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  • What to do when an older cat is used to grazing on her food, while a younger one has started to over eat?

    Two cats: Bailey is 15 years old, and Oliver is about 5. We found him in the road as a kitten and failed at rehoming him (lol). Bailey has grazed on her food throughout the day her whole life. Oliver was a grazer for a while, but lately its like he's been binging on the food and even sometimes throws up from eating too much.

    There's not really a place to leave Bailey's food out all day where Oliver can't reach it so I'm not sure what to do. At 15 years old, I doubt Bailey is willing to change her ways. Is there a way to retrain Oliver to not gorge himself on food?

    1 AnswerCats2 years ago
  • Is it safe for a female to go to a concert alone in Atlanta?

    I’m 21, and i to go to a concert soon, but it doesn’t look like I can get anyone to come with me. I hate the idea of missing out on seeing a band I love just because I’m afraid of going out alone. I’m mostly worried about the walk to and from my car to the venue since I usually have to park a block or two away and concerts get out late.

    Are there extra steps I can take to ensure my safety, or is it too risky?

    4 AnswersRock and Pop3 years ago
  • Advice on going to a concert alone as a 21 y/o female in ATL?

    There's a band I have listened to for almost 10 years now and I have never seen them live. They are finally coming to Atlanta, but I can't get anyone to go with me. I'm not worried about "looking weird" being alone, I'm worried about my safety. I don't want to miss out on experiences just because I'm scared. Is it too risky? Or does anyone have any tips to stay safe?

    1 AnswerHealth & Safety4 years ago
  • I got a touch-up on my tattoo today, can I go for a run this evening?

    The tattoo is on the side of my arm below the elbow so it won't be rubbed my any clothing or anything, but I sweat A LOT when I run. Should I wait, or will I be okay>

    4 AnswersTattoos4 years ago
  • Dreamt of a miscarriage even though I have never been pregnant?

    Last night I had a really weird dream: I was pregnant, but my body still looked the same and my situation was the same: 20, single, living with parents. When it was time to have the baby, I was in a hospital room but it was shaking like airplane turbulence. I was pushing but suddenly the pushing stopped and the room stopped shaking and the dream kinda jumps forward and I was in a store or something talking to someone and I told them the baby didn't come out and they told me "that's it. if you didn't have it then, then you're not going to have it". I thought to myself that I should be relieved since I was young, financially unstable, single, and not even sure I want kids but instead I was really upset and crying. I woke up after that pretty confused. What could the dream mean?

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation4 years ago
  • I love my tattoo but I feel self-conscious when other people look at it?

    It s my first tattoo and it s half a sunflower on the side of my forearm. It s not very big but the colors are vibrant so it s hard to miss when I hold my arm up. ANYWAY, it s only 3 days old so I m still really excited about it except for whatever reason I feel self-conscious when people look at it. Idk if it s because it s extremely personal to me and it feels like I m literally wearing my heart on my sleeve or just because it s so new or what. Has anyone else ever felt this way?

    1 AnswerTattoos4 years ago
  • Should I move out before getting a tattoo?

    I'm 20, almost 21 and still living at home while in college. I want a few tattoos down the line but the first one I want to get is very small, like the size of a fingernail on the side of my wrist. My mom HATES tattoos and got really angry when my brother and dad got them without telling her (but theirs were both much bigger). The problem is that I'm REALLY close with my mom--think Gilmore Girls close. I've always said I wanted to move out before getting any because 1) I don't want to deal with judgement from my mom and 2) I don't like the idea of spending money on a tattoo while still being reliant on them (even though this one would literally probably be like $20-30). Part of me thinks my mom wouldn't even notice cause I've been drawing it on myself for a week now and she hasn't said anything. easily hidden with a bracelet. Thoughts?

    6 AnswersTattoos4 years ago
  • Could I have PCOS with normal blood work?

    I have many of the main symptoms of PCOS: irregular if not absent periods, excessive inflamed acne on cheeks, jawline, back, and chest, excessive facial hair as well as hair around nipples, and random bouts of anger. However, three different blood works show normal hormones. And after drinking spearmint tea for only a week (known to reduce testosterone) and already see improvement in symptoms.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health4 years ago
  • Which is more effective for hormonal acne, drinking spearmint tea or taking it in capsule form?

    I'm a 20 y/o female who has had acne since age 12 but it suddenly got worse right before I turned 18. all signs point to high testosterone -- deep cystic acne, high inflammation, concentrated breakouts on cheeks and jawline, acne on chest and back, and even irregular (if not absent) periods. this is frustrating, though, because all 3 of my blood tests done by 3 different doctors show completely "normal" numbers. but SOMETHING internal has got to be the cause of this. I eat healthy, drink tons of water, follow all the "acne rules" like washing my face consistently, limiting make-up, changing pillow cases, etc... along with a history of trying an endless number of different drugstore, prescribed, and holistic remedies. anyway. I guess none of you really needed to know all of that because basically I just want to know if drinking spearmint tea is more effective than taking it in capsule form or vice versa.

    6 AnswersSkin Conditions4 years ago
  • should a young vegan buy animals products for her parents? (read details)?

    **First I want to start by saying if you're here to tell me being vegan is stupid, please find something better to do other than bugging a girl who's just eating her veggies and minding her business.

    I'm a 20 year old college student who recently became a vegan and still heavily relies on her parents for basic needs. luckily, even though my parents are uncomfortable with my decision, they still buy the food I need (which is basically just extra fruits and veggies lol). However, they both hate grocery shopping and lately have been sending me to do it since I oddly find it relaxing. OKAY so all of this to say that since they are not vegan, they ask me to buy stuff like eggs and milk. since it's their money, I justify it to myself that its not really me supporting the meat and dairy industry since its not my money and I don't eat it. but it still bugs me to do it. Should I tell them I'm uncomfortable with personally buying animal products or should I continue buying this stuff for them in order to keep the peace?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • So I picked at my skin after a chemical peel, is there a chance I won t have any scarring?

    I ve had acne for 8 years now and have started seeing an aesthetician to see if she can help. My aesthetician has been using one of her most mild peels on me because my skin is usually really inflamed. This is my second peel and I think last time I peeled the dead skin off too and dont think I got any scars. I know it s terrible but it s like I can t help it. If it s a really mild peel and the layers I picked at were very thin is there a chance I didn t cause permanent damage?

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions4 years ago
  • Are there people who have acne forever?

    I ve had acne since I was 13, but it got suddenly worse when I was 17. I m 20 now, acne still just as bad. I ve tried everything, and know that I m not one of those people who says that even though they ve tried like 3 things. I drink tons of water, eat really healthy (even vegan a lot of days), change my bedsheets religiously, wash my face every morning and every night with a safe cleanser, rarely wear make up and when I do it s noncomodegenic (did I spell that right?). I ve tried every face wash from proactive to drug store to homeopathic. I ve seen a dermatologist who tried antibiotics and multiple face creams. I tried birth control for a little over a year. Got tested for food sensitivities or allergies along with testing for hormone imbalances to no avail. Now I m seeing an aesthetician regularly and following her regimen with no real improvement.

    I m not really asking for a "cure", I guess I m just asking if there are some people who will always acne for their entire lives.

    5 AnswersSkin Conditions4 years ago
  • I keep having dreams I'm running from the government in a dystopian world?

    For the past few years I rather frequently have dreams that I'm running from government agents. Usually the whole world is corrupt and I have to run or hide from everyone because either I don't know if they're in on it or I'm worried that secret cameras or mics can pick up what I'm saying/planning. I always feel in those dreams that I'm trying to take down that government so that's why they're after me but idk why I've been dreaming this so much? It's not really a reoccurring dream because it's always a different dream but the theme remains the same. Does this have any kind of meaning or did reading the hunger games in high school just mess me up?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation5 years ago
  • Safest possible way for me to bleach a color from my hair at home?

    I bleached and dyed a section of the underneath of my hair blue about a month ago. Since I moved back to school, I ve had to change jobs and this new job does not allow fake hair colors (but they do allow tattoos... go figure). It s a really good brand which means if doesn t fade easily, of course, so I m going to need to bleach it. The only store around me I can think of that would have what I might need is Sally s, so any suggestions on a type of bleach/a step I can take to make sure that hair doesn t just break off and fall out of my head? My hair is already pretty fragile and I lost a lot to breakage already but I don t have a choice because my hairdresser is booked.

