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Jw Crabtree

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  • What problems would there be if a leader he did this?

    Say the world came to be ruled under one guy and the current guy has been running things pretty smoothly

    But that guy just decides one day that he doesn't want to do it anymore so he hands the position over to his right hand man and leaves without another word

    What fears or problems would there be while the new guy is starting out?

    2 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • what would go with a green cotton military jacket and a brown t-shirt?

    for a military inspired look for a guy

    a loose, dark green, cotton, unbuttoned jacket with the sleeves rolled up and black combat boots

    i need a t-shirt and pants or shorts

    not for me, for a story

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • how is slowly spinning in a rotating chair therapeutic?

    i have an idea

    say there's a king in the future, his throne is in the center of his chamber and a servant slowly turns a wheel that lets it spin, the throne isn't very big so that the king can lean back and just spin

    if he were very stressed and upset how would sitting there and slowly turning for quite some time be therapeutic?

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • i need help on military inspired clothing for a story?

    i want these two characters (a guy and a girl) to be wearing things that you would find on a military base in a war zone which is where they are, not the actual uniforms (it's a long long story and i'm gonna explain) just themed, like dog tags and helmets and jackets etc. it needs to look good though, the characters are there as a comedic break so they can look a little ridiculous but it still needs to be fashionable

    any help?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • what's it mean for a straight guy to have a flamboyant personality?

    i can imitate people's voices, especially women because my voice has a higher tone to it, that leads to a lot of jokes with my friends and it lets me mess with the bible thumpers at my school, i can talk to people very easily and am starting to become more social

    well a friend of mine jokingly asked a girl if she thought i was straight, she said definitely (she was correct) and that i was spastic with a flamboyant personality and wasn't insecure about much

    what's it mean to have a flamboyant personality? is that a good thing?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • how can i get my brother to stop talking back and adding his input?

    our dad is a joke and our parents are divorced

    we live with mom

    my older brother thinks that he is the man of the house and he is ready for the world because he's 18 and he's been through it all, he tries to act like a man and be tough but also caring but he just comes off as condescending and patronizing, he's extremely touchy and will snap and start hitting me should i touch a sensitive area, when that happens my mom ends it quickly and if she can't then our grandpa ends it because that is the only person my brother has a reason to fear, sometimes if i talk to him he goes off on me because he says my voice is like nails on a chalk board to him, he brags about how much better he is than me, how smart he is and how fit he is, when someone like my trainer or a tutor says something, mainly when my grandpa gives me advice on shooting (we hunt and shoot trap) my brother will repeat what they said verbatim but in a different tone, what really bothers me is that he says how he knows me better than i know myself and then goes down the list of things he knows about me that mostly aren't true anymore or never were or if my mom calls my name and i don't hear her he will bang on my door until it starts shaking off the hinges and scream at me because he says our moms voice irritates him and i need to take the headphones out of my ears when i don't have any on or i need to turn the tv off because he can hear it blaring from his room even though it isn't on

    we've all tried to talk to him, made things worse, i've tried to fight him, got in a few good blows but he's a better fighter and almost broke my nose, my grandpa grabbed him once for bowing up at our mom and grandma and that ended quick

    but when it comes to me, the only thing that gets him to leave me alone is blackmail and embarrassment, he got another tattoo after he promised the entire family not to get another and whenever he starts i say a word associated with his tattoo and he stops but it's starting to wear off

    any help?

    2 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • what is a really hot classic car?

    i need to know a really hot classic car that would compete with a 2011 bentley super sport

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation9 years ago
  • what is a big and sexy car?

    money is no object

    but i need a car that holds 6 people, is hot as hell, and most of all comfortable and luxurious, no trucks

    no limos

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation9 years ago
  • would you take it personally if a headmaster or teacher asked about your sibling's issues?

    say you had a younger brother who had gone to a mental hospital for severe emotional trauma that caused him to have a violent breakdown, after some time he has left the hospital with a new lease on life and has become a very loving and talented person, now he is going to the school you attend because it's very prestigious, well the day before he starts the headmaster calls you in because he wants to know if your brother will be trouble or if he'll embarrass the school because he's crazy, he can't deny your brother the chance to attend the school but it has him worried

    would you take offense to that? what would you say or do?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • how did i suddenly change personalities?

    i used to be really weird and antisocial, i would break down and cry whenever people said the wrong thing, it could be something tiny like the word no and i would just start sobbing, i remember always being nervous and not able to talk to someone without whimpering, i was into really weird stuff and had bad taste in everything

    but one day i just suddenly changed, my personality is actually something that people like now, there are still parts of my old personality that are still there and i do my best to move past them but i just find it really odd that i have suddenly changed

    is that normal? to go from a nervous nutjob to a person people actually like?

    3 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • How would a character based on a cat and characters based on dogs look and act?

    I'm supposed to write a story based on animals

    I want to write about a kid based on a cat who comes from a family of people based on wolves

    But i don't know what they should look or act like

    Can you help, I need some ideas

    One thing is that I would like for the to be military references and for the cat kid to not be a wuss

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Friends sleeping over and there are bodyguards in the house?

    Some people have been trying to hurt us so got a bodyguard to watch the house at night,

    My birthday is this weekend and I have two new friends sleeping over, my house is huge and we'll probably stay in our media room and the guard stays in the living room but the living room is the center of my house and in order to get anywhere in my house you have to pass through the living room at some point and I don't want them terrified of the armed giant sitting in the living room

    Is there some way I can play this out or cover it up because I want to make a good impression at my new school

    12 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • what is a surgery that would impare the brain?

    it's for my story

    it doesnt matter if it's still practiced because in my story its in another world that is similar to ours but not exactly the same

    basically they want this kid shut up because he's a snitch and the guys are orderlies at a nuthouse, they need to impare his brain

    how can they do it? is there a medicine they can use? or a procedure?

    and do they use sedatives in this procedure?

    1 AnswerMedicine10 years ago
  • how would a kid who was only raised by a mom be different from a kid who was only raised by a dad?

    say there were two kids, each is raised by one parent because the other passed away or abandoned them etc.

    one was raised by their mom the other was raised by their dad

    generally would there be a difference between their personalities?

    i know everyone is different so please dont give me that stupid speech about all that

    4 AnswersAdolescent10 years ago
  • which of these two would military people prefer?

    there's this skill in my story that is needed by these military people (haven't gotten too specific yet) and they have to choose one of these two people

    1 is legendary at the skill, he is very flamboyant and social as a person but very blunt and to the point and that even shows in how he does the thing they need, he just does the thing, he doesnt but a pretty bow on it, he might strike up a conversation or add some personal flare but nothign too drastic

    2 is legendary at this skill too but isn't nearly as good as 1 but he gets ceremonial and symbolic in how he does it, he undermines 1 because 1 prefers to make it simple and easy and 2 wants to dazzle the crowds with his performance

    which would they choose?

    5 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • i need help on this kid's appearance because i've never been that sick?

    in my story this kid is really sick with the flu or pneumonia or something like that and is on the verge of going to the hospital

    he isn't happy at all in the parts where he's sick, his brothers are making him do something he really doesn't want to do and he's stressed and overworked but has made demands that he gets to wear what he wants because they were going to make him dress up so that the thing he's doing looks professional

    i imagine him holding a bottle or a canteen of something

    so my question is, what should the kid look like, i'm never sick so i dont know how the narrator should describe the kid, what should be in his bottle or canteen, what should he wear?

    i want it to be kinda funny but as realistic as possible

    1 AnswerOther - Health10 years ago
  • would you excuse this guy for his attitude?

    say there was this guy who was the very best at something, there was no one else in the world better than him

    y'all badly needed his help to teach some guys how to do this thing that is very tricky and dangerous if done wrong but life saving and revolutionary if done right

    but the guy is so sick he's on the verge of going to the hospital, he's also extremely overworked and stressed so when he's guilted into helping he demands that someone carry all the heavy and fragile equipment, snaps at people, wont let anyone touch him even to help up if he were to fall or to get out of a car, anyone who gets smart or tells him off is kicked out and no one was allowed to speak too loudly because he was so sick it hurt him

    despite his current mood he proves to be very helpful, eccentric and flamboyant

    would you excuse his current bad mood if the need for this thing was almost to the point of desperation and there was no one better than him?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • if you were forced to help teach some people you really didn't want to teach, how would you treat them?

    i have this idea

    say you were legendary at something, and that thing was something that needed to be taught to these people (i want them to be military guys but the other guy isn't) so your brothers who are teaching these people this skill aren't nearly as good as you so they beg you to help them, the only thing is that you are sick, overworked, exhausted and on your time off they come asking for help

    so you agree but make several demands because this skill sometimes requires heavy or fragile equipment and you're in a bad mood, sick and tired

    the students are military but you arent

    what would your demands be? how would you treat your students? your siblings?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • what is it like to be a high school student and have a pulled hamstring?

    i want to write a story

    so far the main guy has a pulled hamstring and he's a highschool student

    only problem is i dont know exactly what to say about it

    i havent had a pulled muscle since i was little and it was my somewhere in my arm i think

    2 AnswersOther - Health10 years ago
  • how can i tell if my computer is being watched by hackers?

    i know people who can and they dont like me

    i have nothing to hide but i just think it's creepy

    is there a way to check?

    i have a pc

    1 AnswerSecurity10 years ago