of their secret desires. Almost all were sorrowful; some were just sorry for themselves whereas others were sorry for both themselves and their victims. I suspect those who were just sorry for themselves would have ventured all by molesting additional children if they were sure they could get away with it.

    I also suspect that some of those who empathized with their victims are nevertheless still masturbating to pictures, events, and fantasies involving children.

    In a spiritual sense I believe anyone who refuses to entirely and forever part with all aspects of their sexual addiction for children is keeping the world at present and left without hope of salvation. “Anyone” includes those who feel sorry for what they have done and never reoffend in a criminal sense, but continue to entertain sexual fantasies involving children. The only way to salvation is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

    My Background: I was sentenced to 5 years of probation for sexually molesting a child. One of the conditions of probation was satisfactory completion of a 5-year pedophile treatment program. Upon satisfaction of all the conditions of my probation (including not living with my family and not being in areas frequented by children) the Court released me and did not require me to register as a sex offender.

     The good news; I believe therapy gave me the awareness, empathy, and coping skills which were helping me to not act out my fantasies.

     The bad news; a child had been molested and I was still inwardly sexually attracted to children. I voluntarily chose to continue therapy for an additional five years because I felt I had more to learn and gain from treatment.

    My treatment consisted of one-on-one sessions and weekly group meetings of pedophiles conducted by a psychologist. After ten years I left treatment because I felt there was nothing more to gain by continuing it. At that time I was not “acting out” my fantasies but I was still mentally addicted (looking at porn).

    During the ten-year treatment period and for many years after I left therapy I lived what appeared to be a “outwardly normal married life”. For example, I attended my sons’ college graduation ceremonies and held down a full time job with a government agency. I felt I was in control of my outward behavior towards others but inwardly I was still sexually attracted to children.

    Finally, I truly accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Immediately the Lord cleansed my sole and mind. Praise the Lord!

    Because my ten years of treatment were of value (they taught me ways to not act out my urges) a portion of this article will address some of the lessons I learned during treatment. However, those treatments did not eliminate my urges; those were only eliminated when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord a

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago