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  • which one do you believe?

    Everyone is bad until they do something good.

    or Everyone is good until they do something bad.

    just something random i was thinking about... please feel free to explain

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • stolen belongings in gym! help asap?

    i was at the gym and put my wallet and phone in the locker as usual. when i went to the locker room to get my things the locker was open and my things were gone! the guy that works in the locker area is the only one with the keys to all the lockers but he apparently "went on break"

    i complained to the front desk and they said there was nothing they could do about it! wtf im soo pissed, isnt that theyre responsibility??? its not like my phone got lost, it was stolen alont with my wallet which had my credit cards, money, license and personal information. wtf do i do? i already cancelled all my cards and i tried calling my phone but it goes to voicemail. i cant even think straight right now! is there any way i can get my things back??

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • car accident please help!!?

    i got into a car accident a month ago. well it wasn't really a bad car accident, i just bumped the car in front of me a little. my car has no scratches but the back of the other car got a few scratches that weren't really noticeable. the woman wanted to call the police but i begged her not to because i had also gotten into a car accident around 5 months ago. she took a picture of my license plate and my drivers license as well as my insurance card. i gave her my number and she called me and told me that her estimate was $740 and i needed to find a way to pay her or she would charge my insurance. should i pay her the $740 for the few scratches? what do i do? please help!!

    6 AnswersInsurance & Registration9 years ago
  • child molestation books?

    i was molested as a child. what are some good books on child molestation on dealing or coping with it? or what books can help make me feel better about the experience?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • should i perm my hair?

    around 7 or 8 months ago i bleached my natural jet black hair blonde. is it okay if i perm my hair soon? i want to perm it now because after i bleached my hair it wasn't the same anymore. My natural hair was super curly but now its wavy and flat. I don't know if this affects anything but my hair is currently dyed brown with a reddish undertone, do you think the bleach would change my hair color? because i heard that chemicals from the perm strips your hair along with the color or dye. Help Pleasee

    2 AnswersHair9 years ago