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? asked in Beauty & StyleHair · 9 years ago

should i perm my hair?

around 7 or 8 months ago i bleached my natural jet black hair blonde. is it okay if i perm my hair soon? i want to perm it now because after i bleached my hair it wasn't the same anymore. My natural hair was super curly but now its wavy and flat. I don't know if this affects anything but my hair is currently dyed brown with a reddish undertone, do you think the bleach would change my hair color? because i heard that chemicals from the perm strips your hair along with the color or dye. Help Pleasee

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    do not perm your hair.! i had this same issue, you need to nourish your hair and scalp back to normal. the chemicals from the dye is taking you natural hair oil out bit by bit. when you dye your hair you have to keep it oiled or your hair will start to fall out.

    go to a hair store or find one that sells deep conditioner cholestrol, it comes in a orange jar with a orange top. about 3 to 5 dollars depending on the store. they have ones with shae butter or cocnunt oil or just the regular one which is orange. once a week put it in your hair wet or dry and let it sit or about 30 mins. rinse it out.

    next find a hair straightening serum (i use fantasia pink dark clear like bottle) about 7 dollars. works wonders.! apply when hair is wet, blow dry then straigten. this sserum adds shine and vitamins to the hair.

  • 9 years ago

    NOOOOO :O aha bleaching your hair is not bad as long as u take care of it first of all -_- and second of all...if people think bleaching is bad... Perms are REALLY bad..worse than dying your hair..

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