    2 AnswersHair5 years ago
  • Is it too soon to try gold plated jewelry in my nose piercing?

    I got my nose pierced the first week in June with a surgical steel stud. It s past the initial healing process but I still clean it with saline everyday. I ve been wanting a gold nose stud for a while and found some at Claire s that were gold plated surgical steel. I put it in last night and don t see a problem other than I feel like I can smell metal.... My ears have never had a problem with "cheap" jewelry and the nose ring is still technically surgical steel. Should I be worried?

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body6 years ago
  • Is it rude to ask someone to buy you something when you go on a trip?

    So I'm leaving on a mission trip to Cambodia and this girl I work with asked me to buy her a bracelet while I'm there. I've been to Cambodia before and I've told people how cheap things are there so I can see how I'm probably just being too sensitive especially with the trip weighing heavily on my nerves. But at the same time I just feel like it's a little rude... If I was going just for vacation then sure it would be no problem but it's a mission trip so I think that should be treated differently right? I'm there for 8 days and only 1 of those days do I get to spend shopping and sight-seeing. The rest is downright work. I would have gotten her a souvenir anyway but is it rude for her to outright ask?

    11 AnswersEtiquette6 years ago
  • Weird dreams about one of my guy friends?

    I have this friend I've known for a couple of years now and we get along really well. When I first met him I did have a small crush on him but it went away pretty quickly. But recently I've been having really weird dreams about him and I don't understand them at all.

    So the first one was apparently we had gotten married and were on our way to our honeymoon. We were waiting to board the plane and he went back to get something and when he was away I heard an announcement that they were about to lock the doors and not open them for any reason after or something weird. I was able to open the door at the exact moment they locked and let him back into the room. As we stood there I came to my senses and felt like it was so wrong that I was married to him and I didn't know why I did it.

    The second dream was that he'd given me his mom's wedding ring as a random gift and at the time I didn't think anything of it. Then as the dream went on my friends were asking if we were getting married and I was like "no.. He has a girlfriend" but then I realized it was strange for him to give that ring to someone he was just friends with. And the ring looked really odd, too. The band was thick but the diamond was really small. The band had a blue and white checkerboard design of all things.

    Me and this guy are currently and have always been friends. Not even best friends, just friends. Why am I having these dreams?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation6 years ago
  • All I can ever think about is food?

    I typically eat healthy, Lots of fruits and veggies and natural stuff, and I exercise 5 times a week.

    A while ago my doctor started me on birth control. The first one he tried made me gain a little weight. No more than 5 pounds but it still messed with me because I have always been "thin". This seemed to spark some kind of obsession with food. The pill made me hungrier but even when he took me off of it I had to re-train myself and haven't succeeded. I am ALWAYS thinking about food. I will finish breakfast and immediately keep checking the clock until lunch time. I feel disappointed if it's dinner time and I'm not hungry. Sometimes if I've had a bad day I will just binge eat until I feel sick and I spend the rest of the night self-loathing.

    I'm 18 years old and working an office job that I hate because I get SO BORED. And I don't have really any interests or hobbies so there's nothing to take my mind off of food. I'm sure this is a part of depression but I just have no passion for anything. I can't keep living from meal to meal.

    What can I do?

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • Acne help when you've tried everything?

    I know everyone says they've "tried everything" but I honestly have.

    I have had acne since I was 13. I tried everything you could buy in a drugstore until I was 15 and started using proactiv. It never cleared my acne but kept it to a minimum so i stayed on that for almost 3 years. Then I went on a mission trip to Cambodia and the last day we were there (mind you, we'd been sweaty all week and covered in dirt) my face had completely cleared up! Then. I'm not kidding, on the plane ride back my skin broke out before we ever even landed. And since that trip this past April my skin has never been worse. Like I was in pain because of how many pimples I had and I have done everything.

    I eat a lot healthier

    I change my bedsheets often

    I don't touch my face

    I wear very minimal make-up if any

    I have tried natural oils like tea tree and coconut oil (the worst decision, really)

    I have tried coffee scrubs

    I have been seeing a dermatologist and she has had me use antibiotics and multiple face creams for months now

    I have been on birth control

    I currently use a bar of antibacterial soap because honestly I'd rather spend like $1 and have my face look gross than spending $100 on prescriptions and fancy washes and still have my face look gross. I figure acne is cause by bacteria and im using antibacterial soap so...

    I'm just hopeless. I'm 18 and I have a lot on my plate as it is. The last thing I want to be worried about is acne.

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body6 years ago