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i adopted this dog at the shelter three days ago. can anybody tell me their guess on what kind of dog he is? he's medium fur length.?
he will be a large dog. his fur has black tan and white all around. i don't think he's lab. his brother looks like a german shepard. and has the colorings of one.
6 AnswersDogs4 years agoDOG INFECTED W TICKS?
okay, so Chevy my dog, has recently been infected with ticks. a lot. I've already dipped him, and it had no effect. I tried picking them off one by one, but every time he comes back in they're plenty more. I can't spend 100's of dollars on medication. but if anybody knows any cheap ways that actually work please help. I just want my poor baby to be able to sleep with me again without being scared of being bitten. plus, he can easily get sick. we live in the country with lots of land. he stays outside during the day unless he wants in and he sleeps with me at night. he's long hair Great Pyrenees husky chow mix. he's my baby, but I don't have a lot of money only being 18.
1 AnswerDogs5 years agoBABY GIRL NAME HELP. asking will take any new suggestions. :)?
okay, so my biggest one was going to be RaeLynn Hunter Joyner.
but idk, it hasn't stuck with me as much.
I love Kenley Rae, or something. I love the name Kenley period.
I also like Kylie.
Brinley was a big one too, but no middle name.
and then Emma Sophia just sounded cute to.
my mom and me loved Ainsley Ryan. Ryan being a family name worked perfect.
AdaLynn Grace was a cute one too. just so many! but I want know people's favorite so I can start eliminating the cam rash. they said they're sure it's a girl but still could turn out to be a boy. because the legs weren't all the way open. but for the boys name we picked out Braxton Elijah Joyner. because his initials are BEJ as well. & wanted to keep that going. :) any cute B boy names are welcome as well!
4 AnswersBaby Names6 years agosharp pains in navel.?
okay, when I move or take deep breaths I'm getting a sharp pain in the middle of my navel following down to my lower abdomen/pelvis area. I can't emphasis how bad it hurts. I don't think its appendicitis. my stomach is also super swollen. it hurts when I pee too. every time I pee, I get the same pain in my navel. I need helpful answers. it's kate here therefore I can't really go to the dr. I just want to know if anybody else has ever experienced this & what their outcome was.
1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years agowhat color does Ariana grande use?
what color BROWN does ariana grande use? I mean the blonde brown color she has of now. everytime I look it up, they tell me the color red & that's not what I want. I want the exact color or something close enough to it.
2 AnswersHair7 years agoI need serious help.?
I don't want to talk to my mom, she never understands & doesn't believe me, or believe in any of these illnesses.
I've been through both, sexual & physical abuse. when somebody touches me on the inner part of my thigh I suddenly can't breathe & start shaking really bad. same thing happens with my collar bone. I feel trapped in my body. I've struggled with self harm for almost 5 years now. & never received help. I struggled with drugs, hard drugs for 2 years. I quit & went back to self harm. one day I'm one person & the next I have a different look on life. but I can't control who I am , what I say, or how I feel. I feel like I'm drowning, like I'm being held under water, & nobody sees the person holding me down. I hear this voice in my head, it always tells me what to do, how to do it & how worthless I am. some days I'm fine. but very few. I've never been the kind to ask for help, I've tried but I can't ever get the words out. I'm scared people will treat me different if there is something wrong & they did know what I face everyday. please help & watch harsh comments.
2 AnswersPsychology7 years agowhat kinda dog do you think I have?
okay I rescued Chevy from the side of the high way. he was smaller than the length of my forearm when I brought him home. he does have the black/purple & pink tongue. but that doesn't mean he's a chow either. he's a sweetheart, but doesn't like other people. his trust only remains with me. he will let other people pet him, if he meets them with me. but only girls. he's like a human. I always catch him doing extraordinary things. he behaves only when he knows I'm serious. he likes his space, but will also cuddle with me. every time he gets in trouble he runs to my lap & lays there. he does have the seperation problem. & hates to be away from me. he let's me know when people come in the yard. he never has bitten somebody, but he does bark & growl. he's very timid, accept with me & sometimes my mom. he won't let other dogs near me whatsoever. he's about 8-9 months old. found him Nov 16, 2013. i also need training advice. he's very stubborn, whenever he knows he's in trouble & I tell him to go to the cage, he runs from me & I can't get him in there if my life depended on it. he will run across the street to my neighbors & I'll try to walk him home & he will drop & lay on the ground. I'll try to pick him up, but he will roll over. whenever I finally get him up. he will take a few steps & repeat. I never hit him. I will slightly hit his nose every now & then depending on his wrong behavior. you can email me for more pictures if you'd like as well. I really want to know.
3 AnswersDogs7 years agohurting during sex?
okay, so everytime I have sex I cry from pain in the lower part of my abdomen, don't tell me to see a doctor cause I can't I'm only 16. which, looks bad. but everytime I do it, it hurts so much like a sharp pain goes through out my stomach, it hasent ever happened before. could this mean I'm pregnant? I've had other symptoms buts it hard to tell cause I have my period twice a month, so I can't tell wether it's period symptoms or pregnancy symptoms. I don't use birth control, I just have a wierd period.
4 AnswersPregnancy7 years agoI NEED A HOUSE ASAP?
i need a rent to own, or a house fast.
we can only afford 700$ or less each month for rent.
& $78,000 or less for a house.
if anybody knows anybody let us know.
need 3 bedrooms.
which yall shouldn't want more.
we have a 4 bedroom house as it is now & pay less than 700$ for it.
& its verrrrry nice.
so please, look around & help. ive looked at a lot already, I know need to know if anybody can get us a deal. THANK YOU. :)
1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate7 years agoWhat's wrong with me ?
Okay, I took my bra off today & on the left side I noticed it's oily & liquidy leaking from my breast. I'm not taking pills besides biotin for my hair.
By the way I don't know how to reply to your comments !
1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years agoAsked to be in adult photo shoot?
I was contacted on Facebook to be a sports model.
In went further into detail,
& I was asked to be in an adult photo shoot.
I get paid $8,00-25,000 ..
I have no idea who these people are.
Do people really do this kinda stuff??
Is this a legit offer or is it a scheme?
2 AnswersOther - Entertainment7 years agoWhat kinda breed is my puppy?
This is Chevy, he's a rescue. On my way to a friends he & his I guess brother were next to some trash cans in a box to get hit in the road so I took him in & saved him. I have NO clue on what kind of dog he is. Or even how old. He still has puppy breath . His brother looked nothing like him & my friend kept him . Email & I'll send more pictures because this one he looks like he could be any breed
1 AnswerDogs7 years agoCould i be pregnant? i want a honest answer.?
Okay, so ive been thinking im pregnant off & on for the past 3 month! crazy i know. i wanna get a blood test but, im 15 & dont want to tell my mom. 4 test said positive but yet i got my period? my stomach wont shrink! no matter how much i exersise. i have a dark line from my stomach too my vagina? i heard that was a symptom but i didnt know for sure. my feet are swollen, & i have NO energy. no matter how much i sleep . i know this sounds stupid & it could be my imagination but i feel twitches in my stomach like it will twitch twice & stop or even just once. i have a lot of discharge & that never happens. i did pee a lot now i dont as much. below my belly button my stomachs kinda of hard. the only thing keeping me from believing those test is i got my period. ? is that even normal. & how much does a blood test cost, i have good issurance.
3 AnswersPregnancy8 years agoI need an iPhone from virgin mobile!?
my mom isn't down to pay 300$ to 400$ dollars for an iPhone . but I broke my htc evo 3d over a month ago & I cant take having a little phone anymore. I need a new one. but there so expensive!
im willing to pay up to 260$ ! maybe a little higher as long as its not 300$. I've tried eBay & everything & there all super expensive ! please help !! Friday is my last day to find one -.-
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years agowhere do I get supplies to make my own phone case?
okay so I see online all these homemade phone cases with all the glitter, charms, diamonds and bling & I wanna make my very own so I can have it the way I like with what I want on it. where do I buy the supplies and where do I get the case? how much do you think it would cost?
7 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years agowhere can I go to help people?
okay, I want to help talk to people who are suicidal, having a hard time in their life, feel just lonely, or need somebody. but im not look for a profession in this, just to be able to talk to them if they ever need me, considering I used to be and still halfway the same way. I understand who they are & why they're the way they are. a lot of drs. don't.. im not old enough for college or anything like that though.
1 AnswerCommunity Service8 years agocould I possibly be pregnant?
okay, so im worried! im only 15!!
I used to have sex with my boyfriend, well.. ex boyfriend now.. a lot. we would never use a condom. as bad as that it, I never really worried about it. I started to have ALL pregnancy symptoms & then got what I thought was my period? it didn't seem the same. and the next month still got my period & they were just all really light. my stomach is SUPER hard. & I feel twitching I guess you could say in my stomach every now & then. my heartbeat is REALLY strong in my stomach too. I have headaches all the time, and I always feel super exhausted my boobs are really sore! & I sometimes get cramps. I just have this little feeling that I am? I wouldn't be the only one though, all my friends are pregnant and I just want to have a better example for my kid then have to tell them I got pregnant at 15. I don't know what to do /:
and my feet are getting swollen which is weird. please help!
1 AnswerPregnancy8 years agois my vagina normal? I don't like it & I feel uncomfortable with it?
this is SOO embarrassing! but i'm 15, & have a rather large labia. I never really cared to much about it until my friend asked why my vagina looked different than hers... I had to explain to her that they don't all look the same. but she kind of made of it. & ever since then I've been realllllly insecure about it? is it normal to have a large labia? & what do guys honestly think about it? my friend talked to my boyfriend about my vagina, which really pissed me off, but I don't exactly know what his answer was. I feel so disgusting with it. & how did I get such a large labia?
5 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago