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Favorite Answers6%
  • Is it embrassing to still have your first car for 5 years?

    I have a 95 Camry which runs excellent and very fortunate to have. But most ppl I know have had two or three cars I'm 23 years old. I see most ppl have newer updated cars and I look and am embrassed. I work so hard, working 60 hours a week sometimes and I feel like ill never get a new one. Having my own place and stuff now does t help it either since most of y check goes there. Is it embrassing to sill drive an older car? Especially if its still your first?

    10 AnswersSafety8 years ago
  • Why hasn't my rent check been deposited yet?

    My rent is due on the 15th (for me anyway). I were and sent it o. The 7th or 11th. It's the 25th of jan now and it Is STILL NOT taken out of my account yet. I'm new at renting and this is my second month living at the place. Very frustrated. I wrote it to the right address ad everything. What gives?

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • What's wrong with my reproductive system?

    I've always been irregular and pretty close to the day it's supposed to come. Past couple of months since I've started my new job, which is very stressful, and being sexually active (unprotected). I've becoming late each month, like 7-9 days late. Idk what it is, and why I'm so late. Yeah, I've heard stress maybe the cause but this late? Is it maybe because I exercise every day at the gym? I've lost it two years ago due to anorexia but I'm better now. Am I unable to bear children?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Why can't I buy a tone on iTunes?

    I was able to purchase a song off of my iPhone but now it's not letting me buy it. Connection is good, I'm log onto iTunes. What the hell? It should let me buy it! I press the buy tone button. Nothing's happening. I keep pressing it, still nothing. Help please!

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds8 years ago
  • Am I doing really bad for a 23 female?

    I'm 23 years old. Taking a break from college. Working full time 4 days a week as a Residental assistant for a group home for disabled adults I really enjoy. Used to work at a grocery store didn't get paid as much now. I only pay by debit and cash never checks or credit. I'm on moms car insurance. I'd like to get another used car a lot newer than my 95 Camry which I think is kind of embrassing to have to prove how poor and trashy I am. Only problem is I am against credit cards I don't want one ever!! I'm so insecure about where I am because I've always been behind ppl' my age. It's making me even more depressed and miserable than I already am. I feel ashamed and will Nvr will be where I want to be. I work my butt off and I Nvr spend except for a lot of food and gas. I keep comparing myself to others. How do I stop this? I can't take it anymore

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • What does it mean if your spotting?

    My period never spots ever. I've always gotten the full force, very heavy, crampy, first couple of days. I am sexually active and we had unprotected sex 2 weeks ago, he came inside me. I am 8 days late, spotting started yesterday. Slight cramping. Took a pregnancy test, came out negative. What's going on? It's been a stressful week too and I've had stressful weeks but never spotted! Help!

    5 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • IPhone update iOS 6. Why can't I get my apps back?

    After I updated my iPhone 4S I've noticed that some apps have disappeared. The App Store has chaned and when I looked up Instagram it said open and it opened up but the app did not appear. What the hell? Is there any way I can get these back without going through the App Store looking up what I want and opening up. That's ridiculous. -_-

    3 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • How do I manage scheduling between two jobs?

    My dirt job is a part time cashier at a supermarket. My second job, which pays a hell of a lot more and the schedule is set, is working in a group home with adults with disabilities. I love it there. But my part time job has a problem with my availability. I'm only available 8-1:30 because my other job starts at 2. On Fridays ad Saturday's. I work at 4 at te group home on Sundays which isn't a big deal because I usually work in the AM at part time. Monday's I work at 2, which they were ok with. Just the weekend is an issue. Turs-thurs I'm off from the group home. I've talked to my dept manager about this several times but she's told me repeatedly that it isn't going to work. I refuse to leave one job. I'm not going to school and getting two paycjecks is nice. I was thinking about writing a letter to management about this. Because I any deal with this anymore. And I cannot keep switching hours with ppl. My group home job, I have to keep up with my contractual hours, otherwise I'll get written up. I switched with someone for yesterday and realize I cannot work til 2:30 on Friday. I want the hours. What should I do about this? I'm getting really stressed about this. Help!!!

    1 AnswerTechnology9 years ago
  • What the hell is a URL?

    I want to sign up for tumblr and it's asking for a URL. I'm trying to create one over and over again but it wot accept. Can someone please explain to me how to do this simply. This is annoying.

    4 AnswersGoogle9 years ago
  • What should I get my coworker for her birthday?

    Im new at this job (VERY new) and one of my coworkers invited everyone to go out for drinks. I barely know her and not sure what to get her. My anxiety is really high because I usually would say no to things like this. But I need to be more social. But then again I won't eat and drink and would look weird because I have an Eating disorder. What should I get her? And what should I do?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Has anyone lost their job over this?

