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car accident please help!!?

i got into a car accident a month ago. well it wasn't really a bad car accident, i just bumped the car in front of me a little. my car has no scratches but the back of the other car got a few scratches that weren't really noticeable. the woman wanted to call the police but i begged her not to because i had also gotten into a car accident around 5 months ago. she took a picture of my license plate and my drivers license as well as my insurance card. i gave her my number and she called me and told me that her estimate was $740 and i needed to find a way to pay her or she would charge my insurance. should i pay her the $740 for the few scratches? what do i do? please help!!

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You damaged her car pay the woman $740 isn't that much for a repair today.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Call her up and first tell her "Thanks so much for not going through insurance that was really nice of you". Then ask her, nicely, to send you a copy of the estimate so that you can have it for your records. (This way you will see that cost of repair is real and she isn't making it up). Then after you have the estimate, arrange to send her the payment. Ask her if she wants cash, cashier's check, or if she wants you to call the repair shop and give a credit card, etc.

    NOW -- if what you say is true, there are only minor scratches, then $740 does sound a bit high. But that's the crappy thing are damned if you do and damned if you don't. If you go through insurance, they could very well start increasing your premium because this is the second accident. But would the increase add up to more than the $740? It takes three years for the accident to drop off. Do the math and ask yourself if it is worth it.

    She might be taking advantage of you, knowing that she has you where she wants you, you not wanting to go through insurance, so you are basically at her mercy for paying her and not having it on your record. If you can afford the $740 then just pay her and be done with it.

  • 9 years ago

    Pay the money to her after verifying the estimate. Because if she files a claim on your insurance, you premiums will increase to pay over twice that amount in the next 3 years. Since you already had an accident just months before this, the insurance company might even cancel your policy and that will be bad, and your premium will be sky high.

    Source(s): 17 years of driving
  • 9 years ago

    Definitely pay her I bumped my friends car and his bumper estimate was 1100... and if you go thru insurance they most likely raise it by that much, and then again you don't want something like that on your driving record

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    If I'm knowledge this proper it sounds such as you had been pulling out of a carpark to show left onto a freeway. The freeway is four lanes on each side. The two lanes of site visitors closest to you, heading the reverse manner of the best way you had been turning stopped to permit you to pull out in entrance of them to show. The woman that hit you used to be journeying within the third lane over (out of the four lanes that you simply had been crossing in entrance of to show)? If that is the case than you're at fault. The woman that hit you had the proper of manner. Even despite the fact that the two lanes of site visitors had been waving you on, you continue to didn't have the proper of manner. It does not subject that her brakes had been going out. I have labored as an coverage agent for the beyond nine.five years & I have obvious a couple of injuries similar to this one. In they all, the character that used to be pulling out in entrance of site visitors to show left used to be deemed at fault. Hope this is helping.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yes please just pay her the money so that you can move on

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