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  • 3 abiotic limiting factors for the Bengal Tiger?

    I need to find 3 abiotic limiting facotrs for the Bengal Tiger for a project. I've looked, and I'm finding it difficult to find. If anyone could give me some examples or some websites, that'd be amazing! Thanks!

    1 AnswerZoology7 years ago
  • Doctor Who solos for clarinet or piano?

    Does anyone know where I could find solos (preferably a book of them) from Doctor Who for either clarinet or piano? I've been able to find a lot of piano music, but I can't find clarinet music for Doctor Who anywhere.

    1 AnswerOther - Music7 years ago
  • Can you get a ringtone back on iTunes?

    The other day, I had to wipe the software on my iPod and I lost a ringtone that I bought on iTunes that I really liked. I tried to get it back and it looks like I have to buy it again. It's only $0.99 so it's not really a big deal but I know that with music and apps you can just download it again and I was wondering if that's possible with ringtones.

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players7 years ago
  • Sheet music for Lucy by Skllet?

    So I really like Skillet's song Lucy but I can't find the sheet music for it ANYWHERE! Which really doesn't make sense because one of the main instruments is piano... So if someone could find a link to the music that would be awesome

    1 AnswerOther - Music7 years ago
  • Why do I keep getting refrigerators thrown at me when I walk outside?

    Ok. I walk outside and get refrigerators thrown at me. I was wondering why this is.

    3 AnswersBotany8 years ago
  • where can i watch the big bang theory online?

    I really like the big bang theory, and I watch reruns of it on channel 8 all the time. last night was season 3 episode 8: the adhesive duck deficiency but I missed it. it sounded really funny and I wanna watch it online but everything I find wants me to download something in order to watch it. any websites where I can watch it without downloading anything?

    1 AnswerComedy8 years ago
  • Music notation programs that translate recorded music into notes?

    I composed a piano solo (someday my bff and i may add lyrics but we dont know yet) and i have it memorized but i was wondering if there was a computer program where you can record the music as you play and the program will put down what the notes are. Im ok with composing, but i can never figure out what type of notes i use when (half notes, quarter, eigth, ect.) so i cant write it down. I need something that you dont need a keyboard for (i have an upright, not a keybord)

    Classical8 years ago
  • What channel is Pretty Little Liars on?

    I don't have cable. We have antenna tv cuz my parents are mean like that. But what channel is it on and what day/time (eastern time)

    3 AnswersReality Television8 years ago
  • How can I bring up getting a job to my parents?

    I'm 14, and I'll have to get a car in 2 or 3 years and my parents said that aren't going to pay for any of it. After I finish paying my dad back do my iPod touch, I'm going to start saving for the car I want, a 2012 Dodge Avenger. In order to do that I want to get a job. I've looked at the labor laws for Ohio, and teens can start working at places like restaurants or grocery stores at the age of 14. 16 year olds have more job options and can work longer hours than 14 year olds. I don't know how to tell my parents that i want to get a job. Im afraid they'll think I'm trying to grow up too fast and get mad. Any tips will be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Does "It" by Stephen King get better?

    So I started reading It yesterday. This is the first Stephen King book I've ever read. I've heard that his books are terrifying, but all that's happened is Georgie tried to get his boat back from a clown and the clown killed him then some gay guy got pushed off a bridge or something and the clown kills him too. Not very scary. Will it get better and is it worth it to keep reading?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Am I the right religion?

    I'm a teenage girl. My whole family is Christian (well Protestant) and that's all based off the New Testament in the bible and believing that Jesus is the sun of God and all that. I believe in God, and I believe that Jesus existed, but I don't think he was the son of God. I think he was just kind of there like all the other normal people. Do you think I should stay Protestant like the rest of my family, or is there another religion that would suit me better? If so, what should I do about it? I mean its not like my parents are gonna just let me stop going to church...

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why won't my mom let me wear what I want?

    I'm 14 years old, and my mom doesn't let me wear strapless dresses. At my 8th grade dance last week I was one of the only girls not wearing a strapless dress. All of my friends are allowed to wear strapless. I was wondering if anyone knew my moms reasoning behind this and if you have a solution...

    5 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • How much coffee is equivalent to 1 shot of espresso?

    I actually have 2 questions. Since Starbucks can be so expensive, I decided to look for recipes that people had said were equivalent to some of Starbucks' recipes. When doing this, I found that a lot of their drinks have espresso in them. #1 what exactly is espresso? #2 how much coffee is equivalent to one shot of espresso?

    4 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks8 years ago
  • why does Data have yellow eyes and extremely pale skin in star trek: the next generation?

    I just started watching the 4th season of TNG, but in the 3rd season, in the episode when Data creates his "daughter" Lal, he states that he has "been able to give her a more realistic eye and skin color" which implies that for some reason Dr. Soong wasn't able to give Data that.

    1 AnswerMakeup8 years ago
  • How can I learn taekwondo at home?

    My best friend got me interested in the sport a year or so ago and I was wondering if there was a way that I could learn without going to a dojo. There is one in my area but since I'm already doing piano and softball mom says its too expensive for me to take martial arts too. My friend has offered to teach me, and I was wondering if i could also work on it myself.

    4 AnswersMartial Arts8 years ago
  • Why is Spock in Star Trek: Into Darkness?

    I was just wondering because real Trekies know that Spock dies in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Therefore it makes no sense that Spock is in the movie that is coming out May 17, 2013

    5 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • How do I write a love song about my crush?

    Ok so I've had a huge crush on my best friend Max for almost 2 years now. He knew at first, but then he started dating my other best friend Haley and i got her to tell him that I was over him. Tbh, I really wasn't over him, and I'm still not, especially since I found out they broke up. One of my few strengths is music, so I want to write a song about him. I was thinking about preforming it for the school talent show in May, and i want it to be obvious enough to him and my other friends who it's about, but so that the entire school wouldn't be able to tell that it's about Max. this is the a few lines that I thought of earlier today:

    You never called,

    When you said you would.

    Prehapse, hun, you don't know,

    What I want.

    That's like the 1st verse. What i thought of for the chorus is:

    I want you!

    But you'll never know,

    You'll never know.

    then thats as far as i got so i need help on the rest of the chorus, the second verse and the bridge. Is it any good?

    3 AnswersLyrics8 years ago
  • How can I use youtube vids to learn songs on piano?

    Ok so that might not really make any sense. What I mean is, people use a program called Synthesia to upload videos for how to play songs on piano, and I've found a lot of really pretty songs that I can not for the life of me find the right music to. So I was wondering if anyone could explain to me how to use those videos to teach myself the songs

    6 AnswersOther - Music8 years ago
  • how do you make a messy bun?

    i was jut wondering how to do it. nothing about the tupid "do a ponytail and on the las time pull it half way throuth" stuff because thats not really a bun and its not messy

    4 AnswersHair8 years ago