    I am (or was now) a cashier for a grocery store. I've gotten in trouble in the past for being rude to the customers. I have a lot of emotional/mental issues that I've been able to hide all 3 years I've been there up until now. I'm 22 years and idk I might be schizophrenic but the way people talk to me sometimes I feel like they are nasty (for some they might) and I get all mad at that and I have a bit of an attitude towards them. I really try not to show it but lately it's been getting bad. I have another job that I picked up overnights and I never sleep anymore. I get used by people and that really bugs me and I think of that too much at work. I am really depressed. Now I might get totally fired and thankfully I have another job I'm more happy at. Like career wise. I was thinking about leaving anyway but if I want to go back to school I needed to get rid of one that's less important you know. Is there anyone out there who's been fired because of something like this?

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Period is 3 days late. Pregnancy tests came back negative?

    I took one test a day late of my period. And I took one today which would make it three days late total. I'm feeling slightly crampy down there, not like days before which I swore it was coming that day. I can't understand it. Culd it be the stress of two jobs?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • Does anyone have insane work hours like this?

    I have two jobs and when it's it's weekend time, hours are insane. Today I'm working a 9-1:45, at my first job, then I'm doing a double at my other job 2p-8a. Then I got n 8:30-2:15 shift at my first job, then 4-10 at the second. Are there other peOple out there with insane hours like this?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Period didn't come today. Uh oh.....? period was supposed to come today. I have a Period tracker app on my phone to help me predict the days Id get my period. Most of the time I am a day or two early, maybe a couple of days early (I remember being 9 days early, and one month it was 9 days late!). But Ive been sexually active lately and am not on the pill. Ive been sexually active for a while and surprised to not be pregnant yet (knocks on wood). I have slight cramps and a lot of vaginal discharge. Boobs are sore, not as bad as they usually be during that time.I was bloated, and today I did not have the patience for anything. Im working two jobs, did two doubles and several overnights at this group home I work at, then working at my other job in the AM then coming back to work daytime. I'm exhausted but lately Ive started to become REALLY REALLY exhausted. Exhaustion Ive never felt ever. I don't sleep but when I do get an ok night's rest Im still extremely exhausted. I have sex every Wednesday night with my boyfriend, unprotected. (Yes, I know, spare me the lectures please! Pretty stupid I know!) I was thinking about running out tonight and buying a pregnancy test, but maybe I should wait a couple days if my period still does not come. What should I do? I literally cannot stop thinking about this!

    4 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Is it possible to get pregnant on day 21 of cycle?

    Me and bf had unprotected sex last night (yes I know never smart!) . My period comes in a week. And we had sex last week, which according to my period tracker app I was ovulating that week. What are the odds this time of getting pregnant? A little nervous...

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • How bad is my diet??

    I eat several granola bars a day, sometimes an energy bar for lunch, cereal for dinner, usually ice cream for dessert, a pudding cup and some animal crackers at night. I sometimes (very rarely) eat fruit. I also drink a lot of diet soda to keep me awake. Yes this is pretty bad, but do people eat worse than this? I like a routine and I am very stubborn to change. I also chew a lot of sugarless gum. I am 120 lb. 5'5.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Will eating 2700 calories make me gain weight?

    123 lbs 22 female 5'6 going to a reception. Walked around mall for two hours and will do dancing later. Am I gonna going to gain?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Should I go out and buy a pregnancy test?

    Me and y bf had sex last Wednesday and the Wednesday before that (both were he came inside). My period is due in two days and my boobs started becoming sore (usually a week before period) almost two weeks before I'm due for my period. I'm getting slight cramps and im super exhausted (having two jobs doesn't help). I've been gaining a little more weight than usual, I gain weight slowly. I keep thinking about it. Do you think I should take a pregnancy test? Or maybe wait a few days of y periods late?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • How do I handle these job shift hours?

    I finally have two jobs and am trying to balance the schedules between both. My first overnight shift is tonight at 10-8AM and then 10-330 at my other job followed by another shift Sunday 4-10. I barely sleep as it is and am worried about not being able to handle it. I think I can and refuse to call out for both Im the type to never call out. How can I prepare myself for back to back to back shifts? Especially if you don't sleep at night. And you hate coffee!! Help!

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • What are the odds of me getting pregnant (SERIOUS ANSWERS)?

    I'm 22 and just recently lost my virginity to my bf Ive been dating for months. Not gonna lie, I am not the smartest girl, we've done it several times w/o protection (he's clean, I'm clean). Luckily, he's pulled out in time. Yesterday, before we went out, we did it. At the end, he came inside me. I didn't say anything because I was enjoying SOOO very much, and I don't speak up because I don't want to upset people (it's a schizo/paranoia thing, not gonna go there). When we were done I got up, and some of it came out, I wiped myself up with toilet paper and used the br after that. Later during the day I think some more came out at night. I was wondering if most of his sperm came out, could I still get pregnant? Silly question but it's been on my mind for hours. Even today I'm a little paranoid about it still being inside. I have a period tracker app on my phone and I'm on my fertile week (not ovulation day), which does not help the situation. I know I really need to be smarter next time.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago