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  • Guinea pig with flaky dandruff skin?

    I have seven pigs over five cages. Three boys and four girls. My youngest boy has dandruff flakes. I noticed today he didn't want to be cuddled, I moved his fur the opposite way and found dandruff and really tiny patches where the skin had broken, bled and dried. How do I fix him, he's the only one with it and I want to cure him fast please help us

    2 AnswersRodents7 years ago
  • Guinea pigs, are they ready to leave mum?

    My girl had there girls and a boy on August 8, when can I send the girls to their new home, they eat HAY, PELLETS AND VEG, WHEN CAN I REHOME THEM. I know to move the boy at three weeks, hel move aug 29 as we want to keep him, my cousin has built cages for the girls to live together and a spare if they fight, I just want to know when at the earliest they can be rehomed

    2 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • Guinea pigs weaning/rehoming?

    My girl had there girls and a boy on August 8, when can I send the girls to their new home, they eat HAY, PELLETS AND VEG, WHEN CAN I REHOME THEM

    1 AnswerOther - Pets8 years ago
  • Guinea pigs and mite sprays?

    I have four babies just over 2 weeks old, I want to spray them before their rehomed, how old do they have to be

    6 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • Guinea pig ??? Please help?

    What are the best ways to introduce a 9 month old boar and a 1 month boar? As he needs to be removed next week, the dad pig is alone cos he hates other males so baby goes with another boar non related. Please tell me the best way to introduce them

    1 AnswerRodents8 years ago
  • Guinea pig food please help?

    So I've ran out of vegetables for my pigs, yesty I jumped the back fence and picked all the grass I could find that hadn't been mowed down, filled their cages, I've no vegetables and only pellets, we go shopping in two days when I get paid, I'm wondering

    Can I feed my guinea pigs frozen peas and carrot and corn pieces? And can I regularly feed them this instead of fresh vegetables which cost a fortune compared to frozen, is frozen veg ok for them??

    4 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • Pregnant guinea pig question?

    I have a guinea pig who is very pregnant. The last three days I've been watching her, I fill her water at 7 am and again at 5pm as by then it is empty, in this time she is drinking roughly 500ml give or take. I see her babies moving furiously inside her. They kick a lot and very fast,

    I am wondering how long now until she gives birth

    Two days ago she was having hiccups or that's what I thought, today her whole body was moving in ripples, that was like three hours ago. Now she has just has her nightly grass and I had to refill her water, her babies are really moving in there, like fully kicking around hard.

    How long til she gives birth, she won't let me touch her to check her pelvis

    1 AnswerRodents8 years ago
  • Guinea pig help please?

    I'm wondering if I can spray my pigs for mites when their 6+ weeks pregnant?

    How old do the babies have to be to be mite sprayed?

    2 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • Guinea pig question, please help?

    So my pig Dutchess is ate also seven weeks pregnant, today I was looking at her and I see her eyes aren't as open as all my other pigs ( I have eleven pigs in total, 4 two day old babies. So my Dutchess shares her slot of the cage with peanut who is around four months old, Dutchess has been sleeping a lot but I don't know why her eyes are half closed over, what's wrong with her?

    Also in the slot next to her is the mum and 4 babies, would that be bothering her?

    Why are her eyes closed over and she was squeezing at me and bits of her smooth short coat were sticking up

    3 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • Pregnant guinea pig! Please read?

    So I have a very pregnant guinea pig, she is I believe at day 69, I'm wondering how long she has til she gives birth? She is due this week and really big, last year she had two babies this year a different boar impregnated her, non related we thought he was a big girl, then we found him mating and chasing her, so here we are now waiting on her to give birth, how will I know when she is due? Like what are the signs of labour, she eats and drinks heaps, here is her picture, when do you think she will give birth, and how many piggies does it look like she has?

    2 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • Guinea pig question?? Please help?

    My guinea pig is pregnant and really fat, I've seen pigs who've had two or three pigs and they looked pear shaped, my pig is way fatter than pear shaped her sides are huge like if u sat two babies next to her she's that big.

    So cos she is so fat no one is allowed to pick her up for the last month, I believe she is due Thursday August 8. As I said no one can handle her, today I gently felt her side while she was resting and felt the babies give a kick, it was magical, when she was exiting her hutch part of her house and going onto her grass section I could see a line coming up from her bum/ vaginal region and the fur had kind of parted so I could see a line going about 2cm up.

    I want to know signs she is about to give birth, like how do I know she is close. Can someone tell me the signs before labor and birth so I know how close she is?

    I have a pregnant sow in her cage beside her she either only has two pigs or has longer to go as she looks like a slight pear shape. Is she ok being in a separate cage divide next to the expecting sow

    1 AnswerRodents8 years ago
  • help with getting apps on computer?

    ok so im having trouble with the whole getting of apps on the computer.

    I am running windows 7 and I want to know how to get free apps on the app store. if I cant use the apple ap store (seeing as I only have a windows 7 pc not a mac or ipod ect) I want to know how I can get game like apps for the computer, ive tried Microsoft windows, it tells me I need a windows phone. I tried google play but I have no idea how to get games. I know how to use iTunes for music but I need a way to download the game apps. how do I access free apps can someone give me step by step

    1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • how do i get apps on my computer?

    ok so im having trouble with the whole getting of apps on the computer.

    I am running windows 7 and I want to know how to get free apps on the app store. if I cant use the apple ap store (seeing as I only have a windows 7 pc not a mac or ipod ect) I want to know how I can get game like apps for the computer, ive tried Microsoft windows, it tells me I need a windows phone. I tried google play but I have no idea how to get games. I know how to use iTunes for music but I need a way to download the game apps. how do I access free apps can someone give me step by step

    1 AnswerOther - Computers8 years ago
  • Please help my guinea pig?

    So there is something seriously wrong with my guinea pig. I don't know her age but I know I bought her from a pet shop on may 11 and she came with two babies a week old. The babies are well one boy one girl, both have been separated from mum as my cousin now owns the girl and my best friends sons owns the boy. The mum whose age is unknown is not well. I noticed a month or so ago she was bleeding, I phoned the vet and he couldn't come out for three days, by the time he arrived it had stopped. He said not to worry. Now today I picked her up and thought I'd do a check under her as I do each week, she isn't one who wants to be held often, so when I looked under her, her vagina or anus or both is full of oozing infected looking puss and its green, it's huge, my other 7 pigs are all clean in that area so that was a shock, then I could see this huge looking lump to the left, it looks very painful, between her left bottom nipple and her vagina/bum. I touched it and its really hard. She also felt a bit skinny. She is a tri coloured abbysinnian with red eyes. Does Anyone know what on earth is wrong with her? I haven't seen much poo in her cage either.

    We live in a rural area, I phoned our vet he comes out to us but his number is disconnected. I also called the pet produce store they gave me the same vets number, he is two hours away and the closest to us, the next vets are 5 hours away so we can't go to a vet, please someone help us what is wrong with her and how can I fix it

    1 AnswerRodents8 years ago
  • how do i download movies?

    im looking for one of them sites where you download movies direct to the computer. i dont want to sign up for anything i also dont want to pay. i am geeting confused can someone give me step by step instructions

    4 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • How to make a facebook like page?

    So I want to make a like page on fb that people can click to like. I know how to make a normal page that people can add as friends but I want to make a like page, how. Do I do it. Can someone include all the steps id need

    Facebook8 years ago
  • Guinea pig behaviour?

    So I have now re arranged everyone and my cages are as follows cage 1 slot a and slot b and cage 2 slot c slot d and slot e. The pigs go as follows slot a has spring and checkers, slot b has boss. Slot c has big mumma slot d has buttercup and blacky slot e has ruby and queenie. I bought queenie off a breeder who said she could be 2 - 4 weeks pregnant when I bought her April 26. I want to know why she is digging and laying in one spot. Ruby is only 8 weeks old where as queenie is two years. I haven't felt any babies move but queenie squeeks if I pick her up under her tummy and stays still. She just chased ruby but there's no biting why is that. Their all girls in slot c d and e.

    In slot a I notice checkers 4 weeks is squeeking a lot as if he wants something and keeps going to the divide talking to boss. Boss is can and bit spring that why spring and checkers are in slot a and boss in slot b.

    Why are they doing all this please help. Slot a and b are all boys

    1 AnswerRodents8 years ago
  • Guinea pig fight? please help.?

    So I went and bought two boys. I have a large cage with three dividers and a large cage with two dividers. So in the three dividers cage I have four pigs. Slot 1 has ruby (girl) 5 weeks old and checkers (boy) 4 weeks old. Slot 2 has butter cup (girl) and slot 3 has loco (girl). So I put boss into slot two and spring into slot three. (their not really in slots their big cages with dividers) so I watched for three hours and everyone is happy. Boss was attempting to mate buttercup and at first shed run then she just sat there for him and let him do his thing. Spring is only around 6months old where as boss is easily 1year. Boss is huge, very long too compared to loco who is two years. So spring was hopping over loco wouldn't stay still but they were all happy. So boss started digging where I put their food down as if wanting to get into spring and locos cage. Assuming he was hungry I supplies more food and water. It then got dark outside so I had to go back inside and cook dinner. When I came out at 6am the next day, I noticed that boss had squeezed thru the divider into the cage with spring and loco. I saw spring was at the end of the cage (which is 1.5metre long) just sitting huddled and looking scared. I opened the cage to find boss in with loco in their house part of cage. Poor spring had been evicted from the hut and I picked him up. Cause he is white I could see blood near his hip, moved the fur and saw he'd had a chunk taken out of his side. Is this because boss wants all the females for himself? Why did boss switch slots when he already had buttercup with him. The boys were previously cage mates so I can't understand the attack. So I had to re arrange every one after the fight. So now in the two slot cage is spring and Bridget in slot one, ruby and checkers in slot 2. In the bigger 3 slot cage is big mumma and her baby girl spoilt, slot two has boss and buttercup and slot three loco. I have now fixed it so boss can only be with buttercup. Why did this all hapen

    2 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • Guinea pig question needing help?

    So I have four sows in a divided cage two each side. They have jeans in their to keep them warm. I'm noticing white stains on the jeans and late last night I saw a puddle of white stain. Its happening in both cages. Does anyone know what it is or why its happening when their all females

    2 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • Guinea pig question? please help?

    So I built this awesome cage for my girls, and I set a divider down the middle. The divide has chicken wire so that two can talk to the other two thru the chicken wire. So they've been together a while, lace and springy have been together over 18 months. This morning at 6am I noticed that lace wouldn't let springy into the hutch part of Babtheir cage. Lace just sat in the door way and would not move for three hours. I've noticed mild teeth catering but no biting or anything. Springy and ruby have been close in the cage where the divide is their always talking and sniffing noses. Tonight we put

    springy with dame Edna and ruby and they were all three Following dame around the cage quite happy. We put pinch and her two week old babies in with lace and lace lost it. Her teeth chatered so loud I've never heard nothing like it. Then she tried to bite pinch and pinch squealed and bit her back. We have put lace in a cage of her own and pinch and her two week old babies in the divided cage next to lace springy and ruby. Their all very happy. I'm just concerned for lace Will she be ok alone or does she need a younger cage mate?

    2 AnswersRodents8 years ago